'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var search = require('../src/admin/search'); describe('admin search', () => { describe('filterDirectories', () => { it('should resolve all paths to relative paths', (done) => { assert.deepEqual(search.filterDirectories([ 'hfjksfd/fdsgagag/admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag.tpl', ]), [ 'admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag', ]); done(); }); it('should exclude .js files', (done) => { assert.deepEqual(search.filterDirectories([ 'hfjksfd/fdsgagag/admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag.tpl', 'dfahdfsgf/admin/hgkfds/fdhsdfh.js', ]), [ 'admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag', ]); done(); }); it('should exclude partials', (done) => { assert.deepEqual(search.filterDirectories([ 'hfjksfd/fdsgagag/admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag.tpl', 'dfahdfsgf/admin/partials/hgkfds/fdhsdfh.tpl', ]), [ 'admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag', ]); done(); }); it('should exclude files in the admin directory', (done) => { assert.deepEqual(search.filterDirectories([ 'hfjksfd/fdsgagag/admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag.tpl', 'dfdasg/admin/hjkdfsk.tpl', ]), [ 'admin/gdhgfsdg/sggag', ]); done(); }); }); describe('sanitize', () => { it('should strip out scripts', (done) => { assert.equal( search.sanitize('Pellentesque tristique senectus' + ' habitant morbi'), 'Pellentesque tristique senectus' + ' habitant morbi' ); done(); }); it('should remove all tags', (done) => { assert.equal( search.sanitize('

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus' + 'Aenean vitae est.Mauris eleifend leo.

'), 'Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus' + 'Aenean vitae est.Mauris eleifend leo.' ); done(); }); }); describe('simplify', () => { it('should remove all mustaches', (done) => { assert.equal( search.simplify('Pellentesque tristique {{senectus}}habitant morbi' + 'liquam tincidunt {mauris.eu}risus'), 'Pellentesque tristique habitant morbi' + 'liquam tincidunt risus' ); done(); }); it('should collapse all whitespace', (done) => { assert.equal( search.simplify('Pellentesque tristique habitant morbi' + ' \n\n liquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.'), 'Pellentesque tristique habitant morbi' + '\nliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.' ); done(); }); }); });