{ "available": "Pieejamie logrīki", "explanation": "Select a widget from the dropdown menu and then drag and drop it into a template's widget area on the left.", "none-installed": "No widgets found! Activate the essential widgets plugin in the plugins control panel.", "clone-from": "Klonēt logrīkus no", "containers.available": "Pieejamās tvertnes", "containers.explanation": "Drag and drop on top of any active widget", "containers.none": "Nav", "container.well": "Well", "container.jumbotron": "Jumbotron", "container.panel": "Panelis", "container.panel-header": "Paneļa galvene", "container.panel-body": "Paneļa korpuss", "container.alert": "Alert", "alert.confirm-delete": "Vai tiešām vēlies izdzēst šo logrīku?", "alert.updated": "Logrīki atjaunināti", "alert.update-success": "Veiksmīgi atjaunināti logrīki", "alert.clone-success": "Veiksmīgi klonēti logrīki", "error.select-clone": "Please select a page to clone from" }