var async = require('async'), utils = require('../public/src/utils.js'), fs = require('fs'), url = require('url'), path = require('path'), prompt = require('prompt'), winston = require('winston'), reds = require('reds'), nconf = require('nconf'), install = { questions: [{ name: 'base_url', description: 'URL of this installation', 'default': 'http://localhost', pattern: /^http(?:s)?:\/\//, message: 'Base URL must begin with \'http://\' or \'https://\'', }, { name: 'port', description: 'Port number of your NodeBB', 'default': 4567 }, { name: 'use_port', description: 'Use a port number to access NodeBB?', 'default': 'y', pattern: /y[es]*|n[o]?/, message: 'Please enter \'yes\' or \'no\'', }, { name: 'secret', description: 'Please enter a NodeBB secret', 'default': utils.generateUUID() }, { name: 'redis:host', description: 'Host IP or address of your Redis instance', 'default': '' }, { name: 'redis:port', description: 'Host port of your Redis instance', 'default': 6379 }, { name: 'redis:password', description: 'Password of your Redis database' }], setup: function (callback) { async.series([ function (next) { // prompt prepends "prompt: " to questions, let's clear that. prompt.start(); prompt.message = ''; prompt.delimiter = ''; prompt.get(install.questions, function (err, config) { if (!config) { return next(new Error('aborted')); } // Translate redis properties into redis object config.redis = { host: config['redis:host'], port: config['redis:port'], password: config['redis:password'] }; delete config['redis:host']; delete config['redis:port']; delete config['redis:password']; // Add hardcoded values config.bcrypt_rounds = 12; config.upload_path = '/public/uploads'; config.use_port = (config.use_port.slice(0, 1) === 'y') ? true : false; var urlObject = url.parse(config.base_url), relative_path = (urlObject.pathname && urlObject.pathname.length > 1) ? urlObject.pathname : '', host =, protocol = urlObject.protocol, server_conf = config, client_conf = { socket: { address: protocol + '//' + host + (config.use_port ? ':' + config.port : '') }, api_url: protocol + '//' + host + (config.use_port ? ':' + config.port : '') + relative_path + '/api/', relative_path: relative_path }; server_conf.base_url = protocol + '//' + host; server_conf.relative_path = relative_path;, client_conf, next); }); }, function (next) { // Applying default database configs'Populating database with default configs, if not already set...'); var meta = require('./meta'), defaults = [{ field: 'postDelay', value: 10000 }, { field: 'minimumPostLength', value: 8 }, { field: 'minimumTitleLength', value: 3 }, { field: 'minimumUsernameLength', value: 2 }, { field: 'maximumUsernameLength', value: 16 }, { field: 'minimumPasswordLength', value: 6 }, { field: 'imgurClientID', value: '' }]; async.each(defaults, function (configObj, next) { meta.configs.setOnEmpty(configObj.field, configObj.value, next); }, function (err) { meta.configs.init(next); }); }, function (next) { // Check if an administrator needs to be created var Groups = require('./groups'); Groups.getGidFromName('Administrators', function (err, gid) { if (err) { return next(err.message); } if (gid) { Groups.get(gid, {}, function (err, groupObj) { if (groupObj.count > 0) {'Administrator found, skipping Admin setup'); next(); } else { install.createAdmin(next); } }); } else { install.createAdmin(next); } }); }, function (next) { // Categories var Categories = require('./categories'), admin = { categories: require('./admin/categories') }; Categories.getAllCategories(function (data) { if (data.categories.length === 0) { winston.warn('No categories found, populating instance with default categories'); fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'install/data/categories.json'), function (err, default_categories) { default_categories = JSON.parse(default_categories); async.eachSeries(default_categories, function (category, next) { admin.categories.create(category, next); }, function (err) { if (!err) { next(); } else { winston.error('Could not set up categories'); } }); }); } else {'Categories OK. Found ' + data.categories.length + ' categories.'); next(); } }); }, function (next) { // Default plugins var Plugins = require('./plugins');'Enabling default plugins'); var defaultEnabled = [ 'nodebb-plugin-markdown', 'nodebb-plugin-mentions' ]; async.each(defaultEnabled, function (pluginId, next) { Plugins.isActive(pluginId, function (err, active) { if (!active) { Plugins.toggleActive(pluginId, function () { next(); }); } else { next(); } }); }, next); } ], function (err) { if (err) { winston.warn('NodeBB Setup Aborted.'); process.exit(); } else { callback(); } }); }, createAdmin: function (callback) { var User = require('./user'), Groups = require('./groups'); winston.warn('No administrators have been detected, running initial user setup'); var questions = [{ name: 'username', description: 'Administrator username', required: true, type: 'string' }, { name: 'email', description: 'Administrator email address', pattern: /.+@.+/, required: true }, { name: 'password', description: 'Password', required: true, hidden: true, type: 'string' }], getAdminInfo = function (callback) { prompt.get(questions, function (err, results) { if (!results) { return callback(new Error('aborted')); } nconf.set('bcrypt_rounds', 12); User.create(results.username, results.password,, function (err, uid) { if (err) { winston.warn(err.message + ' Please try again.'); return getAdminInfo(); } Groups.getGidFromName('Administrators', function (err, gid) { if (gid) { Groups.join(gid, uid, callback); } else { Groups.create('Administrators', 'Forum Administrators', function (err, groupObj) { Groups.join(groupObj.gid, uid, callback); }); } }); }); }); }; getAdminInfo(callback); }, save: function (server_conf, client_conf, callback) { // Server Config async.parallel([ function (next) { fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'config.json'), JSON.stringify(server_conf, null, 4), function (err) { next(err); }); }, function (next) { fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'public', 'config.json'), JSON.stringify(client_conf, null, 4), function (err) { next(err); }); } ], function (err) {'Configuration Saved OK'); nconf.file({ file: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config.json') }); var RDB = require('./redis'); reds.createClient = function () { return reds.client || (reds.client = RDB); }; callback(err); }); } }; module.exports = install;