Running NodeBB

The preferred way to start and stop NodeBB is by invoking its executable:

* ``./nodebb start`` Starts the NodeBB server
* ``./nodebb stop`` Stops the NodeBB server
* Alternatively, you may use ``npm start`` and ``npm stop`` to do the same

The methods listed below are alternatives to starting NodeBB via the executable.

Simple Node.js Process

To start NodeBB, run it with ``node`` (some distributions use the executable ``nodejs``, please adjust accordingly):

.. code:: bash

    $ cd /path/to/nodebb/install
    $ node app

However, bear in mind that crashes will cause the NodeBB process to halt, bringing down your forum. Consider some of the more reliable options, below:

Supervisor Process

Using the `supervisor package <>`_, you can have NodeBB restart itself if it crashes:

.. code:: bash

    $ npm install -g supervisor
    $ supervisor app

As ``supervisor`` by default continues to pipe output to ``stdout``, it is best suited to development builds.

Forever Daemon

Another way to keep NodeBB up is to use the `forever package <>`_ via the command line interface, which can monitor NodeBB and re-launch it if necessary:

.. code:: bash

    $ npm install -g forever
    $ forever start app.js