"use strict"; var db = require('./database'), async = require('async'), winston = require('winston'), User = require('./user'), Topics = require('./topics'), Posts = require('./posts'), Categories = require('./categories'), Groups = require('./groups'), Meta = require('./meta'), Plugins = require('./plugins'), Utils = require('../public/src/utils'), Upgrade = {}, minSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 1, 14, 21, 50), // This value gets updated every new MINOR version schemaDate, thisSchemaDate, // IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO UPDATE VALUE OF latestSchema latestSchema = Date.UTC(2014, 9, 14); Upgrade.check = function(callback) { db.get('schemaDate', function(err, value) { if(!value) { db.set('schemaDate', latestSchema, function(err) { callback(true); }); return; } if (parseInt(value, 10) >= latestSchema) { callback(true); } else { callback(false); } }); }; Upgrade.update = function(schemaDate, callback) { db.set('schemaDate', schemaDate, callback); }; Upgrade.upgrade = function(callback) { var updatesMade = false; winston.info('Beginning database schema update'); async.series([ function(next) { // Prepare for upgrade & check to make sure the upgrade is possible db.get('schemaDate', function(err, value) { if(!value) { db.set('schemaDate', latestSchema, function(err) { next(); }); schemaDate = latestSchema; } else { schemaDate = parseInt(value, 10); } if (schemaDate >= minSchemaDate) { next(); } else { next(new Error('upgrade-not-possible')); } }); }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 1, 19, 18, 15); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.setObjectField('widgets:home.tpl', 'motd', JSON.stringify([ { "widget": "html", "data": { "html": Meta.config.motd || "Welcome to NodeBB, if you are an administrator of this forum visit the Themes ACP to modify and add widgets." } } ]), function(err) { Meta.configs.remove('motd'); Meta.configs.remove('motd_class'); Meta.configs.remove('show_motd'); winston.info('[2014/2/19] Updated MOTD to use the HTML widget.'); if (err) { next(err); } else { Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); } else { winston.info('[2014/2/19] Updating MOTD to use the HTML widget - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 1, 20, 15, 30); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { var container = '
'; db.setObjectField('widgets:category.tpl', 'sidebar', JSON.stringify([ { "widget": "recentreplies", "data": { "title": "Recent Replies", "container": container } }, { "widget": "activeusers", "data": { "title": "Active Users", "container": container } }, { "widget": "moderators", "data": { "title": "Moderators", "container": container } } ]), function(err) { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Adding Recent Replies, Active Users, and Moderator widgets to category sidebar.'); if (err) { next(err); } else { Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); } else { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Adding Recent Replies, Active Users, and Moderator widgets to category sidebar - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 1, 20, 16, 15); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.setObjectField('widgets:home.tpl', 'footer', JSON.stringify([ { "widget": "forumstats", "data": {} } ]), function(err) { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Adding Forum Stats Widget to the Homepage Footer.'); if (err) { next(err); } else { Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); } else { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Adding Forum Stats Widget to the Homepage Footer - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 1, 20, 19, 45); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { var container = '
'; db.setObjectField('widgets:home.tpl', 'sidebar', JSON.stringify([ { "widget": "html", "data": { "html": Meta.config.motd || "Welcome to NodeBB, if you are an administrator of this forum visit the Themes ACP to modify and add widgets.", "container": container, "title": "MOTD" } } ]), function(err) { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Updating Lavender MOTD'); if (err) { next(err); } else { Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); } else { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Updating Lavender MOTD - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 1, 20, 20, 25); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.setAdd('plugins:active', 'nodebb-widget-essentials', function(err) { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Activating NodeBB Essential Widgets'); Plugins.reload(function() { if (err) { next(err); } else { Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/2/20] Activating NodeBB Essential Widgets - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 1, 22); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.exists('categories:cid', function(err, exists) { if(err) { return next(err); } if(!exists) { winston.info('[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set - skipped'); return next(); } db.getListRange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function(err, cids) { // Naive type-checking, becaue DBAL does not have .type() support if(err) { // Most likely upgraded already. Skip. winston.info('[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set - skipped'); return Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } if(!Array.isArray(cids)) { winston.info('[2014/2/22] Add categories to sorted set - skipped (cant find any cids)'); return next(); } db.rename('categories:cid', 'categories:cid:old', function(err) { if(err) { return next(err); } async.each(cids, function(cid, next) { Categories.getCategoryField(cid, 'order', function(err, order) { if(err) { return next(err); } // If there was no order present, put it at the end if (!order) { order = cids.length; } db.sortedSetAdd('categories:cid', order, cid, next); }); }, function(err) { if(err) { return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set'); db.delete('categories:cid:old'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/2/22] Added categories to sorted set - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 2, 18); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.exists('settings:markdown', function(err, exists) { if (err || exists) { winston.info('[2014/3/18] Migrating Markdown settings to new configuration - skipped'); return next(); } var fields = [ 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:gfm', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:highlight', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:tables', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:breaks', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:pedantic', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:sanitize', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:smartLists', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:smartypants', 'nodebb-plugin-markdown:options:langPrefix' ], settings = {}, newFieldName; async.series([ function(next) { db.getObjectFields('config', fields, function(err, values) { if (err) { return next(); } for(var field in values) { if (values.hasOwnProperty(field)) { newFieldName = field.slice(31); settings[newFieldName] = values[field] === '1' ? 'on' : values[field]; } } next(); }); }, function(next) { db.setObject('settings:markdown', settings, next); }, function(next) { async.each(fields, function(field, next) { db.deleteObjectField('config', field, next); }, next); } ], function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/3/18] Problem migrating Markdown settings.'); next(); } else { winston.info('[2014/3/18] Migrated Markdown settings to new configuration'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/3/18] Migrating Markdown settings to new configuration - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 2, 21); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.getObject('group:gid', function(err, mapping) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!err && !mapping) { // Done already, skip return next(); } var names = Object.keys(mapping), reverseMapping = {}, isGroupList = /^cid:[0-9]+:privileges:g\+[rw]$/, gid; for(var groupName in mapping) { if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(groupName)) { gid = mapping[groupName]; if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(groupName) && !reverseMapping.hasOwnProperty(gid)) { reverseMapping[parseInt(gid, 10)] = groupName; } } } async.eachSeries(names, function(name, next) { async.series([ function(next) { // Remove the gid from the hash db.exists('gid:' + mapping[name], function(err, exists) { if (exists) { db.deleteObjectField('gid:' + mapping[name], 'gid', next); } else { next(); } }); }, function(next) { // Rename gid hash to groupName hash db.exists('gid:' + mapping[name], function(err, exists) { if (exists) { db.rename('gid:' + mapping[name], 'group:' + name, next); } else { next(); } }); }, function(next) { // Move member lists over db.exists('gid:' + mapping[name], function(err, dstExists) { if (err) { return next(err); } db.exists('gid:' + mapping[name] + ':members', function(err, srcExists) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (srcExists && !dstExists) { db.rename('gid:' + mapping[name] + ':members', 'group:' + name + ':members', next); } else { // No members or group memberlist collision: do nothing, they'll be removed later next(); } }); }); }, function(next) { // Add group to the directory (set) db.setAdd('groups', name, next); }, function(next) { // If this group contained gids, map the gids to group names // Also check if the mapping and reverseMapping still work, if not, delete this group if (isGroupList.test(name) && name === reverseMapping[mapping[name]]) { db.getSetMembers('group:' + name + ':members', function(err, gids) { async.each(gids, function(gid, next) { db.setRemove('group:' + name + ':members', gid); db.setAdd('group:' + name + ':members', reverseMapping[gid], next); }, next); }); } else if (name !== reverseMapping[mapping[name]]) { async.parallel([ function(next) { db.delete('group:' + name, next); }, function(next) { db.delete('group:' + name + ':members', next); }, function(next) { db.setRemove('groups', name, next); } ], next); } else { next(); } }, function(next) { // Fix its' name, if it is wrong for whatever reason db.getObjectField('group:' + name, 'name', function(err, groupName) { if (name && groupName && name !== groupName) { async.series([ function(cb) { db.setObjectField('group:' + name, 'name', name, cb); }, function(cb) { db.setRemove('groups', groupName, cb); }, function(cb) { db.setAdd('groups', name, cb); } ], next); } else { next(); } }); } ], next); }, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/3/21] Problem removing gids and pruning groups.'); winston.error(err.message); return next(); } // Clean-up var isValidHiddenGroup = /^cid:[0-9]+:privileges:(g)?\+[rw]$/; async.series([ function(next) { // Mapping db.delete('group:gid', next); }, function(next) { // Incrementor db.deleteObjectField('global', 'nextGid', next); }, function(next) { // Set 'administrators' and 'registered-users' as system groups async.parallel([ function(next) { db.setObject('group:administrators', { system: '1', hidden: '0' }, next); }, function(next) { db.setObject('group:registered-users', { system: '1', hidden: '0' }, next); } ], next); }, function(next) { Groups.list({ showAllGroups: true }, function(err, groups) { async.each(groups, function(group, next) { // If deleted, (hidden & empty), or invalidly named hidden group, delete if (group.deleted || (group.hidden && group.memberCount === 0) || (group.hidden && !isValidHiddenGroup.test(group.name))) { Groups.destroy(group.name, next); } else { next(); } }, next); }); } ], function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/3/21] Problem removing gids and pruning groups.'); next(); } else { winston.info('[2014/3/21] Removing gids and pruning groups'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/3/21] Removing gids and pruning groups - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 3, 31, 12, 30); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.setObjectField('widgets:global', 'footer', "[{\"widget\":\"html\",\"data\":{\"html\":\"\",\"title\":\"\",\"container\":\"\"}}]", function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/3/31] Problem re-adding copyright message into global footer widget'); next(); } else { winston.info('[2014/3/31] Re-added copyright message into global footer widget'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); } else { winston.info('[2014/3/31] Re-adding copyright message into global footer widget - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 4, 1); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.getObjectField('widgets:home.tpl', 'sidebar', function(err, widgetData) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error moving home sidebar widgets into draft zone'); return next(err); } db.setObjectField('widgets:global', 'drafts', widgetData, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error moving home sidebar widgets into draft zone'); return next(err); } db.deleteObjectField('widgets:home.tpl', 'sidebar', function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error moving home sidebar widgets into draft zone'); next(err); } else { winston.info('[2014/4/1] Moved home sidebar widgets into draft zone'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/4/1] Moved home sidebar widgets into draft zone - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 4, 2); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.getObjectField('widgets:home.tpl', 'footer', function(err, widgetData) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error moving deprecated vanilla footer widgets into draft zone'); return next(err); } db.setObjectField('widgets:global', 'drafts', widgetData, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error moving deprecated vanilla footer widgets into draft zone'); return next(err); } db.deleteObjectField('widgets:home.tpl', 'footer', function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error moving deprecated vanilla footer widgets into draft zone'); next(err); } else { winston.info('[2014/4/1] Moved deprecated vanilla footer widgets into draft zone'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/4/2] Moved deprecated vanilla footer widgets into draft zone - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 4, 13); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { var tasks = []; db.getSetMembers('groups', function(err, groups) { var isCidPerm = /^cid:\d+:privileges:g?\+[rw]$/, privMap = { "+r": "read", "+w": "topics:create", "g+r": "groups:read", "g+w": "groups:topics:create" }; groups = groups.filter(function(groupName) { return isCidPerm.test(groupName); }); groups.forEach(function(groupName) { var split = groupName.split(':'), privilege = split.pop(), newPrivilege = privMap[privilege], newName; split.push(newPrivilege); newName = split.join(':'); tasks.push(async.apply(db.rename, 'group:' + groupName, 'group:' + newName)); tasks.push(async.apply(db.rename, 'group:' + groupName + ':members', 'group:' + newName + ':members')); tasks.push(async.apply(db.setRemove, 'groups', groupName)); tasks.push(async.apply(db.setAdd, 'groups', newName)); }); async.parallel(tasks, function(err) { if (!err) { winston.info('[2014/4/1] Updating privilege settings'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } else { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error encountered while updating privilege settings'); next(err); } }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/5/13] Updating privilege settings - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 4, 16); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { var tasks = []; db.getObjectField('config', 'allowGuestPosting', function(err, value) { if (value === '1') { tasks.push(async.apply(db.deleteObjectField, 'config', 'allowGuestPosting')); db.getSortedSetRange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function(err, cids) { async.each(cids, function(cid, next) { Categories.getCategoryField(cid, 'disabled', function(err, disabled) { if (!disabled || disabled === '0') { tasks.push(async.apply(Groups.join, 'cid:' + cid + ':privileges:groups:topics:create', 'guests')); tasks.push(async.apply(Groups.join, 'cid:' + cid + ':privileges:groups:topics:reply', 'guests')); next(); } else { next(); } }); }, function() { async.parallel(tasks, function(err) { if (!err) { winston.info('[2014/5/16] Removing allowGuestPosting option'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } else { winston.error('[2014/4/1] Error encountered while removing allowGuestPosting option'); next(err); } }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/5/16] Removing allowGuestPosting option - skipped'); next(); } }); } else { winston.info('[2014/5/16] Removing allowGuestPosting option - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 4, 22); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { db.exists('tags', function(err, exists) { if (err || !exists) { winston.info('[2014/5/22] Skipping tag upgrade'); return Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } db.getSetMembers('tags', function(err, tags) { if (err) { return next(err); } async.each(tags, function(tag, next) { db.sortedSetCard('tag:' + tag + ':topics', function(err, count) { if (err) { return next(err); } db.sortedSetAdd('tags:topic:count', count, tag, next); }); }, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/5/22] Error encountered while upgrading tags'); return next(err); } db.delete('tags', function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/5/22] Error encountered while upgrading tags'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/5/22] Tags upgraded to sorted set'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/5/16] Tags upgrade - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 5, 6); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/6/6] Upgrading topics...'); db.getSortedSetRange('topics:tid', 0, -1, function(err, tids) { function upgradeTopic(tid, callback) { Topics.getTopicField(tid, 'mainPid', function(err, mainPid) { if (err) { return callback(err); } db.getSortedSetRange('tid:' + tid + ':posts', 0, -1, function(err, pids) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!Array.isArray(pids) || !pids.length) { return callback(); } if (!parseInt(mainPid, 10)) { mainPid = pids[0]; pids.splice(0, 1); Topics.setTopicField(tid, 'mainPid', mainPid); db.sortedSetRemove('tid:' + tid + ':posts', mainPid); db.sortedSetRemove('tid:' + tid + ':posts:votes', mainPid); } if (!pids.length) { return callback(); } async.eachLimit(pids, 10, function(pid, next) { Posts.getPostField(pid, 'votes', function(err, votes) { if (err) { return next(err); } db.sortedSetAdd('tid:' + tid + ':posts:votes', votes ? votes : 0, pid, next); }); }, callback); }); }); } if (err) { return next(err); } if (!Array.isArray(tids) || !tids.length) { winston.info('[2014/6/6] Skipping topic upgrade'); return Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } async.eachLimit(tids, 10, upgradeTopic, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/6/6] Error encountered while upgrading topics'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/6/6] Topics upgraded.'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/6/6] Topic upgrade - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 5, 17); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/6/17] Upgrading category post counts...'); db.getSortedSetRange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function(err, cids) { if (err) { return next(err); } async.each(cids, function(cid, next) { db.setObjectField('category:' + cid, 'post_count', 0, next); }, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } db.getSortedSetRange('topics:tid', 0, -1, function(err, tids) { function upgradeTopic(tid, callback) { Topics.getTopicFields(tid, ['cid', 'postcount', 'deleted'], function(err, topicData) { if (err || !topicData) { return callback(err); } if (parseInt(topicData.deleted, 10) === 1) { return callback(); } db.incrObjectFieldBy('category:' + topicData.cid, 'post_count', topicData.postcount, callback); }); } if (err) { return next(err); } if (!Array.isArray(tids) || !tids.length) { winston.info('[2014/6/17] Skipping category post upgrade'); return Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); } async.eachLimit(tids, 10, upgradeTopic, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/6/17] Error encountered while upgrading category postcounts'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/6/17] Category post counts upgraded'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/6/17] Category post count upgrade - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 6, 23); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/7/23] Upgrading db dependencies...'); var install = require('./install'); var config = require('../config.json'); install.installDbDependencies(config, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/7/23] Error encountered while upgrading db dependencies'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/7/23] Upgraded db dependencies'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/7/23] Upgrading db dependencies - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 6, 24); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/7/24] Upgrading chats to sorted set...'); db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function(err, uids) { if (err) { return next(err); } async.eachLimit(uids, 10, function(uid, next) { db.getSortedSetRange('uid:' + uid + ':chats', 0, -1, function(err, toUids) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!Array.isArray(toUids) || !toUids.length) { return next(); } async.eachLimit(toUids, 10, function(toUid, next) { var uids = [uid, toUid].sort(); db.getListRange('messages:' + uids[0] + ':' + uids[1], 0, -1, function(err, mids) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!Array.isArray(mids) || !mids.length) { return next(); } async.eachLimit(mids, 10, function(mid, next) { db.getObjectField('message:' + mid, 'timestamp', function(err, timestamp) { if (err || !timestamp) { return next(err); } db.sortedSetAdd('messages:uid:' + uids[0] + ':to:' + uids[1], timestamp, mid, next); }); }, next); }); }, next); }); }, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/7/24] Error encountered while updating chats to sorted set'); return next(err); } async.eachLimit(uids, 10, function(uid, next) { db.getSortedSetRange('uid:' + uid + ':chats', 0, -1, function(err, toUids) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (!Array.isArray(toUids) || !toUids.length) { return next(); } async.eachLimit(toUids, 10, function(toUid, next) { var uids = [uid, toUid].sort(); db.delete('messages:' + uids[0] + ':' + uids[1], next); }, next); }); }, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/7/24] Error encountered while updating chats to sorted set'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/7/24] Upgraded chats to sorted set'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/7/24] Upgrading chats to sorted set - skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 8, 8); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/9/8] Deleting old notifications...'); async.parallel({ uids: function(next) { db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, next); }, nids: function(next) { db.getSetMembers('notifications', next); } }, function(err, results) { if (err) { return next(err); } var uidKeys = results.uids.map(function(uid) { return 'uid:' + uid + ':notifications:uniqueId:nid'; }); var nidKeys = results.nids.filter(Boolean).map(function(nid) { return 'notifications:' + nid; }); async.series([ function(next) { db.deleteAll(nidKeys, next); }, function(next) { db.deleteAll(uidKeys, next); }, function(next) { db.delete('notifications', next); } ], function(err, results) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/9/8] Error encountered while deleting notifications'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/9/8] Deleted old notifications'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/9/8] Deleting old notifications skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 8, 27); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/9/27] Deleting tid::read_by_uid...'); db.getSortedSetRange('topics:tid', 0, -1, function(err, tids) { if (err) { return next(err); } tids = tids.filter(Boolean); var readKeys = tids.map(function(tid) { return 'tid:' + tid + ':read_by_uid'; }); db.deleteAll(readKeys, function(err, results) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/9/27] Error encountered while deleting tid::read_by_uid'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/9/27] Deleted tid::read_by_uid'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/9/27] Deleting tid::read_by_uid skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 9, 7); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/10/7] Banned users sorted set'); db.getSortedSetRange('users:joindate', 0, -1, function(err, uids) { if (err) { return next(err); } var now = Date.now(); async.eachLimit(uids, 50, function(uid, next) { User.getUserField(uid, 'banned', function(err, banned) { if (err) { return next(err); } if (parseInt(banned, 10) !== 1) { return next(); } db.sortedSetAdd('users:banned', now, uid, next); }); }, function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/10/7] Error encountered while updating banned users sorted set'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/10/7] Banned users added to sorted set'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/10/7] Banned users sorted set skipped'); next(); } }, function(next) { function updateCategories(next) { db.getSortedSetRange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function(err, cids) { if (err) { return next(err); } async.eachLimit(cids, 5, function(cid, next) { db.sortedSetCard('categories:' + cid + ':tid', function(err, count) { if (err) { return next(err); } count = parseInt(count, 10) || 0; db.setObjectField('category:' + cid, 'topic_count', count, next); }); }, next); }); } function updateTopics(next) { db.getSortedSetRange('topics:tid', 0, -1, function(err, tids) { if (err) { return next(err); } async.eachLimit(tids, 50, function(tid, next) { db.sortedSetCard('tid:' + tid + ':posts', function(err, count) { if (err) { return next(err); } count = parseInt(count, 10) || 0; winston.info('updating tid ' + tid + ' count ' + count); db.setObjectField('topic:' + tid, 'postcount', count, next); }); }, next); }); } thisSchemaDate = Date.UTC(2014, 9, 14); if (schemaDate < thisSchemaDate) { winston.info('[2014/10/14] Topic post count migration'); async.series([ function(next) { updateCategories(next); }, function(next) { updateTopics(next); } ], function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('[2014/10/14] Error encountered while Topic post count migration'); return next(err); } winston.info('[2014/10/14] Topic post count migration done'); Upgrade.update(thisSchemaDate, next); }); } else { winston.info('[2014/10/14] Topic post count migration skipped'); next(); } } // Add new schema updates here // IMPORTANT: REMEMBER TO UPDATE VALUE OF latestSchema IN LINE 22!!! ], function(err) { if (!err) { if(updatesMade) { winston.info('[upgrade] Schema update complete!'); } else { winston.info('[upgrade] Schema already up to date!'); } process.exit(); } else { switch(err.message) { case 'upgrade-not-possible': winston.error('[upgrade] NodeBB upgrade could not complete, as your database schema is too far out of date.'); winston.error('[upgrade] Please ensure that you did not skip any minor version upgrades.'); winston.error('[upgrade] (e.g. v0.1.x directly to v0.3.x)'); process.exit(); break; default: winston.error('[upgrade] Errors were encountered while updating the NodeBB schema: ' + err.message); process.exit(); break; } } }); }; module.exports = Upgrade;