{ "installed": "已安裝", "active": "已啟用", "inactive": "未啟用", "out-of-date": "需要更新", "none-found": "沒有找到外掛。", "none-active": "沒有啟用中的外掛。", "find-plugins": "搜尋外掛", "plugin-search": "搜尋外掛", "plugin-search-placeholder": "搜尋想找的外掛...", "reorder-plugins": "重新排序", "order-active": "排序已啟用的外掛", "dev-interested": "對開發NodeBB的外掛有興趣嗎?", "docs-info": "Full documentation regarding plugin authoring can be found in the NodeBB Docs Portal.", "order.description": "Certain plugins work ideally when they are initialised before/after other plugins.", "order.explanation": "Plugins load in the order specified here, from top to bottom", "plugin-item.themes": "佈景主題", "plugin-item.deactivate": "停用", "plugin-item.activate": "啟用", "plugin-item.install": "安裝", "plugin-item.uninstall": "解除安裝", "plugin-item.settings": "設定", "plugin-item.installed": "已安裝", "plugin-item.latest": "最新", "plugin-item.upgrade": "升級", "plugin-item.more-info": "更多資訊:", "plugin-item.unknown": "未知", "plugin-item.unknown-explanation": "無法取得此外掛的狀態,可能是由於設置錯誤。", "alert.enabled": "外掛已啟用", "alert.disabled": "外掛已停用", "alert.upgraded": "外掛已升級", "alert.installed": "外掛已安裝", "alert.uninstalled": "外掛已移除", "alert.activate-success": "請重新啟動你的NodeBB來完成外掛的啟用", "alert.deactivate-success": "外掛已成功停用", "alert.upgrade-success": "請重新載入你的NodeBB來完成外掛的升級", "alert.install-success": "外掛已成功安裝,請啟用外掛。", "alert.uninstall-success": "外掛已成功停用並且移除。", "alert.suggest-error": "
NodeBB could not reach the package manager, proceed with installation of latest version?
NodeBB could not reach the package manager, an upgrade is not suggested at this time.
", "alert.incompatible": "Your version of NodeBB (v%1) is only cleared to upgrade to v%2 of this plugin. Please update your NodeBB if you wish to install a newer version of this plugin.
", "alert.possibly-incompatible": "No Compatibility Information Found
This plugin did not specify a specific version for installation given your NodeBB version. Full compatibility cannot be guaranteed, and may cause your NodeBB to no longer start properly.
In the event that NodeBB cannot boot properly:
$ ./nodebb reset plugin=\"%1\"
Continue installation of latest version of this plugin?
" }