'use strict'; var async = require('async'), nconf = require('nconf'), winston = require('winston'), user = require('../user'), utils = require('../../public/src/utils'), db = require('../database'), notifications = require('../notifications'), posts = require('../posts'), postTools = require('../postTools'), topics = require('../topics'), privileges = require('../privileges'); (function(UserNotifications) { UserNotifications.get = function(uid, callback) { function getNotifications(set, start, stop, iterator, done) { db.getSortedSetRevRange(set, start, stop, function(err, uniqueIds) { if(err) { return done(err); } if(!Array.isArray(uniqueIds) || !uniqueIds.length) { return done(null, []); } if (uniqueIds.length > maxNotifs) { uniqueIds.length = maxNotifs; } db.getObjectFields('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:uniqueId:nid', uniqueIds, function(err, uniqueIdToNids) { if (err) { return done(err); } var nidsToUniqueIds = {}; Object.keys(uniqueIdToNids).forEach(function(uniqueId) { nidsToUniqueIds[uniqueIdToNids[uniqueId]] = uniqueId; }); async.map(Object.keys(nidsToUniqueIds), function(nid, next) { notifications.get(nid, function(err, notif_data) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!notif_data) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[notifications.get] nid ' + nid + ' not found. Removing.'); } db.sortedSetRemove(set, nidsToUniqueIds[nid]); return next(); } if (typeof iterator === 'function') { iterator(notif_data, next); } else { next(null, notif_data); } }); }, done); }); }); } var maxNotifs = 15; async.parallel({ unread: function(next) { getNotifications('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, 9, function(notif_data, next) { notif_data.read = false; notif_data.readClass = !notif_data.read ? 'label-warning' : ''; next(null, notif_data); }, next); }, read: function(next) { getNotifications('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', 0, 9, function(notif_data, next) { notif_data.read = true; next(null, notif_data); }, next); } }, function(err, notifications) { function filterDeleted(notifObj) { return !!notifObj; } if (err) { return callback(err); } notifications.read = notifications.read.filter(filterDeleted); notifications.unread = notifications.unread.filter(filterDeleted); // Limit the number of notifications to `maxNotifs`, prioritising unread notifications if (notifications.read.length + notifications.unread.length > maxNotifs) { notifications.read.length = maxNotifs - notifications.unread.length; } callback(null, notifications); }); }; UserNotifications.getAll = function(uid, limit, before, callback) { var now = new Date(); if (!limit || parseInt(limit, 10) <= 0) { limit = 25; } if (before) { before = new Date(parseInt(before, 10)); } db.getObjectValues('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:uniqueId:nid', function(err, nids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } async.map(nids, function(nid, next) { notifications.get(nid, function(err, notif_data) { if (err || !notif_data) { return next(err); } UserNotifications.isNotificationRead(notif_data.nid, uid, function(err, isRead) { if (err) { return next(err); } notif_data.read = isRead; next(null, notif_data); }); }); }, function(err, notifs) { if (err) { return callback(err); } notifs = notifs.filter(function(notif) { return notif !== null; }).sort(function(a, b) { return parseInt(b.datetime, 10) - parseInt(a.datetime, 10); }).map(function(notif) { notif.datetimeISO = utils.toISOString(notif.datetime); notif.readClass = !notif.read ? 'label-warning' : ''; return notif; }); callback(null, notifs); }); }); }; UserNotifications.isNotificationRead = function(nid, uid, callback) { db.isSortedSetMember('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:read', nid, callback); }; UserNotifications.getDailyUnread = function(uid, callback) { var now = Date.now(), yesterday = now - (1000*60*60*24); // Approximate, can be more or less depending on time changes, makes no difference really. db.getSortedSetRangeByScore('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, 20, yesterday, now, function(err, uniqueIds) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!Array.isArray(uniqueIds) || !uniqueIds.length) { return callback(null, []); } db.getObjectFields('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:uniqueId:nid', uniqueIds, function(err, uniqueIdToNids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var nids = Object.keys(uniqueIdToNids).map(function(uniqueId) { return uniqueIdToNids[uniqueId]; }); async.map(nids, function(nid, next) { notifications.get(nid, next); }, callback); }); }); }; UserNotifications.getUnreadCount = function(uid, callback) { db.sortedSetCount('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', -Infinity, Infinity, callback); }; UserNotifications.getUnreadByField = function(uid, field, value, callback) { db.getSortedSetRange('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:unread', 0, -1, function(err, uniqueIds) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!Array.isArray(uniqueIds) || !uniqueIds.length) { return callback(null, []); } db.getObjectFields('uid:' + uid + ':notifications:uniqueId:nid', uniqueIds, function(err, uniqueIdsToNids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var nids = Object.keys(uniqueIdsToNids).map(function(uniqueId) { return uniqueIdsToNids[uniqueId]; }); async.filter(nids, function(nid, next) { notifications.get(nid, function(err, notifObj) { if (err || !notifObj) { return next(false); } next(notifObj[field] === value.toString()); }); }, function(nids) { callback(null, nids); }); }); }); }; UserNotifications.sendPostNotificationToFollowers = function(uid, tid, pid) { db.getSetMembers('followers:' + uid, function(err, followers) { if (err || !followers || !followers.length) { return; } async.parallel({ username: async.apply(user.getUserField, uid, 'username'), topic: async.apply(topics.getTopicFields, tid, ['slug', 'cid', 'title']), postIndex: async.apply(posts.getPidIndex, pid), postContent: function(next) { async.waterfall([ async.apply(posts.getPostField, pid, 'content'), function(content, next) { postTools.parse(content, next); } ], next); }, topicFollowers: function(next) { db.isSetMembers('tid:' + tid + ':followers', followers, next); } }, function(err, results) { if (err) { return; } followers = followers.filter(function(value, index) { return !results.topicFollowers[index]; }); notifications.create({ bodyShort: '[[notifications:user_posted_to, ' + results.username + ', ' + results.topic.title + ']]', bodyLong: results.postContent, path: nconf.get('relative_path') + '/topic/' + results.topic.slug + '/' + results.postIndex, uniqueId: 'topic:' + tid, from: uid }, function(err, nid) { if (err) { return; } async.filter(followers, function(uid, next) { privileges.categories.can('read', results.topic.cid, uid, function(err, canRead) { next(!err && canRead); }); }, function(followers){ notifications.push(nid, followers); }); }); }); }); }; UserNotifications.pushCount = function(uid) { var websockets = require('./../socket.io'); UserNotifications.getUnreadCount(uid, function(err, count) { if (err) { return winston.warn('[User.pushNotifCount] Count not retrieve unread notifications count to push to uid ' + uid + '\'s client(s)'); } websockets.in('uid_' + uid).emit('event:notifications.updateCount', count); }); }; }(exports));