"use strict"; var ajaxify = {}; (function () { /*global app, templates, utils*/ var location = document.location || window.location, rootUrl = location.protocol + '//' + (location.hostname || location.host) + (location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''), content = null; var events = []; ajaxify.register_events = function (new_page_events) { for (var i = 0, ii = events.length; i < ii; i++) { socket.removeAllListeners(events[i]); // optimize this to user removeListener(event, listener) instead. } events = new_page_events; }; window.onpopstate = function (event) { if (event !== null && event.state && event.state.url !== undefined && !ajaxify.initialLoad) { ajaxify.go(event.state.url, function() { $(window).trigger('action:popstate', {url: event.state.url}); }, true); } }; ajaxify.currentPage = null; ajaxify.initialLoad = false; ajaxify.go = function (url, callback, quiet) { // "quiet": If set to true, will not call pushState app.enterRoom('global'); $(window).off('scroll'); $(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.start', { url: url }); $('body').trigger('action:ajaxifying', {url: url}); // Deprecated as of v0.4.0 if ($('#content').hasClass('ajaxifying')) { templates.cancelRequest(); } // Remove trailing slash url = url.replace(/\/$/, ""); if (url.indexOf(RELATIVE_PATH.slice(1)) !== -1) { url = url.slice(RELATIVE_PATH.length); } var tpl_url = ajaxify.getTemplateMapping(url); var hash = ''; if(ajaxify.initialLoad) { hash = window.location.hash ? window.location.hash : ''; } if (templates.is_available(tpl_url) && !templates.force_refresh(tpl_url)) { ajaxify.currentPage = tpl_url; if (window.history && window.history.pushState) { window.history[!quiet ? 'pushState' : 'replaceState']({ url: url + hash }, url, RELATIVE_PATH + '/' + url + hash); $.ajax(RELATIVE_PATH + '/plugins/fireHook', { type: 'PUT', data: { _csrf: $('#csrf_token').val(), hook: 'page.load', args: { template: tpl_url, url: url, uid: app.uid } } }); } translator.load(tpl_url); ajaxify.fadeOut(); templates.flush(); templates.load_template(function () { ajaxify.loadScript(tpl_url); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } app.processPage(); ajaxify.renderWidgets(tpl_url, url, function(err) { ajaxify.fadeIn(); ajaxify.initialLoad = false; app.refreshTitle(url); $(window).trigger('action:ajaxify.end', { url: url }); }); }, url); return true; } return false; }; ajaxify.loadScript = function(tpl_url, callback) { require(['forum/' + tpl_url], function(script) { if (script && script.init) { script.init(); } if (callback) { callback(); } }); }; ajaxify.fadeIn = function() { $('#content, #footer').stop(true, true).removeClass('ajaxifying'); }; ajaxify.fadeOut = function() { $('#footer, #content').removeClass('hide').addClass('ajaxifying'); }; ajaxify.getTemplateMapping = function(url) { var tpl_url = templates.get_custom_map(url.split('?')[0]); if (tpl_url == false && !templates[url]) { // todo: regex if (url === '' || url === '/') { tpl_url = 'home'; } else if (url === 'admin' || url === 'admin/') { tpl_url = 'admin/index'; } else { tpl_url = url.split('/')[0].split('?')[0]; } } else if (templates[url]) { tpl_url = url; } return tpl_url; } ajaxify.renderWidgets = function(tpl_url, url, callback) { var widgetLocations = []; require(['vendor/async'], function(async) { $('#content [widget-area]').each(function() { widgetLocations.push($(this).attr('widget-area')); }); async.each(widgetLocations, function(location, next) { var area = $('#content [widget-area="' + location + '"]'); socket.emit('widgets.render', {template: tpl_url + '.tpl', url: url, location: location}, function(err, renderedWidgets) { area.html(templates.prepare(area.html()).parse({ widgets: renderedWidgets })).removeClass('hidden'); if (!renderedWidgets.length) { $('body [no-widget-class]').each(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.removeClass(); $this.addClass($this.attr('no-widget-class')); }); } next(err); }); }, function(err) { if (callback) { callback(err); } }); }); }; ajaxify.refresh = function() { ajaxify.go(ajaxify.currentPage); }; $('document').ready(function () { if (!window.history || !window.history.pushState) { return; // no ajaxification for old browsers } content = content || document.getElementById('content'); // Enhancing all anchors to ajaxify... $(document.body).on('click', 'a', function (e) { function hrefEmpty(href) { return href === 'javascript:;' || href === window.location.href + "#" || href.slice(-1) === "#"; } if (hrefEmpty(this.href) || this.target !== '' || this.protocol === 'javascript:') { return; } if(!window.location.pathname.match(/\/(403|404)$/g)) { app.previousUrl = window.location.href; } if ($(this).attr('data-ajaxify') === 'false') { return; } if ((!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) && e.which === 1) { if (this.host === window.location.host) { // Internal link var url = this.href.replace(rootUrl + '/', ''); if (ajaxify.go(url)) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (window.location.pathname !== '/outgoing') { // External Link if (config.useOutgoingLinksPage) { ajaxify.go('outgoing?url=' + encodeURIComponent(this.href)); e.preventDefault(); } } } }); }); }());