# <img alt="NodeBB" src="http://i.imgur.com/mYxPPtB.png" />
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**NodeBB Forum Software** is powered by Node.js and built on a Redis database. It utilizes web sockets for instant interactions and real-time notifications. NodeBB is compatible down to IE8 and has many modern features out of the box such as social network integration and streaming discussions.

* [Get NodeBB](http://www.nodebb.org/ "NodeBB")
* [Demo & Meta Discussion](http://community.nodebb.org)
* [NodeBB Blog](http://blog.nodebb.org)
* [Documentation & Installation Instructions](http://docs.nodebb.org)
* [Join us on IRC](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/nodebb) - #nodebb on Freenode
* [Follow us on Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/NodeBB/ "NodeBB Twitter")
* [Like us on Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/NodeBB/ "NodeBB Facebook")
* [Get Plugins](http://community.nodebb.org/category/7/nodebb-plugins "NodeBB Plugins")
* [Get Themes](http://community.nodebb.org/category/10/nodebb-themes "NodeBB Themes")
* [Help translate NodeBB](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/nodebb/)

## Screenshots

[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/FLOUuIqb.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/FLOUuIq.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/Ud1LrfIb.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/Ud1LrfI.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/ZC8W39ab.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/ZC8W39a.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/o90kVPib.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/o90kVPi.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/AaRRrU2b.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/AaRRrU2.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/LmHtPhob.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/LmHtPho.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/paiJPJkb.jpg" />](http://i.imgur.com/paiJPJk.jpg)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/ZfavPHDb.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/ZfavPHD.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/8OLssij.png" />](http://i.imgur.com/8OLssij.png)&nbsp;[<img src="http://i.imgur.com/JKOc0LZ.png"/>](http://i.imgur.com/JKOc0LZ.png)

Credit: [Convoe](http://www.convoe.com), [Kano](http://www.kano.me), [Manchester United Forum](http://manutdforums.com/).

## How can I follow along/contribute?

* Our feature roadmap is hosted on the project wiki's [Version History / Roadmap](https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB/wiki/Version-History-%26-Roadmap)
* If you are a developer, feel free to check out the source and submit pull requests. We also have a wide array of [plugins](http://community.nodebb.org/category/7/nodebb-plugins) which would be a great starting point for learning the codebase.
* If you are a designer, [NodeBB needs themes](http://community.nodebb.org/category/10/nodebb-themes)! NodeBB's theming system allows extention of the base templates as well as styling via LESS or CSS. NodeBB's base theme utilizes [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) but themes can choose to use a different framework altogether.
* If you know languages other than English you can help us translate NodeBB. We use [Transifex](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/nodebb/) for internationalization.
* Please don't forget to **like**, **follow**, and **star our repo**! Join our growing [community](http://community.nodebb.org) to keep up to date with the latest NodeBB development.

## Requirements

NodeBB requires the following software to be installed:

* A version of Node.js at least 0.10 or greater
* Redis, version 2.6 or greater **or** MongoDB, version 2.6 or greater
* nginx, version 1.3.13 or greater (**only if** intending to use nginx to proxy requests to a NodeBB)

## Installation

[Please refer to platform-specific installation documentation](http://docs.nodebb.org/en/latest/installing/os.html)

## Securing NodeBB

It is important to ensure that your NodeBB and database servers are secured. Bear these points in mind:

1. While some distributions set up Redis with a more restrictive configuration, Redis by default listens to all interfaces, which is especially dangerous when a server is open to the public. Some suggestions:
    * Set `bind_address` to `` so as to restrict access  to the local machine only
    * Use `requirepass` to secure Redis behind a password (preferably a long one)
    * Familiarise yourself with [Redis Security](http://redis.io/topics/security)
2. Use `iptables` to secure your server from unintended open ports. In Ubuntu, `ufw` provides a friendlier interface to working with `iptables`.
    * e.g. If your NodeBB is proxied, no ports should be open except 80 (and possibly 22, for SSH access)

## Upgrading NodeBB

Detailed upgrade instructions are listed in [Upgrading NodeBB](https://docs.nodebb.org/en/latest/upgrading/index.html)

## License

NodeBB is licensed under the **GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3)** (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)