'use strict'; /** * Database Mock - wrapper for database.js, makes system use separate test db, instead of production * ATTENTION: testing db is flushed before every use! */ var async = require('async'); var winston = require('winston'); var path = require('path'); var nconf = require('nconf'); var url = require('url'); var errorText; nconf.file({ file: path.join(__dirname, '../../config.json') }); nconf.defaults({ base_dir: path.join(__dirname, '../..'), themes_path: path.join(__dirname, '../../node_modules'), upload_path: 'public/uploads', views_dir: path.join(__dirname, '../../build/public/templates'), relative_path: '', }); if (!nconf.get('isCluster')) { nconf.set('isPrimary', 'true'); nconf.set('isCluster', 'false'); } var dbType = nconf.get('database'); var testDbConfig = nconf.get('test_database'); var productionDbConfig = nconf.get(dbType); if (!testDbConfig) { errorText = 'test_database is not defined'; winston.info( '\n===========================================================\n' + 'Please, add parameters for test database in config.json\n' + 'For example (redis):\n' + '"test_database": {\n' + ' "host": "",\n' + ' "port": "6379",\n' + ' "password": "",\n' + ' "database": "1"\n' + '}\n' + ' or (mongo):\n' + '"test_database": {\n' + ' "host": "",\n' + ' "port": "27017",\n' + ' "password": "",\n' + ' "database": "1\n' + '}\n' + ' or (mongo) in a replicaset\n' + '"test_database": {\n' + ' "host": ",,",\n' + ' "port": "27017,27018,27019",\n' + ' "username": "",\n' + ' "password": "",\n' + ' "database": "nodebb_test"\n' + '}\n' + '===========================================================' ); winston.error(errorText); throw new Error(errorText); } if (testDbConfig.database === productionDbConfig.database && testDbConfig.host === productionDbConfig.host && testDbConfig.port === productionDbConfig.port) { errorText = 'test_database has the same config as production db'; winston.error(errorText); throw new Error(errorText); } nconf.set(dbType, testDbConfig); winston.info('database config'); winston.info(dbType); winston.info(testDbConfig); var db = require('../../src/database'); module.exports = db; before(function (done) { this.timeout(30000); async.series([ function (next) { db.init(next); }, function (next) { setupMockDefaults(next); }, function (next) { db.initSessionStore(next); }, function (next) { var meta = require('../../src/meta'); // nconf defaults, if not set in config if (!nconf.get('sessionKey')) { nconf.set('sessionKey', 'express.sid'); } // Parse out the relative_url and other goodies from the configured URL var urlObject = url.parse(nconf.get('url')); var relativePath = urlObject.pathname !== '/' ? urlObject.pathname : ''; nconf.set('base_url', urlObject.protocol + '//' + urlObject.host); nconf.set('secure', urlObject.protocol === 'https:'); nconf.set('use_port', !!urlObject.port); nconf.set('relative_path', relativePath); nconf.set('port', urlObject.port || nconf.get('port') || nconf.get('PORT') || (nconf.get('PORT_ENV_VAR') ? nconf.get(nconf.get('PORT_ENV_VAR')) : false) || 4567); nconf.set('upload_path', path.join(nconf.get('base_dir'), nconf.get('upload_path'))); nconf.set('core_templates_path', path.join(__dirname, '../../src/views')); nconf.set('base_templates_path', path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), 'nodebb-theme-persona/templates')); nconf.set('theme_templates_path', meta.config['theme:templates'] ? path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), meta.config['theme:id'], meta.config['theme:templates']) : nconf.get('base_templates_path')); nconf.set('theme_config', path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), 'nodebb-theme-persona', 'theme.json')); nconf.set('bcrypt_rounds', 1); next(); }, function (next) { var webserver = require('../../src/webserver'); var sockets = require('../../src/socket.io'); sockets.init(webserver.server); require('../../src/notifications').startJobs(); require('../../src/user').startJobs(); webserver.listen(next); }, ], done); }); function setupMockDefaults(callback) { var meta = require('../../src/meta'); async.series([ function (next) { db.emptydb(next); }, function (next) { winston.info('test_database flushed'); setupDefaultConfigs(meta, next); }, function (next) { meta.configs.init(next); }, function (next) { meta.dependencies.check(next); }, function (next) { meta.config.postDelay = 0; meta.config.initialPostDelay = 0; meta.config.newbiePostDelay = 0; enableDefaultPlugins(next); }, function (next) { meta.themes.set({ type: 'local', id: 'nodebb-theme-persona', }, next); }, ], callback); } db.setupMockDefaults = setupMockDefaults; function setupDefaultConfigs(meta, next) { winston.info('Populating database with default configs, if not already set...\n'); var defaults = require(path.join(nconf.get('base_dir'), 'install/data/defaults.json')); meta.configs.setOnEmpty(defaults, next); } function enableDefaultPlugins(callback) { winston.info('Enabling default plugins\n'); var defaultEnabled = [ 'nodebb-plugin-dbsearch', ]; winston.info('[install/enableDefaultPlugins] activating default plugins', defaultEnabled); db.sortedSetAdd('plugins:active', [0], defaultEnabled, callback); }