    "test-email.subject": "测试邮件",
    "password-reset-requested": "已申请密码重置!",
    "welcome-to": "欢迎来到 %1",
    "invite": "来自%1的邀请",
    "greeting_no_name": "您好",
    "greeting_with_name": "%1,您好",
    "email.verify-your-email.subject": "请验证你的电子邮箱",
    "email.verify.text1": "You've requested that we change or confirm your email address",
    "email.verify.text2": "For security purposes, we only change or confirm the email address on file once its ownership has been confirmed via email. <strong>If you did not request this, no action is required on your part.</strong>",
    "email.verify.text3": "Once you confirm this email address, we will replace your current email address with this one (%1).",
    "welcome.text1": "感谢您注册 %1 帐户!",
    "welcome.text2": "在您验证您绑定的邮箱地址之后,您的账户才能激活。",
    "welcome.text3": "管理员批准了您的注册申请,现在您可以登录您的账户了。",
    "welcome.cta": "点击这里确认您的电子邮箱地址",
    "invitation.text1": "%1 邀请您加入 %2",
    "invitation.text2": "您的邀请将在 %1 天后过期。",
    "invitation.cta": "点击这里新建账号",
    "reset.text1": "很可能是您忘记了密码,我们收到了重置您帐户密码的申请。 如果您没有申请密码重置,请忽略这封邮件。",
    "reset.text2": "如需继续重置密码,请点击下面的链接:",
    "reset.cta": "点击这里重置您的密码",
    "reset.notify.subject": "更改密码成功",
    "reset.notify.text1": "您在 %1 上的密码已经成功修改。",
    "reset.notify.text2": "如果您没有授权此操作,请立即联系管理员。",
    "digest.latest_topics": "来自 %1 的最新主题",
    "digest.top-topics": "来自 %1 的关注主题",
    "digest.popular-topics": "来自 %1 的热门主题 ",
    "digest.cta": "点击这里访问 %1",
    "digest.unsub.info": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此摘要。",
    "digest.day": "天",
    "digest.week": "周",
    "digest.month": "月",
    "digest.subject": "%1 的摘要",
    "digest.title.day": "您的每日摘要",
    "digest.title.week": "您的每周摘要",
    "digest.title.month": "您的每月摘要",
    "notif.chat.subject": "收到来自 %1 的新聊天消息",
    "notif.chat.cta": "点击这里继续会话",
    "notif.chat.unsub.info": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此聊天提醒。",
    "notif.post.unsub.info": "根据您的订阅设置,为您发送此回帖提醒。",
    "notif.post.unsub.one-click": "或者通过点击来取消订阅邮件",
    "notif.cta": "点击这里前往论坛",
    "notif.cta-new-reply": "查看帖子",
    "notif.cta-new-chat": "查看聊天",
    "notif.test.short": "测试通知",
    "notif.test.long": "这是一个测试的通知邮件。",
    "test.text1": "这是一封测试邮件,用来验证 NodeBB 的邮件配置是否设置正确。",
    "unsub.cta": "点击这里修改这些设置",
    "unsubscribe": "退订",
    "unsub.success": "您将不再收到来自<strong>%1</strong>邮寄名单的邮件",
    "unsub.failure.title": "Unable to unsubscribe",
    "unsub.failure.message": "Unfortunately, we were not able to unsubscribe you from the mailing list, as there was an issue with the link. However, you can alter your email preferences by going to <a href=\"%2\">your user settings</a>.<br /><br />(error: <code>%1</code>)",
    "banned.subject": "您在 %1  的账户已被封禁",
    "banned.text1": "您在 %2 的账户 %1 已被封禁。",
    "banned.text2": "本次封禁将在 %1 结束。",
    "banned.text3": "这是您被封禁的原因:",
    "closing": "谢谢!"