Available Hooks ============= The following is a list of all hooks present in NodeBB. This list is intended to guide developers who are looking to write plugins for NodeBB. For more information, please consult :doc:`Writing Plugins for NodeBB <create>`. There are two types of hooks, **filters**, and **actions**. Filters take an input (provided as a single argument), parse it in some way, and return the changed value. Actions take multiple inputs, and execute actions based on the inputs received. Actions do not return anything. **Important**: This list is by no means exhaustive. Hooks are added on an as-needed basis (or if we can see a potential use case ahead of time), and all requests to add new hooks to NodeBB should be sent to us via the `issue tracker <https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/issues>`_. Filters ---------- ``filter:admin.header_build`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Allows plugins to create new navigation links in the ACP ``filter:post.save`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: A post's content (markdown text) Executed whenever a post is created or edited, but before it is saved into the database. ``filter:post.get`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: A post object (javascript Object) Executed whenever a post is retrieved, but before being sent to the client. ``filter:header.build`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Allows plugins to add new navigation links to NodeBB** ``filter:register.build`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: - `req` the express request object (javascript Object) - `res` the express response object (javascript Object) - `data` the data passed to the template (javascript Object) **Allows plugins to add new elements to the registration form. At the moment, the only one supported is `data.captcha`** ``filter:post.parse`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: A post or signature's raw text (String) Executed when a post or signature needs to be parsed from raw text to HTML (for output to client). This is useful if you'd like to use a parser to prettify posts, such as `Markdown <http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/>`_, or `BBCode <http://www.bbcode.org/>`_. ``filter:posts.custom_profile_info`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Allows plugins to add custom profile information in the topic view's author post block** ``filter:register.check`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: - `req` the express request object (javascript Object) - `res` the express response object (javascript Object) - `userData` the user data parsed from the form **Allows plugins to run checks on information and deny registration if necessary.** ``filter:scripts.get`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Allows to add client-side JS to the header and queue up for minification on production** ``filter:uploadImage`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:uploadFile`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:widgets.getAreas`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:widgets.getWidgets`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:search.query`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:post.parse`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:messaging.save`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:messaging.parse`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:sounds.get`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:post.getPosts`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:post.getFields`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:auth.init`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:composer.help`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:topic.thread_tools`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:topic.get`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Passes in the final parsed topic data. ``filter:user.create`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:user.delete`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:user.profileLinks`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``filter:user.verify.code`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters: confirm_code Ability to modify the generated verification code (ex. for using a shorter verification code instead for SMS verification) ``filter:user.custom_fields`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters: userData Allows you to append custom fields to the newly created user, ex. mobileNumber ``filter:register.complete`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters: uid, destination Set the post-registration destination, or do post-register tasks here. ``filter:widget.render`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Actions ---------- ``action:app.load`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: None Executed when NodeBB is loaded, used to kickstart scripts in plugins (i.e. cron jobs, etc) ``action:page.load`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: An object containing the following properties: * ``template`` - The template loaded * ``url`` - Path to the page (relative to the site's base url) ``action:plugin.activate`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: A String containing the plugin's ``id`` (e.g. ``nodebb-plugin-markdown``) Executed whenever a plugin is activated via the admin panel. **Important**: Be sure to check the ``id`` that is sent in with this hook, otherwise your plugin will fire its registered hook method, even if your plugin was not the one that was activated. ``action:plugin.deactivate`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: A String containing the plugin's ``id`` (e.g. ``nodebb-plugin-markdown``) Executed whenever a plugin is deactivated via the admin panel. **Important**: Be sure to check the ``id`` that is sent in with this hook, otherwise your plugin will fire its registered hook method, even if your plugin was not the one that was deactivated. ``action:post.save`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: A post object (javascript Object) Executed whenever a post is created or edited, after it is saved into the database. ``action:email.send`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:post.setField`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:topic.edit`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:topic.pin`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Called when toggling pinned state Object: tid, isPinned, uid, timestamp ``action:topic.lock`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Called when toggling locked state Object: tid, isLocked, uid, timestamp ``action:topic.move`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Called when moving a topic from one category to another Object: tid, fromCid, toCid, uid, timestamp ``action:post.edit`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:post.delete`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:post.restore`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:notification.pushed`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Argument(s)**: A notification object (javascript Object) Executed whenever a notification is pushed to a user. ``action:config.set`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:topic.save`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:user.create`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:topic.delete`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:user.verify`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters: uid; a hash of confirmation data (ex. confirm_link, confirm_code) Useful for overriding the verification system. Currently if this hook is set, the email verification system is disabled outright. ``action:user.set`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters: field (str), value, type ('set', 'increment', or 'decrement') Useful for things like awarding badges or achievements after a user has reached some value (ex. 100 posts) ``action:settings.set`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Parameters: hash (str), object (obj) Useful if your plugins want to cache settings instead of pulling from DB everytime a method is called. Listen to this and refresh accordingly. Client Side Hooks -------------------- ``filter:categories.new_topic`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:popstate`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:ajaxify.start`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:ajaxify.loadingTemplates`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:ajaxify.loadingData`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:ajaxify.contentLoaded`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:ajaxify.end`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:reconnected`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:connected`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:disconnected`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:categories.loading`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:categories.loaded`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:categories.new_topic.loaded`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:topic.loading`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:topic.loaded`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:composer.loaded`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``action:widgets.loaded`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^