"use strict"; var db = require('./database'), async = require('async'), winston = require('winston'), Upgrade = {}, minSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 7, 18), // This value gets updated every new MINOR version schemaDate, thisSchemaDate, // IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO UPDATE VALUE OF latestSchema latestSchema = Date.UTC(2016, 3, 14); Upgrade.check = function(callback) { db.get('schemaDate', function(err, value) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!value) { db.set('schemaDate', latestSchema, function(err) { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null); }); return; } var schema_ok = parseInt(value, 10) >= latestSchema; callback(!schema_ok ? new Error('schema-out-of-date') : null); }); }; Upgrade.update = function(schemaDate, callback) { db.set('schemaDate', schemaDate, callback); }; Upgrade.upgrade = function(callback) { var updatesMade = false; winston.info('Beginning database schema update'); async.series([ function(next) { // Prepare for upgrade & check to make sure the upgrade is possible db.get('schemaDate', function(err, value) { if(!value) { db.set('schemaDate', latestSchema, function() { next(); }); schemaDate = latestSchema; } else { schemaDate = parseInt(value, 10); } if (schemaDate >= minSchemaDate) { next(); } else { next(new Error('upgrade-not-possible')); } }); }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 8, 30); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2015/09/30] Converting default Gravatar image to default User Avatar'); async.waterfall([ async.apply(db.isObjectField, 'config', 'customGravatarDefaultImage'), function(keyExists, _next) { if (keyExists) { _next(); } else { winston.info('[2015/09/30] Converting default Gravatar image to default User Avatar skipped'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); next(); } }, async.apply(db.getObjectField, 'config', 'customGravatarDefaultImage'), async.apply(db.setObjectField, 'config', 'defaultAvatar'), async.apply(db.deleteObjectField, 'config', 'customGravatarDefaultImage') ], function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2015/09/30] Converting default Gravatar image to default User Avatar done'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2015/09/30] Converting default Gravatar image to default User Avatar skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 10, 6); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2015/11/06] Removing gravatar'); db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function(err, uids) { if (err) { return next(err); } async.eachLimit(uids, 500, function(uid, next) { db.getObjectFields('user:' + uid, ['picture', 'gravatarpicture'], function(err, userData) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!userData.picture || !userData.gravatarpicture) { return next(); } if (userData.gravatarpicture === userData.picture) { async.series([ function (next) { db.setObjectField('user:' + uid, 'picture', '', next); }, function (next) { db.deleteObjectField('user:' + uid, 'gravatarpicture', next); } ], next); } else { db.deleteObjectField('user:' + uid, 'gravatarpicture', next); } }); }, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2015/11/06] Gravatar pictures removed!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2015/11/06] Gravatar removal skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 11, 15); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2015/12/15] Upgrading chats'); db.getObjectFields('global', ['nextMid', 'nextChatRoomId'], function(err, globalData) { if (err) { return next(err); } var rooms = {}; var roomId = globalData.nextChatRoomId || 1; var currentMid = 1; async.whilst(function() { return currentMid <= globalData.nextMid; }, function(next) { db.getObject('message:' + currentMid, function(err, message) { function addMessageToUids(roomId, callback) { async.parallel([ function(next) { db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + message.fromuid + ':chat:room:' + roomId + ':mids', msgTime, currentMid, next); }, function(next) { db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + message.touid + ':chat:room:' + roomId + ':mids', msgTime, currentMid, next); } ], callback); } if (err || !message) { winston.info('skipping chat message ', currentMid); currentMid ++; return next(err); } var pairID = [parseInt(message.fromuid, 10), parseInt(message.touid, 10)].sort().join(':'); var msgTime = parseInt(message.timestamp, 10); if (rooms[pairID]) { winston.info('adding message ' + currentMid + ' to existing roomID ' + roomId); addMessageToUids(rooms[pairID], function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } currentMid ++; next(); }); } else { winston.info('adding message ' + currentMid + ' to new roomID ' + roomId); async.parallel([ function(next) { db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + message.fromuid + ':chat:rooms', msgTime, roomId, next); }, function(next) { db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + message.touid + ':chat:rooms', msgTime, roomId, next); }, function(next) { db.sortedSetAdd('chat:room:' + roomId + ':uids', [msgTime, msgTime + 1], [message.fromuid, message.touid], next); }, function(next) { addMessageToUids(roomId, next); } ], function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } rooms[pairID] = roomId; roomId ++; currentMid ++; db.setObjectField('global', 'nextChatRoomId', roomId, next); }); } }); }, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2015/12/15] Chats upgrade done!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2015/12/15] Chats upgrade skipped!'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2015, 11, 23); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2015/12/23] Upgrading chat room hashes'); db.getObjectField('global', 'nextChatRoomId', function(err, nextChatRoomId) { if (err) { return next(err); } var currentChatRoomId = 1; async.whilst(function() { return currentChatRoomId <= nextChatRoomId; }, function(next) { db.getSortedSetRange('chat:room:' + currentChatRoomId + ':uids', 0, 0, function(err, uids) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!Array.isArray(uids) || !uids.length || !uids[0]) { ++ currentChatRoomId; return next(); } db.setObject('chat:room:' + currentChatRoomId, {owner: uids[0], roomId: currentChatRoomId}, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } ++ currentChatRoomId; next(); }); }); }, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2015/12/23] Chats room hashes upgrade done!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2015/12/23] Chats room hashes upgrade skipped!'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2016, 0, 11); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2015/12/23] Adding theme to active plugins sorted set'); async.waterfall([ async.apply(db.getObjectField, 'config', 'theme:id'), async.apply(db.sortedSetAdd, 'plugins:active', 0) ], function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2015/12/23] Adding theme to active plugins sorted set done!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2015/12/23] Adding theme to active plugins sorted set skipped!'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2016, 0, 14); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2016/01/14] Creating user best post sorted sets'); var batch = require('./batch'); batch.processSortedSet('posts:pid', function(ids, next) { async.eachSeries(ids, function(id, next) { db.getObjectFields('post:' + id, ['pid', 'uid', 'votes'], function(err, postData) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!postData || !parseInt(postData.votes, 10) || !parseInt(postData.uid, 10)) { return next(); } winston.info('processing pid: ' + postData.pid + ' uid: ' + postData.uid + ' votes: ' + postData.votes); db.sortedSetAdd('uid:' + postData.uid + ':posts:votes', postData.votes, postData.pid, next); }); }, next); }, {}, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2016/01/14] Creating user best post sorted sets done!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2016/01/14] Creating user best post sorted sets skipped!'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2016, 0, 20); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2016/01/20] Creating users:notvalidated'); var batch = require('./batch'); var now = Date.now(); batch.processSortedSet('users:joindate', function(ids, next) { async.eachSeries(ids, function(id, next) { db.getObjectFields('user:' + id, ['uid', 'email:confirmed'], function(err, userData) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!userData || !parseInt(userData.uid, 10) || parseInt(userData['email:confirmed'], 10) === 1) { return next(); } winston.info('processing uid: ' + userData.uid + ' email:confirmed: ' + userData['email:confirmed']); db.sortedSetAdd('users:notvalidated', now, userData.uid, next); }); }, next); }, {}, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2016/01/20] Creating users:notvalidated done!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2016/01/20] Creating users:notvalidated skipped!'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2016, 0, 23); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2016/01/23] Creating Global moderators group'); var groups = require('./groups'); async.waterfall([ function (next) { groups.exists('Global Moderators', next); }, function (exists, next) { if (exists) { return next(null, null); } groups.create({ name: 'Global Moderators', userTitle: 'Global Moderator', description: 'Forum wide moderators', hidden: 0, private: 1, disableJoinRequests: 1 }, next); }, function (groupData, next) { groups.show('Global Moderators', next); } ], function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2016/01/23] Creating Global moderators group done!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2016/01/23] Creating Global moderators group skipped!'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2016, 1, 25); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2016/02/25] Social: Post Sharing'); var social = require('./social'); async.parallel([ function (next) { social.setActivePostSharingNetworks(['facebook', 'google', 'twitter'], next); }, function (next) { db.deleteObjectField('config', 'disableSocialButtons', next); } ], function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2016/02/25] Social: Post Sharing done!'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2016/02/25] Social: Post Sharing skipped!'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2016, 3, 14); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { updatesMade = true; winston.info('[2016/04/14] Group title from settings to user profile'); var user = require('./user'); var batch = require('./batch'); var count = 0; batch.processSortedSet('users:joindate', function(uids, next) { winston.info('upgraded ' + count + ' users'); user.getMultipleUserSettings(uids, function(err, settings) { if (err) { return next(err); } count += uids.length; settings = settings.filter(function(setting) { return setting && setting.groupTitle; }); async.each(settings, function(setting, next) { db.setObjectField('user:' + setting.uid, 'groupTitle', setting.groupTitle, next); }, next); }); }, {}, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2016/04/14] Group title from settings to user profile done'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2016/04/14] Group title from settings to user profile skipped!'); next(); } } // Add new schema updates here // IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO UPDATE VALUE OF latestSchema IN LINE 24!!! ], function(err) { if (!err) { if(updatesMade) { winston.info('[upgrade] Schema update complete!'); } else { winston.info('[upgrade] Schema already up to date!'); } } else { switch(err.message) { case 'upgrade-not-possible': winston.error('[upgrade] NodeBB upgrade could not complete, as your database schema is too far out of date.'); winston.error('[upgrade] Please ensure that you did not skip any minor version upgrades.'); winston.error('[upgrade] (e.g. v0.1.x directly to v0.3.x)'); break; default: winston.error('[upgrade] Errors were encountered while updating the NodeBB schema: ' + err.message); break; } } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } else { process.exit(); } }); }; module.exports = Upgrade;