var RDB = require('./redis'), utils = require('./../public/src/utils'), user = require('./user'), topics = require('./topics'), categories = require('./categories'), favourites = require('./favourites'), threadTools = require('./threadTools'), postTools = require('./postTools'), categories = require('./categories'), feed = require('./feed'), plugins = require('./plugins'), meta = require('./meta'), async = require('async'), reds = require('reds'), postSearch = reds.createSearch('nodebbpostsearch'), nconf = require('nconf'), validator = require('validator'), winston = require('winston'); (function(Posts) { var customUserInfo = {}; Posts.create = function(uid, tid, content, callback) { if (uid === null) { callback(new Error('invalid-user'), null); return; } topics.isLocked(tid, function(err, locked) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } else if(locked) { callback(new Error('topic-locked'), null); } RDB.incr('global:next_post_id', function(err, pid) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } plugins.fireHook('', content, function(err, newContent) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } var timestamp =, postData = { 'pid': pid, 'uid': uid, 'tid': tid, 'content': newContent, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'reputation': 0, 'editor': '', 'edited': 0, 'deleted': 0 }; RDB.hmset('post:' + pid, postData); postData.favourited = false; postData.display_moderator_tools = true; postData.relativeTime = new Date(timestamp).toISOString(); topics.addPostToTopic(tid, pid); topics.increasePostCount(tid); topics.updateTimestamp(tid, timestamp); RDB.incr('totalpostcount'); topics.getTopicFields(tid, ['cid', 'pinned'], function(err, topicData) { RDB.handle(err); var cid = topicData.cid; feed.updateTopic(tid); feed.updateRecent(); RDB.zadd('categories:recent_posts:cid:' + cid, timestamp, pid); if(topicData.pinned === '0') { RDB.zadd('categories:' + cid + ':tid', timestamp, tid); } RDB.scard('cid:' + cid + ':active_users', function(err, amount) { if (amount > 15) { RDB.spop('cid:' + cid + ':active_users'); } categories.addActiveUser(cid, uid); }); }); user.onNewPostMade(uid, tid, pid, timestamp); plugins.fireHook('filter:post.get', postData, function(err, newPostData) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } postData = newPostData; postTools.parse(postData.content, function(err, content) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } postData.content = content; plugins.fireHook('', postData); postSearch.index(content, pid); callback(null, postData); }); }); }); }); }); }; Posts.reply = function(tid, uid, content, callback) { threadTools.privileges(tid, uid, function(err, privileges) { if (content) { content = content.trim(); } if (!content || content.length < meta.config.minimumPostLength) { return callback(new Error('content-too-short')); } else if (!privileges.write) { return callback(new Error('no-privileges')); } Posts.create(uid, tid, content, function(err, postData) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } else if(!postData) { callback(new Error('reply-error'), null); } async.parallel([ function(next) { topics.markUnRead(tid, function(err) { if(err) { return next(err); } topics.markAsRead(tid, uid); next(); }); }, function(next) { Posts.getCidByPid(, function(err, cid) { if(err) { return next(err); } RDB.del('cid:' + cid + ':read_by_uid'); next(); }); }, function(next) { threadTools.notifyFollowers(tid, uid); next(); }, function(next) { Posts.addUserInfoToPost(postData, function(err) { if(err) { return next(err); } next(); }); } ], function(err, results) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } callback(null, postData); }); }); }); } Posts.getPostsByTid = function(tid, start, end, callback) { RDB.lrange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', start, end, function(err, pids) { RDB.handle(err); if (pids.length) { plugins.fireHook('filter:post.getTopic', pids, function(err, posts) { if (!err && posts.length > 0) { Posts.getPostsByPids(pids, function(err, posts) { plugins.fireHook('action:post.gotTopic', posts); callback(posts); }); } else { callback(posts); } }); } else { callback([]); } }); }; Posts.addUserInfoToPost = function(post, callback) { user.getUserFields(post.uid, ['username', 'userslug', 'reputation', 'postcount', 'picture', 'signature', 'banned'], function(err, userData) { if (err) { return callback(); } postTools.parse(userData.signature, function(err, signature) { post.username = userData.username || 'anonymous'; post.userslug = userData.userslug || ''; post.user_rep = userData.reputation || 0; post.user_postcount = userData.postcount || 0; post.user_banned = userData.banned === '1'; post.picture = userData.picture || require('gravatar').url('', {}, https = nconf.get('https')); post.signature = signature; for (var info in customUserInfo) { if (customUserInfo.hasOwnProperty(info)) { post[info] = userData[info] || customUserInfo[info]; } } plugins.fireHook('filter:posts.custom_profile_info', {profile: "", uid: post.uid}, function(err, profile_info) { post.additional_profile_info = profile_info.profile; if (post.editor !== '') { user.getUserFields(post.editor, ['username', 'userslug'], function(err, editorData) { if (err) return callback(); post.editorname = editorData.username; post.editorslug = editorData.userslug; callback(); }); } else { callback(); } }); }); }); }; Posts.getPostSummaryByPids = function(pids, callback) { var posts = []; function getPostSummary(pid, callback) { async.waterfall([ function(next) { Posts.getPostFields(pid, ['pid', 'tid', 'content', 'uid', 'timestamp', 'deleted'], function(err, postData) { if (postData.deleted === '1') return callback(null); else { postData.relativeTime = new Date(parseInt(postData.timestamp || 0, 10)).toISOString(); next(null, postData); } }); }, function(postData, next) { Posts.addUserInfoToPost(postData, function() { next(null, postData); }); }, function(postData, next) { topics.getTopicFields(postData.tid, ['title', 'cid', 'slug', 'deleted'], function(err, topicData) { if (err) return callback(err); else if (topicData.deleted === '1') return callback(null); categories.getCategoryField(topicData.cid, 'name', function(err, categoryData) { postData.category_name = categoryData; postData.title = validator.sanitize(topicData.title).escape(); postData.topicSlug = topicData.slug; next(null, postData); }) }); }, function(postData, next) { if (postData.content) { postTools.parse(postData.content, function(err, content) { if (!err) postData.content = utils.strip_tags(content); next(err, postData); }); } else next(null, postData); } ], function(err, postData) { if (!err) posts.push(postData); callback(err); }); } async.eachSeries(pids, getPostSummary, function(err) { if (!err) { callback(null, posts); } else { callback(err, null); } }); }; Posts.getPostData = function(pid, callback) { RDB.hgetall('post:' + pid, function(err, data) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } plugins.fireHook('filter:post.get', data, function(err, newData) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } callback(null, newData); }); }); } Posts.getPostFields = function(pid, fields, callback) { RDB.hmgetObject('post:' + pid, fields, function(err, data) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } // TODO: I think the plugins system needs an optional 'parameters' paramter so I don't have to do this: data = data || {}; = pid; data.fields = fields; plugins.fireHook('filter:post.getFields', data, function(err, data) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } callback(null, data); }); }); } Posts.getPostField = function(pid, field, callback) { Posts.getPostFields(pid, [field], function(err, data) { if(err) { return callback(err, null); } callback(null, data[field]); }); } Posts.setPostField = function(pid, field, value, callback) { RDB.hset('post:' + pid, field, value, callback); plugins.fireHook('action:post.setField', { 'pid': pid, 'field': field, 'value': value }); } Posts.getPostsByPids = function(pids, callback) { var posts = [], multi = RDB.multi(); for(var x=0, numPids=pids.length; x