'use strict'; const async = require('async'); const assert = require('assert'); const nconf = require('nconf'); const path = require('path'); const request = require('request'); const requestAsync = require('request-promise-native'); const db = require('./mocks/databasemock'); const categories = require('../src/categories'); const topics = require('../src/topics'); const user = require('../src/user'); const groups = require('../src/groups'); const privileges = require('../src/privileges'); const meta = require('../src/meta'); const socketUser = require('../src/socket.io/user'); const helpers = require('./helpers'); const file = require('../src/file'); const image = require('../src/image'); describe('Upload Controllers', () => { let tid; let cid; let pid; let adminUid; let regularUid; let maliciousUid; before((done) => { async.series({ category: function (next) { categories.create({ name: 'Test Category', description: 'Test category created by testing script', }, next); }, adminUid: function (next) { user.create({ username: 'admin', password: 'barbar' }, next); }, regularUid: function (next) { user.create({ username: 'regular', password: 'zugzug' }, next); }, maliciousUid: function (next) { user.create({ username: 'malicioususer', password: 'herpderp' }, next); }, }, (err, results) => { if (err) { return done(err); } adminUid = results.adminUid; regularUid = results.regularUid; maliciousUid = results.maliciousUid; cid = results.category.cid; topics.post({ uid: adminUid, title: 'test topic title', content: 'test topic content', cid: results.category.cid }, (err, result) => { if (err) { return done(err); } tid = result.topicData.tid; pid = result.postData.pid; groups.join('administrators', adminUid, done); }); }); }); describe('regular user uploads rate limits', () => { let jar; let csrf_token; before(async () => { ({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('malicioususer', 'herpderp')); await privileges.global.give(['groups:upload:post:file'], 'registered-users'); }); it('should fail if the user exceeds the upload rate limit threshold', (done) => { const oldValue = meta.config.allowedFileExtensions; meta.config.allowedFileExtensions = 'png,jpg,bmp,html'; require('../src/middleware/uploads').clearCache(); // why / 2? see: helpers.uploadFile for a weird quirk where we actually upload 2 files per upload in our tests. const times = (meta.config.uploadRateLimitThreshold / 2) + 1; async.timesSeries(times, (i, next) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/503.html'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { if (i + 1 >= times) { assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 500); assert.strictEqual(body.error, '[[error:upload-ratelimit-reached]]'); } else { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); assert(body && body.status && body.response && body.response.images); assert(Array.isArray(body.response.images)); assert(body.response.images[0].url); } next(err); }); }, (err) => { meta.config.allowedFileExtensions = oldValue; assert.ifError(err); done(); }); }); }); describe('regular user uploads', () => { let jar; let csrf_token; before(async () => { meta.config.uploadRateLimitThreshold = 1000; ({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('regular', 'zugzug')); await privileges.global.give(['groups:upload:post:file'], 'registered-users'); }); it('should upload an image to a post', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(body && body.status && body.response && body.response.images); assert(Array.isArray(body.response.images)); assert(body.response.images[0].url); done(); }); }); it('should upload an image to a post and then delete the upload', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); assert(body && body.status && body.response && body.response.images); assert(Array.isArray(body.response.images)); assert(body.response.images[0].url); const name = body.response.images[0].url.replace(nconf.get('relative_path') + nconf.get('upload_url'), ''); socketUser.deleteUpload({ uid: regularUid }, { uid: regularUid, name: name }, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); db.getSortedSetRange(`uid:${regularUid}:uploads`, 0, -1, (err, uploads) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(uploads.includes(name), false); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should not allow deleting if path is not correct', (done) => { socketUser.deleteUpload({ uid: adminUid }, { uid: regularUid, name: '../../bkconfig.json' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-path]]'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow deleting if path is not correct', (done) => { socketUser.deleteUpload({ uid: adminUid }, { uid: regularUid, name: '/files/../../bkconfig.json' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-path]]'); done(); }); }); it('should resize and upload an image to a post', (done) => { const oldValue = meta.config.resizeImageWidth; meta.config.resizeImageWidth = 10; meta.config.resizeImageWidthThreshold = 10; helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(body && body.status && body.response && body.response.images); assert(Array.isArray(body.response.images)); assert(body.response.images[0].url); assert(body.response.images[0].url.match(/\/assets\/uploads\/files\/\d+-test-resized\.png/)); meta.config.resizeImageWidth = oldValue; meta.config.resizeImageWidthThreshold = 1520; done(); }); }); it('should upload a file to a post', (done) => { const oldValue = meta.config.allowedFileExtensions; meta.config.allowedFileExtensions = 'png,jpg,bmp,html'; helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/503.html'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { meta.config.allowedFileExtensions = oldValue; assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); assert(body && body.status && body.response && body.response.images); assert(Array.isArray(body.response.images)); assert(body.response.images[0].url); done(); }); }); it('should fail to upload image to post if image dimensions are too big', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/toobig.png'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 500); assert(body && body.status && body.status.message); assert.strictEqual(body.status.message, 'Image dimensions are too big'); done(); }); }); it('should fail to upload image to post if image is broken', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/brokenimage.png'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 500); assert(body && body.status && body.status.message); assert(body.status.message.startsWith('Input file has corrupt header: pngload: end of stream')); done(); }); }); it('should fail if file is not an image', (done) => { image.isFileTypeAllowed(path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/notanimage.png'), (err) => { assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'Input file contains unsupported image format'); done(); }); }); it('should fail if file is not an image', (done) => { image.isFileTypeAllowed(path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/notanimage.png'), (err) => { assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'Input file contains unsupported image format'); done(); }); }); it('should fail if file is not an image', (done) => { image.size(path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/notanimage.png'), (err) => { assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'Input file contains unsupported image format'); done(); }); }); it('should fail if file is missing', (done) => { image.size(path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/doesnotexist.png'), (err) => { assert.strictEqual(err.message, 'Input file is missing'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow non image uploads', (done) => { socketUser.updateCover({ uid: 1 }, { uid: 1, file: { path: '../../text.txt' } }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow non image uploads', (done) => { socketUser.updateCover({ uid: 1 }, { uid: 1, imageData: 'data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-image]]'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow svg uploads', (done) => { socketUser.updateCover({ uid: 1 }, { uid: 1, imageData: '' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-image]]'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow non image uploads', (done) => { socketUser.uploadCroppedPicture({ uid: 1 }, { uid: 1, file: { path: '../../text.txt' } }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-data]]'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow non image uploads', (done) => { socketUser.uploadCroppedPicture({ uid: 1 }, { uid: 1, imageData: 'data:text/html;base64,PHN2Zy9vbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMik+' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-image]]'); done(); }); }); it('should not allow svg uploads', (done) => { socketUser.uploadCroppedPicture({ uid: 1 }, { uid: 1, imageData: '' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:invalid-image]]'); done(); }); }); it('should delete users uploads if account is deleted', (done) => { let uid; let url; const file = require('../src/file'); async.waterfall([ function (next) { user.create({ username: 'uploader', password: 'barbar' }, next); }, function (_uid, next) { uid = _uid; helpers.loginUser('uploader', 'barbar', next); }, function (data, next) { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/post/upload`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), {}, data.jar, data.csrf_token, next); }, function (res, body, next) { assert(body && body.status && body.response && body.response.images); assert(Array.isArray(body.response.images)); assert(body.response.images[0].url); url = body.response.images[0].url; user.delete(1, uid, next); }, function (userData, next) { const filePath = path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), url.replace('/assets/uploads', '')); file.exists(filePath, next); }, function (exists, next) { assert(!exists); done(); }, ], done); }); }); describe('admin uploads', () => { let jar; let csrf_token; let regularJar; let regular_csrf_token; before(async () => { ({ jar, csrf_token} = await helpers.loginUser('admin', 'barbar')); const regularLogin = await helpers.loginUser('regular', 'zugzug'); regularJar = regularLogin.jar; regular_csrf_token = regularLogin.csrf_token; }); it('should upload site logo', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/uploadlogo`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(Array.isArray(body)); assert.equal(body[0].url, `${nconf.get('relative_path')}/assets/uploads/system/site-logo.png`); done(); }); }); it('should fail to upload invalid file type', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/category/uploadpicture`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/503.html'), { params: JSON.stringify({ cid: cid }) }, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(body.error, '[[error:invalid-image-type, image/png, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/jpg, image/gif, image/svg+xml]]'); done(); }); }); it('should fail to upload category image with invalid json params', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/category/uploadpicture`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), { params: 'invalid json' }, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(body.error, '[[error:invalid-json]]'); done(); }); }); it('should upload category image', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/category/uploadpicture`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), { params: JSON.stringify({ cid: cid }) }, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(Array.isArray(body)); assert.equal(body[0].url, `${nconf.get('relative_path')}/assets/uploads/category/category-1.png`); done(); }); }); it('should upload default avatar', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/uploadDefaultAvatar`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), { }, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(body[0].url, `${nconf.get('relative_path')}/assets/uploads/system/avatar-default.png`); done(); }); }); it('should upload og image', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/uploadOgImage`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), { }, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(body[0].url, `${nconf.get('relative_path')}/assets/uploads/system/og-image.png`); done(); }); }); it('should upload favicon', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/uploadfavicon`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/favicon.ico'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(Array.isArray(body)); assert.equal(body[0].url, '/assets/uploads/system/favicon.ico'); done(); }); }); it('should upload touch icon', (done) => { const touchiconAssetPath = '/assets/uploads/system/touchicon-orig.png'; helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/uploadTouchIcon`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), {}, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(Array.isArray(body)); assert.equal(body[0].url, touchiconAssetPath); meta.config['brand:touchIcon'] = touchiconAssetPath; request(`${nconf.get('url')}/apple-touch-icon`, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(body); done(); }); }); }); it('should upload regular file', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/upload/file`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), { params: JSON.stringify({ folder: 'system', }), }, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 200); assert(Array.isArray(body)); assert.equal(body[0].url, '/assets/uploads/system/test.png'); assert(file.existsSync(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'system', 'test.png'))); done(); }); }); it('should fail to upload regular file in wrong directory', (done) => { helpers.uploadFile(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/admin/upload/file`, path.join(__dirname, '../test/files/test.png'), { params: JSON.stringify({ folder: '../../system', }), }, jar, csrf_token, (err, res, body) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.statusCode, 500); assert.strictEqual(body.error, '[[error:invalid-path]]'); done(); }); }); describe('ACP uploads screen', () => { it('should create a folder', async () => { const res = await helpers.createFolder('', 'myfolder', jar, csrf_token); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); assert(file.existsSync(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'myfolder'))); }); it('should fail to create a folder if it already exists', async () => { const res = await helpers.createFolder('', 'myfolder', jar, csrf_token); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.body.status, { code: 'forbidden', message: 'Folder exists', }); }); it('should fail to create a folder as a non-admin', async () => { const res = await helpers.createFolder('', 'hisfolder', regularJar, regular_csrf_token); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.body.status, { code: 'forbidden', message: 'You are not authorised to make this call', }); }); it('should fail to create a folder in wrong directory', async () => { const res = await helpers.createFolder('../traversing', 'unexpectedfolder', jar, csrf_token); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.body.status, { code: 'forbidden', message: 'Invalid path', }); }); it('should use basename of given folderName to create new folder', async () => { const res = await helpers.createFolder('/myfolder', '../another folder', jar, csrf_token); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 200); const slugifiedName = 'another-folder'; assert(file.existsSync(path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'), 'myfolder', slugifiedName))); }); it('should fail to delete a file as a non-admin', async () => { const res = await requestAsync.delete(`${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/files`, { body: { path: '/system/test.png', }, jar: regularJar, json: true, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': regular_csrf_token, }, simple: false, resolveWithFullResponse: true, }); assert.strictEqual(res.statusCode, 403); assert.deepStrictEqual(res.body.status, { code: 'forbidden', message: 'You are not authorised to make this call', }); }); }); }); });