'use strict'; window.$ = require('jquery'); window.jQuery = window.$; require('bootstrap'); window.bootbox = require('bootbox'); require('jquery-form'); window.utils = require('./utils'); require('timeago'); const Visibility = require('visibilityjs'); const Benchpress = require('benchpressjs'); Benchpress.setGlobal('config', config); require('./sockets'); require('./overrides'); require('./ajaxify'); app = window.app || {}; app.isFocused = true; app.currentRoom = null; app.widgets = {}; app.flags = {}; app.onDomReady = function () { $(document).ready(async function () { if (app.user.timeagoCode && app.user.timeagoCode !== 'en') { await import(/* webpackChunkName: "timeago/[request]" */ 'timeago/locales/jquery.timeago.' + app.user.timeagoCode); } app.load(); }); }; if (document.readyState === 'loading') { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ajaxify.parseData); } else { ajaxify.parseData(); } (function () { let appLoaded = false; const isTouchDevice = utils.isTouchDevice(); app.cacheBuster = config['cache-buster']; app.coldLoad = function () { if (appLoaded) { ajaxify.coldLoad(); } else { $(window).one('action:app.load', ajaxify.coldLoad); } }; app.handleEarlyClicks = function () { /** * Occasionally, a button or anchor (not meant to be ajaxified) is clicked before * ajaxify is ready. Capture that event and re-click it once NodeBB is ready. * * e.g. New Topic/Reply, post tools */ if (document.body) { let earlyQueue = []; // once we can ES6, use Set instead const earlyClick = function (ev) { let btnEl = ev.target.closest('button'); const anchorEl = ev.target.closest('a'); if (!btnEl && anchorEl && (anchorEl.getAttribute('data-ajaxify') === 'false' || anchorEl.href === '#')) { btnEl = anchorEl; } if (btnEl && !earlyQueue.includes(btnEl)) { earlyQueue.push(btnEl); ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); } }; document.body.addEventListener('click', earlyClick); require(['hooks'], function (hooks) { hooks.on('action:ajaxify.end', function () { document.body.removeEventListener('click', earlyClick); earlyQueue.forEach(function (el) { el.click(); }); earlyQueue = []; }); }); } else { setTimeout(app.handleEarlyClicks, 50); } }; app.handleEarlyClicks(); app.load = function () { $('body').on('click', '#new_topic', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); app.newTopic(); }); Visibility.change(function (event, state) { app.isFocused = state === 'visible'; }); registerServiceWorker(); require([ 'taskbar', 'helpers', 'forum/pagination', 'messages', 'search', 'forum/header', 'hooks', ], function (taskbar, helpers, pagination, messages, search, header, hooks) { header.prepareDOM(); taskbar.init(); helpers.register(); pagination.init(); search.init(); overrides.overrideTimeago(); hooks.fire('action:app.load'); messages.show(); appLoaded = true; }); }; app.require = async function (modules) { const single = !Array.isArray(modules); if (single) { modules = [modules]; } async function requireModule(moduleName) { let _module; try { switch (moduleName) { case 'bootbox': return require('bootbox'); case 'benchpressjs': return require('benchpressjs'); case 'clipboard': return require('clipboard'); } if (moduleName.startsWith('admin')) { _module = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin/[request]" */ 'admin/' + moduleName.replace(/^admin\//, '')); } else if (moduleName.startsWith('forum')) { _module = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "forum/[request]" */ 'forum/' + moduleName.replace(/^forum\//, '')); } else { _module = await import(/* webpackChunkName: "modules/[request]" */ 'modules/' + moduleName); } } catch (err) { console.warn(`error loading ${moduleName}\n${err.stack}`); } return _module && _module.default ? _module.default : _module; } const result = await Promise.all(modules.map(requireModule)); return single ? result.pop() : result; } app.logout = function (redirect) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.logout is deprecated, please use logout module directly'); require(['logout'], function (logout) { logout(redirect); }); }; app.alert = function (params) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.alert is deprecated, please use alerts.alert'); require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.alert(params); }); }; app.removeAlert = function (id) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.removeAlert is deprecated, please use alerts.remove'); require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.remove(id); }); }; app.alertSuccess = function (message, timeout) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.alertSuccess is deprecated, please use alerts.success'); require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.success(message, timeout); }); }; app.alertError = function (message, timeout) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.alertError is deprecated, please use alerts.error'); require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.error(message, timeout); }); }; app.enterRoom = function (room, callback) { callback = callback || function () { }; if (socket && app.user.uid && app.currentRoom !== room) { const previousRoom = app.currentRoom; app.currentRoom = room; socket.emit('meta.rooms.enter', { enter: room, }, function (err) { if (err) { app.currentRoom = previousRoom; require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.error(err); }); return; } callback(); }); } }; app.leaveCurrentRoom = function () { if (!socket || config.maintenanceMode) { return; } const previousRoom = app.currentRoom; app.currentRoom = ''; socket.emit('meta.rooms.leaveCurrent', function (err) { if (err) { app.currentRoom = previousRoom; require(['alerts'], function (alerts) { alerts.error(err); }); } }); }; function highlightNavigationLink() { $('#main-nav li') .removeClass('active') .find('a') .filter(function (i, a) { return $(a).attr('href') !== '#' && window.location.hostname === a.hostname && ( window.location.pathname === a.pathname || window.location.pathname.startsWith(a.pathname + '/') ); }) .parent() .addClass('active'); } app.createUserTooltips = function (els, placement) { if (isTouchDevice) { return; } els = els || $('body'); els.find('.avatar,img[title].teaser-pic,img[title].user-img,div.user-icon,span.user-icon').one('mouseenter', function (ev) { const $this = $(this); // perf: create tooltips on demand $this.tooltip({ placement: placement || $this.attr('title-placement') || 'top', title: $this.attr('title'), container: '#content', }); // this will cause the tooltip to show up $this.trigger(ev); }); }; app.createStatusTooltips = function () { if (!isTouchDevice) { $('body').tooltip({ selector: '.fa-circle.status', placement: 'top', }); } }; app.processPage = function () { highlightNavigationLink(); overrides.overrideTimeagoCutoff(); $('.timeago').timeago(); utils.makeNumbersHumanReadable($('.human-readable-number')); utils.addCommasToNumbers($('.formatted-number')); app.createUserTooltips($('#content')); app.createStatusTooltips(); }; app.openChat = function (roomId, uid) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.openChat is deprecated, please use chat.openChat'); require(['chat'], function (chat) { chat.openChat(roomId, uid); }); }; app.newChat = function (touid, callback) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.newChat is deprecated, please use chat.newChat'); require(['chat'], function (chat) { chat.newChat(touid, callback); }); }; app.toggleNavbar = function (state) { require(['components'], (components) => { const navbarEl = components.get('navbar'); navbarEl[state ? 'show' : 'hide'](); }); }; app.enableTopicSearch = function (options) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.enableTopicSearch is deprecated, please use search.enableQuickSearch(options)'); require(['search'], function (search) { search.enableQuickSearch(options); }); }; app.handleSearch = function (searchOptions) { console.warn('[deprecated] app.handleSearch is deprecated, please use search.init(options)'); require(['search'], function (search) { search.init(searchOptions); }); }; app.prepareSearch = function () { console.warn('[deprecated] app.prepareSearch is deprecated, please use search.showAndFocusInput()'); require(['search'], function (search) { search.showAndFocusInput(); }); }; app.updateUserStatus = function (el, status) { if (!el.length) { return; } require(['translator'], function (translator) { translator.translate('[[global:' + status + ']]', function (translated) { el.removeClass('online offline dnd away') .addClass(status) .attr('title', translated) .attr('data-original-title', translated); }); }); }; app.newTopic = function (cid, tags) { require(['hooks'], function (hooks) { hooks.fire('action:composer.topic.new', { cid: cid || ajaxify.data.cid || 0, tags: tags || (ajaxify.data.tag ? [ajaxify.data.tag] : []), }); }); }; app.loadJQueryUI = function (callback) { if (typeof $().autocomplete === 'function') { return callback(); } require([ 'jquery-ui/widgets/datepicker', 'jquery-ui/widgets/autocomplete', 'jquery-ui/widgets/sortable', 'jquery-ui/widgets/resizable', 'jquery-ui/widgets/draggable', ], function () { callback(); }); }; app.parseAndTranslate = function (template, blockName, data, callback) { if (typeof blockName !== 'string') { callback = data; data = blockName; blockName = undefined; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { require(['translator', 'benchpress'], function (translator, Benchpress) { Benchpress.render(template, data, blockName) .then(rendered => translator.translate(rendered)) .then(translated => translator.unescape(translated)) .then(resolve, reject); }); }).then((html) => { html = $(html); if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') { setTimeout(callback, 0, html); } return html; }); }; function registerServiceWorker() { // Do not register for Safari browsers if (!config.useragent.isSafari && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceWorker.register(config.relative_path + '/service-worker.js', { scope: config.relative_path + '/' }) .then(function () { console.info('ServiceWorker registration succeeded.'); }).catch(function (err) { console.info('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err); }); } } }());