	"site-settings": "網站設定",
	"title": "網站標題",
	"title.short": "短標題",
	"title.short-placeholder": "如短標題為指定則會使用網站標題",
	"title.url": "網址",
	"title.url-placeholder": "網站標題連結",
	"title.url-help": "當標題被點擊,使用者將轉導到該地址。如果留白,使用者將跳轉到論壇首頁。",
	"title.name": "您的社區名稱",
	"title.show-in-header": "在頂部顯示網站標題",
	"browser-title": "瀏覽器標題",
	"browser-title-help": "如果沒有指定瀏覽器標題,將會使用網站標題",
	"title-layout": "標題佈局",
	"title-layout-help": "定義瀏覽器標題的佈局,即{pageTitle} | {browserTitle}",
	"description.placeholder": "關於您的社區的簡短說明",
	"description": "網站描述",
	"keywords": "網站關鍵字",
	"keywords-placeholder": "描述您的社區的關鍵字,以逗號分隔",
	"logo": "網站 Logo",
	"logo.image": "圖檔",
	"logo.image-placeholder": "要在論壇標題上顯示的 Logo 的路徑",
	"logo.upload": "上傳",
	"logo.url": "網址",
	"logo.url-placeholder": "網站 Logo 連結",
	"logo.url-help": "當 Logo 被點擊時,將使用者轉導到此地址。如果留白,使用者將被轉導到論壇首頁。",
	"logo.alt-text": "替代文字",
	"log.alt-text-placeholder": "輔助功能的替代文字",
	"favicon": "網站圖示",
	"favicon.upload": "上傳",
	"pwa": "Progressive Web App",
	"touch-icon": "Touch Icon",
	"touch-icon.upload": "上傳",
	"touch-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no touch icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to using the favicon.",
	"maskable-icon": "Maskable (Homescreen) Icon",
	"maskable-icon.help": "Recommended size and format: 512x512, PNG format only. If no maskable icon is specified, NodeBB will fall back to the Touch Icon.",
	"outgoing-links": "站外連結",
	"outgoing-links.warning-page": "使用站外連結警告頁",
	"search": "Search",
	"search-default-in": "Search In",
	"search-default-in-quick": "Quick Search In",
	"search-default-sort-by": "Sort by",
	"outgoing-links.whitelist": "新增域名到白名單以繞過警告頁面",
	"site-colors": "網站顏色仲介資料",
	"theme-color": "主題顏色",
	"background-color": "背景顏色",
	"background-color-help": "當網站以 PWA 方式安裝時起始視窗的背景顏色",
	"undo-timeout": "Undo Timeout",
	"undo-timeout-help": "Some operations such as moving topics will allow for the moderator to undo their action within a certain timeframe. Set to 0 to disable undo completely.",
	"topic-tools": "Topic Tools"