'use strict'; var async = require('async'); var nconf = require('nconf'); var url = require('url'); var winston = require('winston'); var start = module.exports; start.start = function () { var db = require('./database'); setupConfigs(); printStartupInfo(); addProcessHandlers(); async.waterfall([ function (next) { db.init(next); }, function (next) { var meta = require('./meta'); async.parallel([ async.apply(db.checkCompatibility), async.apply(meta.configs.init), function (next) { if (nconf.get('dep-check') === undefined || nconf.get('dep-check') !== false) { meta.dependencies.check(next); } else { winston.warn('[init] Dependency checking skipped!'); setImmediate(next); } }, function (next) { require('./upgrade').check(next); } ], function (err) { next(err); }); }, function (next) { var webserver = require('./webserver'); require('./socket.io').init(webserver.server); if (nconf.get('isPrimary') === 'true' && !nconf.get('jobsDisabled')) { require('./notifications').init(); require('./user').startJobs(); } webserver.listen(next); } ], function (err) { if (err) { switch(err.message) { case 'schema-out-of-date': winston.warn('Your NodeBB schema is out-of-date. Please run the following command to bring your dataset up to spec:'); winston.warn(' ./nodebb upgrade'); break; case 'dependencies-out-of-date': winston.warn('One or more of NodeBB\'s dependent packages are out-of-date. Please run the following command to update them:'); winston.warn(' ./nodebb upgrade'); break; case 'dependencies-missing': winston.warn('One or more of NodeBB\'s dependent packages are missing. Please run the following command to update them:'); winston.warn(' ./nodebb upgrade'); break; default: winston.error(err); break; } // Either way, bad stuff happened. Abort start. process.exit(); } if (process.send) { process.send({ action: 'listening' }); } }); }; function setupConfigs() { // nconf defaults, if not set in config if (!nconf.get('upload_path')) { nconf.set('upload_path', '/public/uploads'); } if (!nconf.get('sessionKey')) { nconf.set('sessionKey', 'express.sid'); } // Parse out the relative_url and other goodies from the configured URL var urlObject = url.parse(nconf.get('url')); var relativePath = urlObject.pathname !== '/' ? urlObject.pathname : ''; nconf.set('base_url', urlObject.protocol + '//' + urlObject.host); nconf.set('secure', urlObject.protocol === 'https:'); nconf.set('use_port', !!urlObject.port); nconf.set('relative_path', relativePath); nconf.set('port', urlObject.port || nconf.get('port') || nconf.get('PORT') || (nconf.get('PORT_ENV_VAR') ? nconf.get(nconf.get('PORT_ENV_VAR')) : false) || 4567); nconf.set('upload_url', nconf.get('upload_path').replace(/^\/public/, '')); } function printStartupInfo() { if (nconf.get('isPrimary') === 'true') { winston.info('Time: %s', (new Date()).toString()); winston.info('Initializing NodeBB v%s', nconf.get('version')); var host = nconf.get(nconf.get('database') + ':host'); var storeLocation = host ? 'at ' + host + (host.indexOf('/') === -1 ? ':' + nconf.get(nconf.get('database') + ':port') : '') : ''; winston.verbose('* using %s store %s', nconf.get('database'), storeLocation); winston.verbose('* using themes stored in: %s', nconf.get('themes_path')); } } function addProcessHandlers() { process.on('SIGTERM', shutdown); process.on('SIGINT', shutdown); process.on('SIGHUP', restart); process.on('message', function (message) { if (typeof message !== 'object') { return; } var meta = require('./meta'); switch (message.action) { case 'reload': meta.reload(); break; } }); process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { winston.error(err); require('./meta').js.killMinifier(); shutdown(1); }); } function restart() { if (process.send) { winston.info('[app] Restarting...'); process.send({ action: 'restart' }); } else { winston.error('[app] Could not restart server. Shutting down.'); shutdown(1); } } function shutdown(code) { winston.info('[app] Shutdown (SIGTERM/SIGINT) Initialised.'); require('./src/database').close(); winston.info('[app] Database connection closed.'); require('./src/webserver').server.close(); winston.info('[app] Web server closed to connections.'); winston.info('[app] Shutdown complete.'); process.exit(code || 0); }