'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const nconf = require('nconf'); const async = require('async'); const request = require('request-promise-native'); const util = require('util'); const sleep = util.promisify(setTimeout); const db = require('./mocks/databasemock'); const helpers = require('./helpers'); const Flags = require('../src/flags'); const Categories = require('../src/categories'); const Topics = require('../src/topics'); const Posts = require('../src/posts'); const User = require('../src/user'); const Groups = require('../src/groups'); const Meta = require('../src/meta'); const Privileges = require('../src/privileges'); const utils = require('../src/utils'); const api = require('../src/api'); describe('Flags', () => { let uid1; let adminUid; let uid3; let moderatorUid; let jar; let csrfToken; let category; before(async () => { // Create some stuff to flag uid1 = await User.create({ username: 'testUser', password: 'abcdef', email: 'b@c.com' }); adminUid = await User.create({ username: 'testUser2', password: 'abcdef', email: 'c@d.com' }); await Groups.join('administrators', adminUid); category = await Categories.create({ name: 'test category', }); await Topics.post({ cid: category.cid, uid: uid1, title: 'Topic to flag', content: 'This is flaggable content', }); uid3 = await User.create({ username: 'unprivileged', password: 'abcdef', email: 'd@e.com', }); moderatorUid = await User.create({ username: 'moderator', password: 'abcdef', }); await Privileges.categories.give(['moderate'], category.cid, [moderatorUid]); const login = await helpers.loginUser('moderator', 'abcdef'); jar = login.jar; csrfToken = login.csrf_token; }); describe('.create()', () => { it('should create a flag and return its data', (done) => { Flags.create('post', 1, 1, 'Test flag', (err, flagData) => { assert.ifError(err); const compare = { flagId: 1, targetId: 1, type: 'post', state: 'open', target_readable: 'Post 1', }; assert(flagData); for (const key of Object.keys(compare)) { assert.ok(flagData[key], `undefined key ${key}`); assert.equal(flagData[key], compare[key]); } done(); }); }); it('should add the flag to the byCid zset for category 1 if it is of type post', (done) => { db.isSortedSetMember(`flags:byCid:${1}`, 1, (err, isMember) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(isMember); done(); }); }); it('should add the flag to the byPid zset for pid 1 if it is of type post', (done) => { db.isSortedSetMember(`flags:byPid:${1}`, 1, (err, isMember) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(isMember); done(); }); }); }); describe('.exists()', () => { it('should return Boolean True if a flag matching the flag hash already exists', (done) => { Flags.exists('post', 1, 1, (err, exists) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(true, exists); done(); }); }); it('should return Boolean False if a flag matching the flag hash does not already exists', (done) => { Flags.exists('post', 1, 2, (err, exists) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(false, exists); done(); }); }); }); describe('.targetExists()', () => { it('should return Boolean True if the targeted element exists', (done) => { Flags.targetExists('post', 1, (err, exists) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(true, exists); done(); }); }); it('should return Boolean False if the targeted element does not exist', (done) => { Flags.targetExists('post', 15, (err, exists) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(false, exists); done(); }); }); }); describe('.get()', () => { it('should retrieve and display a flag\'s data', (done) => { Flags.get(1, (err, flagData) => { assert.ifError(err); const compare = { flagId: 1, targetId: 1, type: 'post', state: 'open', target_readable: 'Post 1', }; assert(flagData); for (const key of Object.keys(compare)) { assert.ok(flagData[key], `undefined key ${key}`); assert.equal(flagData[key], compare[key]); } done(); }); }); it('should show user history for admins', async () => { await Groups.join('administrators', moderatorUid); const flagData = await request({ uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/flags/1`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, json: true, }); assert(flagData.history); assert(Array.isArray(flagData.history)); await Groups.leave('administrators', moderatorUid); }); it('should show user history for global moderators', async () => { await Groups.join('Global Moderators', moderatorUid); const flagData = await request({ uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/flags/1`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, json: true, }); assert(flagData.history); assert(Array.isArray(flagData.history)); await Groups.leave('Global Moderators', moderatorUid); }); }); describe('.list()', () => { it('should show a list of flags (with one item)', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: {}, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.equal(payload.flags.length, 1); Flags.get(payload.flags[0].flagId, (err, flagData) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(payload.flags[0].flagId, flagData.flagId); assert.equal(payload.flags[0].description, flagData.description); done(); }); }); }); describe('(with filters)', () => { it('should return a filtered list of flags if said filters are passed in', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: { state: 'open', }, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.strictEqual(1, parseInt(payload.flags[0].flagId, 10)); done(); }); }); it('should return no flags if a filter with no matching flags is used', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: { state: 'rejected', }, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.strictEqual(0, payload.flags.length); done(); }); }); it('should return a flag when filtered by cid 1', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: { cid: 1, }, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.strictEqual(1, payload.flags.length); done(); }); }); it('shouldn\'t return a flag when filtered by cid 2', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: { cid: 2, }, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.strictEqual(0, payload.flags.length); done(); }); }); it('should return a flag when filtered by both cid 1 and 2', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: { cid: [1, 2], }, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.strictEqual(1, payload.flags.length); done(); }); }); it('should return one flag if filtered by both cid 1 and 2 and open state', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: { cid: [1, 2], state: 'open', }, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.strictEqual(1, payload.flags.length); done(); }); }); it('should return no flag if filtered by both cid 1 and 2 and non-open state', (done) => { Flags.list({ filters: { cid: [1, 2], state: 'resolved', }, uid: 1, }, (err, payload) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('flags')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('page')); assert.ok(payload.hasOwnProperty('pageCount')); assert.ok(Array.isArray(payload.flags)); assert.strictEqual(0, payload.flags.length); done(); }); }); }); describe('(with sort)', () => { before(async () => { // Create a second flag to test sorting const post = await Topics.reply({ tid: 1, uid: uid1, content: 'this is a reply -- flag me', }); await Flags.create('post', post.pid, adminUid, 'another flag'); await Flags.create('post', 1, uid3, 'additional flag report'); }); it('should return sorted flags latest first if no sort is passed in', async () => { const payload = await Flags.list({ uid: adminUid, }); assert(payload.flags.every((cur, idx) => { if (idx === payload.flags.length - 1) { return true; } const next = payload.flags[idx + 1]; return parseInt(cur.datetime, 10) > parseInt(next.datetime, 10); })); }); it('should return sorted flags oldest first if "oldest" sort is passed in', async () => { const payload = await Flags.list({ uid: adminUid, sort: 'oldest', }); assert(payload.flags.every((cur, idx) => { if (idx === payload.flags.length - 1) { return true; } const next = payload.flags[idx + 1]; return parseInt(cur.datetime, 10) < parseInt(next.datetime, 10); })); }); it('should return flags with more reports first if "reports" sort is passed in', async () => { const payload = await Flags.list({ uid: adminUid, sort: 'reports', }); assert(payload.flags.every((cur, idx) => { if (idx === payload.flags.length - 1) { return true; } const next = payload.flags[idx + 1]; return parseInt(cur.heat, 10) >= parseInt(next.heat, 10); })); }); }); }); describe('.update()', () => { it('should alter a flag\'s various attributes and persist them to the database', (done) => { Flags.update(1, adminUid, { state: 'wip', assignee: adminUid, }, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); db.getObjectFields('flag:1', ['state', 'assignee'], (err, data) => { if (err) { throw err; } assert.strictEqual('wip', data.state); assert.ok(!isNaN(parseInt(data.assignee, 10))); assert.strictEqual(adminUid, parseInt(data.assignee, 10)); done(); }); }); }); it('should persist to the flag\'s history', (done) => { Flags.getHistory(1, (err, history) => { if (err) { throw err; } history.forEach((change) => { switch (change.attribute) { case 'state': assert.strictEqual('[[flags:state-wip]]', change.value); break; case 'assignee': assert.strictEqual(1, change.value); break; } }); done(); }); }); it('should allow assignment if user is an admin and do nothing otherwise', async () => { await Flags.update(1, adminUid, { assignee: adminUid, }); let assignee = await db.getObjectField('flag:1', 'assignee'); assert.strictEqual(adminUid, parseInt(assignee, 10)); await Flags.update(1, adminUid, { assignee: uid3, }); assignee = await db.getObjectField('flag:1', 'assignee'); assert.strictEqual(adminUid, parseInt(assignee, 10)); }); it('should allow assignment if user is a global mod and do nothing otherwise', async () => { await Groups.join('Global Moderators', uid3); await Flags.update(1, uid3, { assignee: uid3, }); let assignee = await db.getObjectField('flag:1', 'assignee'); assert.strictEqual(uid3, parseInt(assignee, 10)); await Flags.update(1, uid3, { assignee: uid1, }); assignee = await db.getObjectField('flag:1', 'assignee'); assert.strictEqual(uid3, parseInt(assignee, 10)); await Groups.leave('Global Moderators', uid3); }); it('should allow assignment if user is a mod of the category, do nothing otherwise', async () => { await Groups.join(`cid:${category.cid}:privileges:moderate`, uid3); await Flags.update(1, uid3, { assignee: uid3, }); let assignee = await db.getObjectField('flag:1', 'assignee'); assert.strictEqual(uid3, parseInt(assignee, 10)); await Flags.update(1, uid3, { assignee: uid1, }); assignee = await db.getObjectField('flag:1', 'assignee'); assert.strictEqual(uid3, parseInt(assignee, 10)); await Groups.leave(`cid:${category.cid}:privileges:moderate`, uid3); }); it('should do nothing when you attempt to set a bogus state', async () => { await Flags.update(1, adminUid, { state: 'hocus pocus', }); const state = await db.getObjectField('flag:1', 'state'); assert.strictEqual('wip', state); }); describe('resolve/reject', () => { let result; let flagObj; beforeEach(async () => { result = await Topics.post({ cid: category.cid, uid: uid3, title: 'Topic to flag', content: 'This is flaggable content', }); flagObj = await api.flags.create({ uid: uid1 }, { type: 'post', id: result.postData.pid, reason: 'spam' }); await sleep(2000); }); it('should rescind notification if flag is resolved', async () => { let userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); await Flags.update(flagObj.flagId, adminUid, { state: 'resolved', }); userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(!userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); }); it('should rescind notification if flag is rejected', async () => { let userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); await Flags.update(flagObj.flagId, adminUid, { state: 'rejected', }); userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(!userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); }); it('should do nothing if flag is resolved but ACP action is not "rescind"', async () => { Meta.config['flags:actionOnResolve'] = ''; let userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); await Flags.update(flagObj.flagId, adminUid, { state: 'resolved', }); userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); delete Meta.config['flags:actionOnResolve']; }); it('should do nothing if flag is rejected but ACP action is not "rescind"', async () => { Meta.config['flags:actionOnReject'] = ''; let userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); await Flags.update(flagObj.flagId, adminUid, { state: 'rejected', }); userNotifs = await User.notifications.getAll(adminUid); assert(userNotifs.includes(`flag:post:${result.postData.pid}:${uid1}`)); delete Meta.config['flags:actionOnReject']; }); }); }); describe('.getTarget()', () => { it('should return a post\'s data if queried with type "post"', (done) => { Flags.getTarget('post', 1, 1, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); const compare = { uid: 1, pid: 1, content: 'This is flaggable content', }; for (const key of Object.keys(compare)) { assert.ok(data[key]); assert.equal(data[key], compare[key]); } done(); }); }); it('should return a user\'s data if queried with type "user"', (done) => { Flags.getTarget('user', 1, 1, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); const compare = { uid: 1, username: 'testUser', email: 'b@c.com', }; for (const key of Object.keys(compare)) { assert.ok(data[key]); assert.equal(data[key], compare[key]); } done(); }); }); it('should return a plain object with no properties if the target no longer exists', (done) => { Flags.getTarget('user', 15, 1, (err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(0, Object.keys(data).length); done(); }); }); }); describe('.validate()', () => { it('should error out if type is post and post is deleted', (done) => { Posts.delete(1, 1, (err) => { if (err) { throw err; } Flags.validate({ type: 'post', id: 1, uid: 1, }, (err) => { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual('[[error:post-deleted]]', err.message); Posts.restore(1, 1, done); }); }); }); it('should not pass validation if flag threshold is set and user rep does not meet it', (done) => { Meta.configs.set('min:rep:flag', '50', (err) => { assert.ifError(err); Flags.validate({ type: 'post', id: 1, uid: 3, }, (err) => { assert.ok(err); assert.strictEqual('[[error:not-enough-reputation-to-flag, 50]]', err.message); Meta.configs.set('min:rep:flag', 0, done); }); }); }); it('should not error if user blocked target', async () => { const apiFlags = require('../src/api/flags'); const reporterUid = await User.create({ username: 'reporter' }); const reporteeUid = await User.create({ username: 'reportee' }); await User.blocks.add(reporteeUid, reporterUid); const data = await Topics.post({ cid: 1, uid: reporteeUid, title: 'Another topic', content: 'This is flaggable content', }); await apiFlags.create({ uid: reporterUid }, { type: 'post', id: data.postData.pid, reason: 'spam', }); }); it('should send back error if reporter does not exist', (done) => { Flags.validate({ uid: 123123123, id: 1, type: 'post' }, (err) => { assert.equal(err.message, '[[error:no-user]]'); done(); }); }); }); describe('.appendNote()', () => { it('should add a note to a flag', (done) => { Flags.appendNote(1, 1, 'this is my note', (err) => { assert.ifError(err); db.getSortedSetRange('flag:1:notes', 0, -1, (err, notes) => { if (err) { throw err; } assert.strictEqual('[1,"this is my note"]', notes[0]); setTimeout(done, 10); }); }); }); it('should be a JSON string', (done) => { db.getSortedSetRange('flag:1:notes', 0, -1, (err, notes) => { if (err) { throw err; } try { JSON.parse(notes[0]); } catch (e) { assert.ifError(e); } done(); }); }); it('should insert a note in the past if a datetime is passed in', async () => { await Flags.appendNote(1, 1, 'this is the first note', 1626446956652); const note = (await db.getSortedSetRange('flag:1:notes', 0, 0)).pop(); assert.strictEqual('[1,"this is the first note"]', note); }); }); describe('.getNotes()', () => { before((done) => { // Add a second note Flags.appendNote(1, 1, 'this is the second note', done); }); it('return should match a predefined spec', (done) => { Flags.getNotes(1, (err, notes) => { assert.ifError(err); const compare = { uid: 1, content: 'this is my note', }; const data = notes[1]; for (const key of Object.keys(compare)) { assert.ok(data[key]); assert.strictEqual(data[key], compare[key]); } done(); }); }); it('should retrieve a list of notes, from newest to oldest', (done) => { Flags.getNotes(1, (err, notes) => { assert.ifError(err); assert(notes[0].datetime > notes[1].datetime, `${notes[0].datetime}-${notes[1].datetime}`); assert.strictEqual('this is the second note', notes[0].content); done(); }); }); }); describe('.appendHistory()', () => { let entries; before((done) => { db.sortedSetCard('flag:1:history', (err, count) => { entries = count; done(err); }); }); it('should add a new entry into a flag\'s history', (done) => { Flags.appendHistory(1, 1, { state: 'rejected', }, (err) => { assert.ifError(err); Flags.getHistory(1, (err, history) => { if (err) { throw err; } // 1 for the new event appended, 2 for username/email change assert.strictEqual(entries + 3, history.length); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('.getHistory()', () => { it('should retrieve a flag\'s history', (done) => { Flags.getHistory(1, (err, history) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.strictEqual(history[0].fields.state, '[[flags:state-rejected]]'); done(); }); }); }); describe('(v3 API)', () => { let pid; let tid; let jar; let csrfToken; before(async () => { const login = await helpers.loginUser('testUser2', 'abcdef'); jar = login.jar; csrfToken = login.csrf_token; const result = await Topics.post({ cid: 1, uid: 1, title: 'Another topic', content: 'This is flaggable content', }); pid = result.postData.pid; tid = result.topicData.tid; }); describe('.create()', () => { it('should create a flag with no errors', async () => { await request({ method: 'post', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, body: { type: 'post', id: pid, reason: 'foobar', }, json: true, }); const exists = await Flags.exists('post', pid, 2); assert(exists); }); it('should escape flag reason', async () => { const postData = await Topics.reply({ tid: tid, uid: 1, content: 'This is flaggable content', }); const { response } = await request({ method: 'post', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, body: { type: 'post', id: postData.pid, reason: '"<script>alert(\'ok\');</script>', }, json: true, }); const flagData = await Flags.get(response.flagId); assert.strictEqual(flagData.reports[0].value, '"<script>alert('ok');</script>'); }); it('should not allow flagging post in private category', async () => { const category = await Categories.create({ name: 'private category' }); await Privileges.categories.rescind(['groups:topics:read'], category.cid, 'registered-users'); await Groups.join('private category', uid3); const result = await Topics.post({ cid: category.cid, uid: uid3, title: 'private topic', content: 'private post', }); const login = await helpers.loginUser('unprivileged', 'abcdef'); const jar3 = login.jar; const config = await request({ url: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/config`, json: true, jar: jar3, }); const csrfToken = config.csrf_token; const { statusCode, body } = await request({ method: 'post', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags`, jar: jar3, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, body: { type: 'post', id: result.postData.pid, reason: 'foobar', }, json: true, simple: false, resolveWithFullResponse: true, }); assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 403); // Handle dev mode test delete body.stack; assert.deepStrictEqual(body, { status: { code: 'forbidden', message: 'You do not have enough privileges for this action.', }, response: {}, }); }); }); describe('.update()', () => { it('should update a flag\'s properties', async () => { const { response } = await request({ method: 'put', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/2`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, body: { state: 'wip', }, json: true, }); const { history } = response; assert(Array.isArray(history)); assert(history[0].fields.hasOwnProperty('state')); assert.strictEqual('[[flags:state-wip]]', history[0].fields.state); }); }); describe('.appendNote()', () => { it('should append a note to the flag', async () => { const { response } = await request({ method: 'post', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/2/notes`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, body: { note: 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', datetime: 1626446956652, }, json: true, }); assert(response.hasOwnProperty('notes')); assert(Array.isArray(response.notes)); assert.strictEqual('lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', response.notes[0].content); assert.strictEqual(2, response.notes[0].uid); assert(response.hasOwnProperty('history')); assert(Array.isArray(response.history)); assert.strictEqual(1, Object.keys(response.history[response.history.length - 1].fields).length); assert(response.history[response.history.length - 1].fields.hasOwnProperty('notes')); }); }); describe('.deleteNote()', () => { it('should delete a note from a flag', async () => { const { response } = await request({ method: 'delete', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/2/notes/1626446956652`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrfToken, }, json: true, }); assert(Array.isArray(response.history)); assert(Array.isArray(response.notes)); assert.strictEqual(response.notes.length, 0); }); }); describe('access control', () => { let uid; let jar; let csrf_token; let requests; let flaggerUid; let flagId; const noteTime = Date.now(); before(async () => { uid = await User.create({ username: 'flags-access-control', password: 'abcdef' }); ({ jar, csrf_token } = await helpers.loginUser('flags-access-control', 'abcdef')); flaggerUid = await User.create({ username: 'flags-access-control-flagger', password: 'abcdef' }); }); beforeEach(async () => { // Reset uid back to unprivileged user await Groups.leave('administrators', uid); await Groups.leave('Global Moderators', uid); await Privileges.categories.rescind(['moderate'], 1, [uid]); const { postData } = await Topics.post({ uid, cid: 1, title: utils.generateUUID(), content: utils.generateUUID(), }); ({ flagId } = await Flags.create('post', postData.pid, flaggerUid, 'spam')); requests = new Set([ { method: 'get', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/${flagId}`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrf_token, }, json: true, simple: false, resolveWithFullResponse: true, }, { method: 'put', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/${flagId}`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrf_token, }, body: { state: 'wip', }, json: true, simple: false, resolveWithFullResponse: true, }, { method: 'post', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/${flagId}/notes`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrf_token, }, body: { note: 'test note', datetime: noteTime, }, json: true, simple: false, resolveWithFullResponse: true, }, { method: 'delete', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/${flagId}/notes/${noteTime}`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrf_token, }, json: true, simple: false, resolveWithFullResponse: true, }, { method: 'delete', uri: `${nconf.get('url')}/api/v3/flags/${flagId}`, jar, headers: { 'x-csrf-token': csrf_token, }, json: true, simple: false, resolveWithFullResponse: true, }, ]); }); it('should not allow access to privileged flag endpoints to guests', async () => { for (let opts of requests) { opts = { ...opts }; delete opts.jar; delete opts.headers; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { statusCode } = await request(opts); assert(statusCode.toString().startsWith(4), `${opts.method.toUpperCase()} ${opts.uri} => ${statusCode}`); } }); it('should not allow access to privileged flag endpoints to regular users', async () => { for (const opts of requests) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { statusCode } = await request(opts); assert(statusCode.toString().startsWith(4), `${opts.method.toUpperCase()} ${opts.uri} => ${statusCode}`); } }); it('should allow access to privileged endpoints to administrators', async () => { await Groups.join('administrators', uid); for (const opts of requests) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { statusCode } = await request(opts); assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 200, `${opts.method.toUpperCase()} ${opts.uri} => ${statusCode}`); } }); it('should allow access to privileged endpoints to global moderators', async () => { await Groups.join('Global Moderators', uid); for (const opts of requests) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { statusCode } = await request(opts); assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 200, `${opts.method.toUpperCase()} ${opts.uri} => ${statusCode}`); } }); it('should allow access to privileged endpoints to moderators if the flag target is a post in a cid they moderate', async () => { await Privileges.categories.give(['moderate'], 1, [uid]); for (const opts of requests) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { statusCode } = await request(opts); assert.strictEqual(statusCode, 200, `${opts.method.toUpperCase()} ${opts.uri} => ${statusCode}`); } }); it('should NOT allow access to privileged endpoints to moderators if the flag target is a post in a cid they DO NOT moderate', async () => { // This is a new category the user will moderate, but the flagged post is in a different category const { cid } = await Categories.create({ name: utils.generateUUID(), }); await Privileges.categories.give(['moderate'], cid, [uid]); for (const opts of requests) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const { statusCode } = await request(opts); assert(statusCode.toString().startsWith(4), `${opts.method.toUpperCase()} ${opts.uri} => ${statusCode}`); } }); }); }); });