{ "maintenance-mode": "점검 모드", "maintenance-mode.help": "포럼이 점검 모드일 경우 모든 요청은 정적 페이지로 라다이렉트될 것입니다. 관리자는 이 리다이렉션의 예외가 되고 사이트에 접속하는 것이 가능합니다.", "maintenance-mode.message": "점검 메세지", "headers": "헤더", "headers.allow-from": "Set ALLOW-FROM to Place NodeBB in an iFrame", "headers.powered-by": "Customise the \"Powered By\" header sent by NodeBB", "headers.acao": "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "headers.acao-help": "To deny access to all sites, leave empty", "headers.acam": "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "headers.acah": "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "traffic-management": "Traffic Management", "traffic.help": "NodeBB deploys equipped with a module that automatically denies requests in high-traffic situations. You can tune these settings here, although the defaults are a good starting point.", "traffic.enable": "Enable Traffic Management", "traffic.event-lag": "Event Loop Lag Threshold (in milliseconds)", "traffic.event-lag-help": "Lowering this value decreases wait times for page loads, but will also show the \"excessive load\" message to more users. (Restart required)", "traffic.lag-check-interval": "Check Interval (in milliseconds)", "traffic.lag-check-interval-help": "Lowering this value causes NodeBB to become more sensitive to spikes in load, but may also cause the check to become too sensitive. (Restart required)" }