{ "post-queue": "Черга Постів", "description": "There are no posts in the post queue.
To enable this feature, go to Settings → Post → Post Queue and enable Post Queue.", "user": "Користувач", "category": "Категорія", "title": "Заголовок", "content": "Зміст", "posted": "Опубліковано", "reply-to": "Відповідь для \"%1\"", "content-editable": "Click on content to edit", "category-editable": "Click on category to edit", "title-editable": "Click on title to edit", "reply": "Reply", "topic": "Topic", "accept": "Accept", "reject": "Reject", "remove": "Remove", "notify": "Notify", "notify-user": "Notify User", "confirm-reject": "Do you want to reject this post?", "bulk-actions": "Bulk Actions", "accept-all": "Accept All", "accept-selected": "Accept Selected", "reject-all": "Reject All", "reject-all-confirm": "Do you want to reject all posts?", "reject-selected": "Reject Selected", "reject-selected-confirm": "Do you want to reject %1 selected posts?", "bulk-accept-success": "%1 posts accepted", "bulk-reject-success": "%1 posts rejected" }