'use strict'; const categories = require('../categories'); const privileges = require('../privileges'); const user = require('../user'); const topics = require('../topics'); const SocketCategories = module.exports; require('./categories/search')(SocketCategories); SocketCategories.getRecentReplies = async function (socket, cid) { return await categories.getRecentReplies(cid, socket.uid, 0, 4); }; SocketCategories.get = async function (socket) { async function getCategories() { const cids = await categories.getCidsByPrivilege('categories:cid', socket.uid, 'find'); return await categories.getCategoriesData(cids); } const [isAdmin, categoriesData] = await Promise.all([ user.isAdministrator(socket.uid), getCategories(), ]); return categoriesData.filter(category => category && (!category.disabled || isAdmin)); }; SocketCategories.getWatchedCategories = async function (socket) { const [categoriesData, ignoredCids] = await Promise.all([ categories.getCategoriesByPrivilege('cid:0:children', socket.uid, 'find'), user.getIgnoredCategories(socket.uid), ]); return categoriesData.filter(category => category && !ignoredCids.includes(String(category.cid))); }; SocketCategories.loadMore = async function (socket, data) { if (!data) { throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'); } data.query = data.query || {}; const [userPrivileges, settings, targetUid] = await Promise.all([ privileges.categories.get(data.cid, socket.uid), user.getSettings(socket.uid), user.getUidByUserslug(data.query.author), ]); if (!userPrivileges.read) { throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'); } const infScrollTopicsPerPage = 20; const sort = data.sort || data.categoryTopicSort; let start = Math.max(0, parseInt(data.after, 10)); if (data.direction === -1) { start -= infScrollTopicsPerPage; } let stop = start + infScrollTopicsPerPage - 1; start = Math.max(0, start); stop = Math.max(0, stop); const result = await categories.getCategoryTopics({ uid: socket.uid, cid: data.cid, start: start, stop: stop, sort: sort, settings: settings, query: data.query, tag: data.query.tag, targetUid: targetUid, }); categories.modifyTopicsByPrivilege(result.topics, userPrivileges); result.privileges = userPrivileges; result.template = { category: true, name: 'category', }; return result; }; SocketCategories.getTopicCount = async function (socket, cid) { return await categories.getCategoryField(cid, 'topic_count'); }; SocketCategories.getCategoriesByPrivilege = async function (socket, privilege) { return await categories.getCategoriesByPrivilege('categories:cid', socket.uid, privilege); }; SocketCategories.getMoveCategories = async function (socket, data) { return await SocketCategories.getSelectCategories(socket, data); }; SocketCategories.getSelectCategories = async function (socket) { const [isAdmin, categoriesData] = await Promise.all([ user.isAdministrator(socket.uid), categories.buildForSelect(socket.uid, 'find', ['disabled', 'link']), ]); return categoriesData.filter(category => category && (!category.disabled || isAdmin) && !category.link); }; SocketCategories.setWatchState = async function (socket, data) { if (!data || !data.cid || !data.state) { throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'); } return await ignoreOrWatch(async (uid, cids) => { await user.setCategoryWatchState(uid, cids, categories.watchStates[data.state]); }, socket, data); }; SocketCategories.watch = async function (socket, data) { return await ignoreOrWatch(user.watchCategory, socket, data); }; SocketCategories.ignore = async function (socket, data) { return await ignoreOrWatch(user.ignoreCategory, socket, data); }; async function ignoreOrWatch(fn, socket, data) { let targetUid = socket.uid; const cids = Array.isArray(data.cid) ? data.cid.map(cid => parseInt(cid, 10)) : [parseInt(data.cid, 10)]; if (data.hasOwnProperty('uid')) { targetUid = data.uid; } await user.isAdminOrGlobalModOrSelf(socket.uid, targetUid); const allCids = await categories.getAllCidsFromSet('categories:cid'); const categoryData = await categories.getCategoriesFields(allCids, ['cid', 'parentCid']); // filter to subcategories of cid let cat; do { cat = categoryData.find(c => !cids.includes(c.cid) && cids.includes(c.parentCid)); if (cat) { cids.push(cat.cid); } } while (cat); await fn(targetUid, cids); await topics.pushUnreadCount(targetUid); return cids; } SocketCategories.isModerator = async function (socket, cid) { return await user.isModerator(socket.uid, cid); }; SocketCategories.loadMoreSubCategories = async function (socket, data) { if (!data || !data.cid || !(parseInt(data.start, 10) >= 0)) { throw new Error('[[error:invalid-data]]'); } const allowed = await privileges.categories.can('read', data.cid, socket.uid); if (!allowed) { throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'); } const category = await categories.getCategoryData(data.cid); await categories.getChildrenTree(category, socket.uid); const allCategories = []; categories.flattenCategories(allCategories, category.children); await categories.getRecentTopicReplies(allCategories, socket.uid); const start = parseInt(data.start, 10); return category.children.slice(start, start + category.subCategoriesPerPage); }; require('../promisify')(SocketCategories);