var meta = require('./meta'); function expandObjBy(obj1, obj2) { var key, val1, val2; for (key in obj2) { val2 = obj2[key]; val1 = obj1[key]; if (!obj1.hasOwnProperty(key) || typeof val2 !== typeof val1) { obj1[key] = val2; } else if (typeof val2 === 'object') { expandObjBy(val1, val2); } } } function trim(obj1, obj2) { var key, val1; for (key in obj1) { val1 = obj1[key]; if (!obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)) { delete obj1[key]; } else if (typeof val1 === 'object') { trim(val1, obj2[key]); } } } function mergeSettings(cfg, defCfg) { if (typeof cfg._settings !== typeof defCfg || typeof defCfg !== 'object') { cfg._settings = defCfg; } else { expandObjBy(cfg._settings, defCfg); trim(cfg._settings, defCfg); } } /** A class to manage Objects saved in {@link meta.settings} within property "_settings". Constructor, synchronizes the settings and repairs them if version differs. @param hash The hash to use for {@link meta.settings}. @param version The version of the settings, used to determine whether the saved settings may be corrupt. @param defCfg The default settings. @param callback Gets called once the Settings-object is ready. @param forceUpdate Whether to trigger structure-update even if the version doesn't differ from saved one. Should be true while plugin-development to ensure structure-changes within settings persist. @param reset Whether to reset the settings. */ function Settings(hash, version, defCfg, callback, forceUpdate, reset) { this.hash = hash; this.version = version || this.version; this.defCfg = defCfg; if (reset) { this.reset(callback); } else { this.sync(function () { this.checkStructure(callback, forceUpdate); }); } } Settings.prototype.hash = ''; Settings.prototype.defCfg = {}; Settings.prototype.cfg = {}; Settings.prototype.version = '0.0.0'; /** Synchronizes the local object with the saved object (reverts changes). @param callback Gets called when done. */ Settings.prototype.sync = function (callback) { var _this = this; meta.settings.get(this.hash, function (err, settings) { try { if (settings._settings) { settings._settings = JSON.parse(settings._settings); } } catch (_error) {} _this.cfg = settings; if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.apply(_this, err); } }); }; /** Persists the local object. @param callback Gets called when done. */ Settings.prototype.persist = function (callback) { var conf = this.cfg._settings, _this = this; if (typeof conf === 'object') { conf = JSON.stringify(conf); } meta.settings.set(this.hash, { _settings: conf, version: this.cfg.version }, function () { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.apply(_this, arguments || []); } }); return this; }; /** Returns the setting of given key or default value if not set. @param key The key of the setting to return. @param def The default value, if not set global default value gets used. @returns Object The setting to be used. */ Settings.prototype.get = function (key, def) { var obj = this.cfg._settings, parts = (key || '').split('.'), part; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { part = parts[i]; if (part && obj != null) { obj = obj[part]; } } if (obj === void 0) { if (def === void 0) { def = this.defCfg; for (var j = 0; j < parts.length; j++) { part = parts[j]; if (part && def != null) { def = def[part]; } } } return def; } return obj; }; /** Returns the settings-wrapper object. @returns Object The settings-wrapper. */ Settings.prototype.getWrapper = function () { return this.cfg; }; /** Creates a new wrapper for the given settings with the given version. @returns Object The new settings-wrapper. */ Settings.prototype.createWrapper = function (version, settings) { return { version: version, _settings: settings }; }; /** Creates a new wrapper for the default settings. @returns Object The new settings-wrapper. */ Settings.prototype.createDefaultWrapper = function () { return this.createWrapper(this.version, this.defCfg); }; /** Sets the setting of given key to given value. @param key The key of the setting to set. @param val The value to set. */ Settings.prototype.set = function (key, val) { var part, obj, parts; this.cfg.version = this.version; if (val == null || !key) { this.cfg._settings = val || key; } else { obj = this.cfg._settings; parts = key.split('.'); for (var i = 0, _len = parts.length - 1; i < _len; i++) { if (part = parts[i]) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(part)) { obj[part] = {}; } obj = obj[part]; } } obj[parts[parts.length - 1]] = val; } return this; }; /** Resets the saved settings to default settings. @param callback Gets called when done. */ Settings.prototype.reset = function (callback) { this.set(this.defCfg).persist(callback); return this; }; /** If the version differs the settings get updated and persisted. @param callback Gets called when done. @param force Whether to update and persist the settings even if the versions ara equal. */ Settings.prototype.checkStructure = function (callback, force) { if (!force && this.cfg.version === this.version) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } } else { mergeSettings(this.cfg, this.defCfg); this.cfg.version = this.version; this.persist(callback); } return this; }; module.exports = Settings;