'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); var db = require('./mocks/databasemock'); const plugins = require('../src/plugins'); const categories = require('../src/categories'); const topics = require('../src/topics'); const user = require('../src/user'); describe('Topic Events', () => { let fooUid; let topic; before(async () => { fooUid = await user.create({ username: 'foo', password: '123456' }); const categoryObj = await categories.create({ name: 'Test Category', description: 'Test category created by testing script', }); topic = await topics.post({ title: 'topic events testing', content: 'foobar one two three', uid: fooUid, cid: 1, }); }); describe('.init()', () => { before(() => { topics.events._ready = false; }); it('should allow a plugin to expose new event types', async () => { await plugins.hooks.register('core', { hook: 'filter:topicEvents.init', method: async ({ types }) => { types.foo = { icon: 'bar', text: 'baz', quux: 'quux', }; return { types }; }, }); await topics.events.init(); assert(topics.events._types.foo); assert.deepStrictEqual(topics.events._types.foo, { icon: 'bar', text: 'baz', quux: 'quux', }); }); it('should do nothing if called a second time', async () => { await plugins.hooks.register('core', { hook: 'filter:topicEvents.init', method: async ({ types }) => { types.bar = { icon: 'bar', text: 'baz', quux: 'quux', }; return { types }; }, }); await topics.events.init(); assert(!topics.events._types.bar); // bar is explicitly not available }); }); describe('.log()', () => { it('should log and return a set of new events in the topic', async () => { const events = await topics.events.log(topic.topicData.tid, { type: 'foo', }); assert(events); assert(Array.isArray(events)); events.forEach((event) => { assert(['id', 'icon', 'text', 'timestamp', 'timestampISO', 'type', 'quux'].every(key => event.hasOwnProperty(key))); }); }); }); describe('.get()', () => { it('should get a topic\'s events', async () => { const events = await topics.events.get(topic.topicData.tid); assert(events); assert(Array.isArray(events)); assert.strictEqual(events.length, 1); events.forEach((event) => { assert(['id', 'icon', 'text', 'timestamp', 'timestampISO', 'type', 'quux'].every(key => event.hasOwnProperty(key))); }); }); }); describe('.purge()', () => { let eventIds; before(async () => { const events = await topics.events.get(topic.topicData.tid); eventIds = events.map(event => event.id); }); it('should purge topic\'s events from the database', async () => { await topics.events.purge(topic.topicData.tid); const keys = [`topic:${topic.topicData.tid}:events`]; keys.push(...eventIds.map(id => `topicEvent:${id}`)); const exists = await Promise.all(keys.map(key => db.exists(key))); assert(exists.every(exists => !exists)); }); }); });