'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'), winston = require('winston'), path = require('path'), nconf = require('nconf'), user = require('./user'); (function(events) { var logFileName = 'events.log'; events.logPasswordChange = function(uid) { logWithUser(uid, 'changed password'); }; events.logAdminChangeUserPassword = function(adminUid, theirUid, callback) { logAdminEvent(adminUid, theirUid, 'changed password of', callback); }; events.logAdminUserDelete = function(adminUid, theirUid, callback) { logAdminEvent(adminUid, theirUid, 'deleted', callback); }; function logAdminEvent(adminUid, theirUid, message, callback) { user.getMultipleUserFields([adminUid, theirUid], ['username'], function(err, userData) { if(err) { return winston.error('Error logging event. ' + err.message); } var msg = userData[0].username + '(uid ' + adminUid + ') ' + message + ' ' + userData[1].username + '(uid ' + theirUid + ')'; events.log(msg, callback); }); } events.logPasswordReset = function(uid) { logWithUser(uid, 'reset password'); }; events.logEmailChange = function(uid, oldEmail, newEmail) { logWithUser(uid,'changed email from "' + oldEmail + '" to "' + newEmail +'"'); }; events.logUsernameChange = function(uid, oldUsername, newUsername) { logWithUser(uid,'changed username from "' + oldUsername + '" to "' + newUsername +'"'); }; events.logAdminLogin = function(uid) { logWithUser(uid, 'logged into admin panel'); }; events.logPostEdit = function(uid, pid) { logWithUser(uid, 'edited post (pid ' + pid + ')'); }; events.logPostDelete = function(uid, pid) { logWithUser(uid, 'deleted post (pid ' + pid + ')'); }; events.logPostRestore = function(uid, pid) { logWithUser(uid, 'restored post (pid ' + pid + ')'); }; events.logTopicDelete = function(uid, tid) { logWithUser(uid, 'deleted topic (tid ' + tid + ')'); }; events.logTopicRestore = function(uid, tid) { logWithUser(uid, 'restored topic (tid ' + tid + ')'); }; function logWithUser(uid, string) { user.getUserField(uid, 'username', function(err, username) { if(err) { return winston.error('Error logging event. ' + err.message); } var msg = username + '(uid ' + uid + ') ' + string; events.log(msg); }); } events.log = function(msg, callback) { var logFile = path.join(nconf.get('base_dir'), logFileName); msg = '[' + new Date().toUTCString() + '] - ' + msg; fs.appendFile(logFile, msg + '\n', function(err) { if(err) { winston.error('Error logging event. ' + err.message); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(err); } return; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }); }; events.getLog = function(callback) { var logFile = path.join(nconf.get('base_dir'), logFileName); fs.exists(logFile, function(exists) { if (exists) { fs.readFile(logFile, callback); } else { callback(null, 'No logs found'); } }); }; }(module.exports));