{ "banned": "Bannattu", "offline": "Offline", "username": "Käyttäjän nimi", "joindate": "Liittymispäivä", "postcount": "Viestien määrä", "email": "Sähköposti", "confirm_email": "Vahvista sähköpostiosoite", "account_info": "Account Info", "ban_account": "Ban Account", "ban_account_confirm": "Do you really want to ban this user?", "unban_account": "Unban Account", "delete_account": "Poista käyttäjätili", "delete_account_confirm": "Oletko täysin varma, että haluat poistaa käyttäjätilisi? <br /><strong>Tätä toimintoa ei voi kumonta eikä poistettua dataa voida palauttaa</strong><br /><br />Syötä käyttäjänimesi vahvistaaksesi, että haluat poistaa tilisi.", "delete_this_account_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this account? <br /><strong>This action is irreversible and you will not be able to recover any data</strong><br /><br />", "account-deleted": "Account deleted", "fullname": "Koko nimi", "website": "Kotisivu", "location": "Sijainti", "age": "Ikä", "joined": "Liittynyt", "lastonline": "Viimeksi online", "profile": "Profiili", "profile_views": "Profiilia katsottu", "reputation": "Maine", "favourites": "Bookmarks", "watched": "Seurattu", "followers": "Seuraajat", "following": "Seuratut", "aboutme": "About me", "signature": "Allekirjoitus", "birthday": "Syntymäpäivä", "chat": "Keskustele", "chat_with": "Chat with %1", "follow": "Seuraa", "unfollow": "Älä seuraa", "more": "More", "profile_update_success": "Profiili päivitettiin onnistuneesti!", "change_picture": "Vaihda kuva", "change_username": "Change Username", "change_email": "Change Email", "edit": "Muokkaa", "edit-profile": "Edit Profile", "default_picture": "Default Icon", "uploaded_picture": "Ladattu kuva", "upload_new_picture": "Lataa uusi kuva", "upload_new_picture_from_url": "Lataa uusi kuva URL-osoitteesta", "current_password": "Nykyinen salasana", "change_password": "Vaihda salasana", "change_password_error": "Virheellinen salasana", "change_password_error_wrong_current": "Nykyinen salasanasi ei ole oikein!", "change_password_error_length": "Salasana on liian lyhyt!", "change_password_error_match": "Salasanojen täytyy olla samat!", "change_password_error_privileges": "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia vaihtaa tätä salasanaa.", "change_password_success": "Salasanasi on päivitetty!", "confirm_password": "Vahvista salasana", "password": "Salasana", "username_taken_workaround": "Pyytämäsi käyttäjänimi oli jo varattu, joten muutimme sitä hieman. Käyttäjänimesi on siis nyt <strong>%1</strong>", "password_same_as_username": "Your password is the same as your username, please select another password.", "password_same_as_email": "Your password is the same as your email, please select another password.", "upload_picture": "Lataa kuva", "upload_a_picture": "Lataa kuva", "remove_uploaded_picture": "Remove Uploaded Picture", "upload_cover_picture": "Upload cover picture", "settings": "Asetukset", "show_email": "Näytä sähköpostiosoitteeni", "show_fullname": "Näytä koko nimeni", "restrict_chats": "Salli pikaviestit vain seuraamiltani käyttäjiltä", "digest_label": "Subscribe to Digest", "digest_description": "Tilaa päivitykset sähköpostilla tästä foorumista (uudet ilmoitukset ja aiheet) asetetun ajastuksen mukaan", "digest_off": "Pois päältä", "digest_daily": "Päivittäin", "digest_weekly": "Viikottain", "digest_monthly": "Kuukausittain", "send_chat_notifications": "Lähetä minulle sähköposti, jos uusi pikaviesti saapuu, kun en ole paikalla", "send_post_notifications": "Lähetä minulle sähköposti, kun tilaamiini aiheisiin tulee vastauksia", "settings-require-reload": "Some setting changes require a reload. Click here to reload the page.", "has_no_follower": "Kukaan ei seuraa tätä käyttäjää :(", "follows_no_one": "Tämä käyttäjä ei seuraa ketään :(", "has_no_posts": "This user hasn't posted anything yet.", "has_no_topics": "This user hasn't posted any topics yet.", "has_no_watched_topics": "This user hasn't watched any topics yet.", "has_no_upvoted_posts": "This user hasn't upvoted any posts yet.", "has_no_downvoted_posts": "This user hasn't downvoted any posts yet.", "has_no_voted_posts": "This user has no voted posts", "email_hidden": "Sähköposti piilotettu", "hidden": "piilotettu", "paginate_description": "Paginate topics and posts instead of using infinite scroll", "topics_per_page": "Aihetta per sivu", "posts_per_page": "Viestiä per sivu", "notification_sounds": "Play a sound when you receive a notification", "notifications_and_sounds": "Notifications & Sounds", "incoming-message-sound": "Incoming message sound", "outgoing-message-sound": "Outgoing message sound", "notification-sound": "Notification sound", "no-sound": "No sound", "browsing": "Selataan asetuksia", "open_links_in_new_tab": "Open outgoing links in new tab", "enable_topic_searching": "Salli aiheen sisäiset haut", "topic_search_help": "If enabled, in-topic searching will override the browser's default page search behaviour and allow you to search through the entire topic, instead of what is only shown on screen", "delay_image_loading": "Delay Image Loading", "image_load_delay_help": "If enabled, images in topics will not load until they are scrolled into view", "scroll_to_my_post": "After posting a reply, show the new post", "follow_topics_you_reply_to": "Watch topics that you reply to", "follow_topics_you_create": "Watch topics you create", "grouptitle": "Group Title", "no-group-title": "No group title", "select-skin": "Select a Skin", "select-homepage": "Select a Homepage", "homepage": "Homepage", "homepage_description": "Select a page to use as the forum homepage or 'None' to use the default homepage.", "custom_route": "Custom Homepage Route", "custom_route_help": "Enter a route name here, without any preceding slash (e.g. \"recent\", or \"popular\")", "sso.title": "Single Sign-on Services", "sso.associated": "Associated with", "sso.not-associated": "Click here to associate with", "info.latest-flags": "Latest Flags", "info.no-flags": "No Flagged Posts Found", "info.ban-history": "Recent Ban History", "info.no-ban-history": "This user has never been banned", "info.banned-until": "Banned until %1", "info.banned-permanently": "Banned permanently", "info.banned-reason-label": "Reason", "info.banned-no-reason": "No reason given." }