// this test currently needs to talk to the redis database. // get the redis config info from root directory's config.json: var path = require('path'), nconf = require('nconf'), winston = require('winston'); nconf.file({ file: path.join(__dirname, '../config.json') }); process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { winston.error('Encountered error while running test suite: ' + err.message); }); var assert = require('assert'), RDB = require('../src/redis'); // Reds is not technically used in this test suite, but its invocation is required to stop the included // libraries from trying to connect to the default Redis host/port var reds = require('reds'); reds.createClient = function () { return reds.client || (reds.client = RDB); }; var Categories = require('../src/categories'); describe('Categories', function() { var categoryObj; describe('.create', function() { it('should create a new category', function(done) { Categories.create({ name: 'Test Category', description: 'Test category created by testing script', icon: 'icon-ok', blockclass: 'category-blue', order: '5' }, function(err, category) { categoryObj = category; done.apply(this, arguments); }); }); }); describe('.getCategoryById', function() { it('should retrieve a newly created category by its ID', function(done) { Categories.getCategoryById(categoryObj.cid, 0, function(err, categoryData) { assert(categoryData); assert.equal(categoryObj.name, categoryData.category_name); assert.equal(categoryObj.description, categoryData.category_description); done(); }); }); }); describe('.getCategoryTopics', function() { it('should return a list of topics', function(done) { Categories.getCategoryTopics(categoryObj.cid, 0, 10, 0, function(topics) { assert(Array.isArray(topics)); assert(topics.every(function(topic) { return topic instanceof Object; })); done(); }); }); }); after(function() { RDB.multi() .del('category:'+categoryObj.cid) .rpop('categories:cid') .exec(); }); });