get: tags: - topics summary: Get unread topics description: Returns a list of the current user's unread topics, sorted by the last post's timestamp. responses: "200": description: An array of unread topic objects sorted by the last post's timestamp. content: application/json: schema: allOf: - type: object properties: showSelect: type: boolean showTopicTools: type: boolean nextStart: type: number topics: type: array items: type: object properties: tid: type: number description: A topic identifier uid: type: number description: A user identifier cid: type: number description: A category identifier mainPid: type: number description: The post id of the first post in this topic (also called the "original post") title: type: string slug: type: string timestamp: type: number lastposttime: type: number postcount: type: number viewcount: type: number teaserPid: type: number upvotes: type: number downvotes: type: number deleted: type: number locked: type: number pinned: type: number description: Whether or not this particular topic is pinned to the top of the category titleRaw: type: string timestampISO: type: string description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`) lastposttimeISO: type: string votes: type: number category: type: object properties: cid: type: number description: A category identifier name: type: string slug: type: string icon: type: string image: nullable: true imageClass: nullable: true type: string bgColor: type: string color: type: string disabled: type: number user: type: object properties: uid: type: number description: A user identifier username: type: string description: A friendly name for a given user account fullname: type: string userslug: type: string description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces removed, etc.) reputation: type: number postcount: type: number picture: nullable: true type: string signature: nullable: true type: string banned: type: number status: type: string icon:text: type: string description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the auto-generated icon given to users without an avatar icon:bgColor: type: string description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This value is used in conjunction with `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated icon example: "#f44336" banned_until_readable: type: string teaser: type: object properties: pid: type: number uid: type: number description: A user identifier timestamp: type: number tid: type: number description: A topic identifier content: type: string timestampISO: type: string description: An ISO 8601 formatted date string (complementing `timestamp`) user: type: object properties: uid: type: number description: A user identifier username: type: string description: A friendly name for a given user account userslug: type: string description: An URL-safe variant of the username (i.e. lower-cased, spaces removed, etc.) picture: nullable: true type: string icon:text: type: string description: A single-letter representation of a username. This is used in the auto-generated icon given to users without an avatar icon:bgColor: type: string description: A six-character hexadecimal colour code assigned to the user. This value is used in conjunction with `icon:text` for the user's auto-generated icon example: "#f44336" index: type: number tags: type: array items: $ref: ../components/schemas/TagObject.yaml#/TagObject isOwner: type: boolean ignored: type: boolean unread: type: boolean bookmark: nullable: true unreplied: type: boolean icons: type: array items: type: string index: type: number isQuestion: nullable: true topicCount: type: number title: type: string pageCount: type: number categories: type: array items: type: object properties: cid: type: number description: A category identifier name: type: string level: type: string icon: type: string parentCid: type: number description: The category identifier for the category that is the immediate ancestor of the current category color: type: string bgColor: type: string selected: type: boolean imageClass: type: string allCategoriesUrl: type: string selectedCategory: type: object properties: icon: type: string name: type: string bgColor: type: string nullable: true selectedCids: type: array items: type: number filters: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string url: type: string selected: type: boolean filter: type: string icon: type: string selectedFilter: type: object properties: name: type: string url: type: string selected: type: boolean filter: type: string icon: type: string - $ref: ../components/schemas/Pagination.yaml#/Pagination - $ref: ../components/schemas/Breadcrumbs.yaml#/Breadcrumbs - $ref: ../components/schemas/CommonProps.yaml#/CommonProps