'use strict'; /* globals define, app, templates, translator, socket, bootbox, config, ajaxify, RELATIVE_PATH, utils */ var dependencies = [ 'forum/pagination', 'forum/infinitescroll', 'forum/topic/threadTools', 'forum/topic/postTools', 'forum/topic/events', 'forum/topic/browsing', 'navigator' ]; define('forum/topic', dependencies, function(pagination, infinitescroll, threadTools, postTools, events, browsing, navigator) { var Topic = {}, currentUrl = ''; $(window).on('action:ajaxify.start', function(ev, data) { if(data.url.indexOf('topic') !== 0) { navigator.hide(); $('.header-topic-title').find('span').text('').hide(); app.removeAlert('bookmark'); events.removeListeners(); socket.removeListener('event:new_post', onNewPost); socket.removeListener('event:new_notification', onNewNotification); } }); Topic.init = function() { var tid = ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id'), thread_state = { locked: ajaxify.variables.get('locked'), deleted: ajaxify.variables.get('deleted'), pinned: ajaxify.variables.get('pinned') }, postCount = ajaxify.variables.get('postcount'); $(window).trigger('action:topic.loading'); app.enterRoom('topic_' + tid); processPage($('.topic')); showBottomPostBar(); postTools.init(tid, thread_state); threadTools.init(tid, thread_state); events.init(); handleSorting(); hidePostToolsForDeletedPosts(); enableInfiniteLoadingOrPagination(); addBlockQuoteHandler(); addBlockquoteEllipses($('.topic .post-content > blockquote')); handleBookmark(tid); navigator.init('.posts > .post-row', postCount, Topic.toTop, Topic.toBottom, Topic.navigatorCallback, Topic.calculateIndex); setupSocketListeners(); $(window).on('scroll', updateTopicTitle); $(window).trigger('action:topic.loaded'); socket.emit('topics.enter', tid); }; function setupSocketListeners() { socket.removeListener('event:new_post', onNewPost); socket.removeListener('event:new_notification', onNewNotification); socket.on('event:new_post', onNewPost); socket.on('event:new_notification', onNewNotification); } Topic.toTop = function() { navigator.scrollTop(0); }; Topic.toBottom = function() { socket.emit('topics.postcount', ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id'), function(err, postCount) { if (config.topicPostSort !== 'oldest_to_newest') { postCount = 1; } navigator.scrollBottom(postCount - 1); }); }; function handleBookmark(tid) { var bookmark = localStorage.getItem('topic:' + tid + ':bookmark'); var postIndex = getPostIndex(); if (postIndex) { navigator.scrollToPost(postIndex - 1, true); } else if (bookmark && (!config.usePagination || (config.usePagination && pagination.currentPage === 1)) && ajaxify.variables.get('postcount') > 1) { app.alert({ alert_id: 'bookmark', message: '[[topic:bookmark_instructions]]', timeout: 0, type: 'info', clickfn : function() { navigator.scrollToPost(parseInt(bookmark, 10), true); }, closefn : function() { localStorage.removeItem('topic:' + tid + ':bookmark'); } }); } } function getPostIndex() { var parts = window.location.pathname.split('/'); return parts[4] ? parseInt(parts[4], 10) : 0; } function handleSorting() { var threadSort = $('.thread-sort'); threadSort.find('i').removeClass('fa-check'); var currentSetting = threadSort.find('a[data-sort="' + config.topicPostSort + '"]'); currentSetting.find('i').addClass('fa-check'); $('.thread-sort').on('click', 'a', function() { var newSetting = $(this).attr('data-sort'); socket.emit('user.setTopicSort', newSetting, function(err) { config.topicPostSort = newSetting; ajaxify.go('topic/' + ajaxify.variables.get('topic_slug')); }); }); } function showBottomPostBar() { if($('#post-container .post-row').length > 1 || !$('#post-container li[data-index="0"]').length) { $('.bottom-post-bar').removeClass('hide'); } } function onNewPost(data) { var tid = ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id'); if(data && data.posts && data.posts.length && parseInt(data.posts[0].tid, 10) !== parseInt(tid, 10)) { return; } if(config.usePagination) { return onNewPostPagination(data); } for (var i=0; i'); } }); } function enableInfiniteLoadingOrPagination() { if(!config.usePagination) { infinitescroll.init(loadMorePosts, $('#post-container .post-row[data-index="0"]').height()); } else { navigator.hide(); pagination.init(parseInt(ajaxify.variables.get('currentPage'), 10), parseInt(ajaxify.variables.get('pageCount'), 10)); } } function hidePostToolsForDeletedPosts() { $('#post-container li.deleted').each(function() { postTools.toggle($(this).attr('data-pid'), true); }); } function updateTopicTitle() { if($(window).scrollTop() > 50) { $('.header-topic-title').find('span').text(ajaxify.variables.get('topic_name')).show(); } else { $('.header-topic-title').find('span').text('').hide(); } } Topic.calculateIndex = function(index, elementCount) { if (index !== 1 && config.topicPostSort !== 'oldest_to_newest') { return elementCount - index + 2; } return index; }; Topic.navigatorCallback = function(element, elementCount) { var path = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(window.location.pathname.slice(1)); if (!path.startsWith('topic')) { return 1; } var postIndex = parseInt(element.attr('data-index'), 10); var index = postIndex + 1; if (config.topicPostSort !== 'oldest_to_newest') { if (postIndex === 0) { index = 1; } else { index = Math.max(elementCount - postIndex + 1, 1); } } var currentBookmark = localStorage.getItem('topic:' + ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id') + ':bookmark'); if (!currentBookmark || parseInt(postIndex, 10) >= parseInt(currentBookmark, 10)) { localStorage.setItem('topic:' + ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id') + ':bookmark', postIndex); app.removeAlert('bookmark'); } if (!navigator.scrollActive) { var parts = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(window.location.pathname.slice(1)).split('/'); var topicId = parts[1], slug = parts[2]; var newUrl = 'topic/' + topicId + '/' + (slug ? slug : ''); if (postIndex > 0) { newUrl += '/' + (postIndex + 1); } if (newUrl !== currentUrl) { if (history.replaceState) { var search = (window.location.search ? window.location.search : ''); history.replaceState({ url: newUrl + search }, null, window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + RELATIVE_PATH + '/' + newUrl + search); } currentUrl = newUrl; } } return index; }; function onNewPostPagination(data) { var posts = data.posts; socket.emit('topics.getPageCount', ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id'), function(err, newPageCount) { pagination.recreatePaginationLinks(newPageCount); if (pagination.currentPage === pagination.pageCount) { createNewPosts(data); } else if(data.posts && data.posts.length && parseInt(data.posts[0].uid, 10) === parseInt(app.uid, 10)) { pagination.loadPage(pagination.pageCount); } }); } function createNewPosts(data, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if(!data || (data.posts && !data.posts.length)) { return callback(false); } function removeAlreadyAddedPosts() { data.posts = data.posts.filter(function(post) { return $('#post-container li[data-pid="' + post.pid +'"]').length === 0; }); } var after = null, before = null; function findInsertionPoint() { var firstPostTimestamp = parseInt(data.posts[0].timestamp, 10); var firstPostVotes = parseInt(data.posts[0].votes, 10); var firstPostIndex = parseInt(data.posts[0].index, 10); var firstReply = $('#post-container li.post-row[data-index!="0"]').first(); var lastReply = $('#post-container li.post-row[data-index!="0"]').last(); if (config.topicPostSort === 'oldest_to_newest') { if (firstPostTimestamp < parseInt(firstReply.attr('data-timestamp'), 10)) { before = firstReply; } else if(firstPostTimestamp >= parseInt(lastReply.attr('data-timestamp'), 10)) { after = lastReply; } } else if(config.topicPostSort === 'newest_to_oldest') { if (firstPostTimestamp > parseInt(firstReply.attr('data-timestamp'), 10)) { before = firstReply; } else if(firstPostTimestamp <= parseInt(lastReply.attr('data-timestamp'), 10)) { after = lastReply; } } else if(config.topicPostSort === 'most_votes') { if (firstPostVotes > parseInt(firstReply.attr('data-votes'), 10)) { before = firstReply; } else if(firstPostVotes < parseInt(firstReply.attr('data-votes'), 10)) { after = lastReply; } else { if (firstPostIndex > parseInt(firstReply.attr('data-index'), 10)) { before = firstReply; } else if(firstPostIndex <= parseInt(firstReply.attr('data-index'), 10)) { after = lastReply; } } } } removeAlreadyAddedPosts(); if(!data.posts.length) { return callback(false); } findInsertionPoint(); data.title = $('
').text(ajaxify.variables.get('topic_name')).html(); data.viewcount = ajaxify.variables.get('viewcount'); infinitescroll.parseAndTranslate('topic', 'posts', data, function(html) { if(after) { html.insertAfter(after); } else if(before) { // Save document height and position for future reference (about 5 lines down) var height = $(document).height(), scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop(), originalPostEl = $('li[data-index="0"]'); // Insert the new post html.insertBefore(before); // If the user is not at the top of the page... (or reasonably so...) if (scrollTop > originalPostEl.offset().top) { // Now restore the relative position the user was on prior to new post insertion $(document).scrollTop(scrollTop + ($(document).height() - height)); } } else { $('#post-container').append(html); } html.hide().fadeIn('slow'); addBlockquoteEllipses(html.find('.post-content > blockquote')); $(window).trigger('action:posts.loaded'); onNewPostsLoaded(html, data.posts); callback(true); }); } function onNewPostsLoaded(html, posts) { var pids = []; for(var i=0; i'); } }); postTools.updatePostCount(); showBottomPostBar(); } function toggleModTools(pid, privileges) { var postEl = $('.post-row[data-pid="' + pid + '"]'); postEl.find('.edit, .delete').toggleClass('hidden', !privileges.editable); postEl.find('.move').toggleClass('hidden', !privileges.move); postEl.find('.reply, .quote').toggleClass('hidden', !$('.post_reply').length); var isSelfPost = parseInt(postEl.attr('data-uid'), 10) === parseInt(app.uid, 10); postEl.find('.chat, .flag').toggleClass('hidden', isSelfPost || !app.uid); } function loadMorePosts(direction) { if (!$('#post-container').length || navigator.scrollActive) { return; } var reverse = config.topicPostSort === 'newest_to_oldest' || config.topicPostSort === 'most_votes'; infinitescroll.calculateAfter(direction, '#post-container .post-row[data-index!="0"]', config.postsPerPage, reverse, function(after, offset, el) { loadPostsAfter(after); }); } function loadPostsAfter(after) { var tid = ajaxify.variables.get('topic_id'); if (!utils.isNumber(tid) || !utils.isNumber(after) || (after === 0 && $('#post-container li.post-row[data-index="1"]').length)) { return; } var indicatorEl = $('.loading-indicator'); if (!indicatorEl.is(':animated')) { indicatorEl.fadeIn(); } infinitescroll.loadMore('topics.loadMore', { tid: tid, after: after }, function (data, done) { indicatorEl.fadeOut(); if (data && data.posts && data.posts.length) { createNewPosts(data, function(postsCreated) { done(); }); hidePostToolsForDeletedPosts(); } else { socket.emit('topics.markAsRead', [tid]); navigator.update(); done(); } }); } return Topic; });