"tokens": "令牌",
"settings": "设置",
"lead-text": "从此处,您可以配置对 NodeBB 中 Write API 的访问。",
"intro": "默认情况下,Write API 根据用户的会话cookie对用户进行身份验证,但 NodeBB 也支持通过此页面生成的令牌进行身份验证。",
"warning": "Be advised — treat tokens like passwords. If they are leaked, your account should be considered compromised.",
"docs": "单击此处访问完整的 API 规范",
"require-https": "要求 API 只能通过 HTTPS 调用",
"require-https-caveat": "注意:一些负载均衡器可能会使用 HTTP 代理对 NodeBB 的请求,在此情况下此选项应保持关闭状态。",
"uid": "用户ID",
"token": "Token",
"uid-help-text": "指定要与此令牌关联的用户ID。如果用户ID是 0
, 它将被实危 最高 令牌,可以通过 _uid
"description": "说明",
"last-seen": "Last seen",
"created": "Created",
"create-token": "Create Token",
"update-token": "Update Token",
"master-token": "Master token",
"last-seen-never": "从未被使用过的键值",
"no-description": "未指定说明。",
"actions": "Actions",
"delete-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to delete this token? It will not be recoverable.",
"roll-confirm": "Are you sure you wish to regenerate this token? The old token will be immediately revoked and will not be recoverable."