'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var utils = require('./../public/src/utils.js'); describe('Utility Methods', function () { describe('username validation', function () { it('accepts latin-1 characters', function () { var username = "John\"'-. Doeäâèéë1234"; assert(utils.isUserNameValid(username), 'invalid username'); }); it('rejects empty string', function () { var username = ''; assert.ifError(utils.isUserNameValid(username), 'accepted as valid username'); }); }); describe('email validation', function () { it('accepts sample address', function () { var email = 'sample@example.com'; assert(utils.isEmailValid(email), 'invalid email'); }); it('rejects empty address', function () { var email = ''; assert.ifError(utils.isEmailValid(email), 'accepted as valid email'); }); }); describe('UUID generation', function () { it('return unique random value every time', function () { var uuid1 = utils.generateUUID(); var uuid2 = utils.generateUUID(); assert.notEqual(uuid1, uuid2, 'matches'); }); }); describe('cleanUpTag', function () { it('should cleanUp a tag', function (done) { var cleanedTag = utils.cleanUpTag(',\/#!$%\^\*;TaG1:{}=_`<>\'"~()?\|'); assert.equal(cleanedTag, 'tag1'); done(); }); it('should return empty string for invalid tags', function (done) { assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(undefined), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(null), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(false), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(1), ''); assert.strictEqual(utils.cleanUpTag(0), ''); done(); }); }); it('should remove punctuation', function (done) { var removed = utils.removePunctuation('some text with , ! punctuation inside "'); assert.equal(removed, 'some text with punctuation inside '); done(); }); it('should return true if string has language key', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.hasLanguageKey('some text [[topic:title]] and [[user:reputaiton]]'), true); done(); }); it('should return false if string does not have language key', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.hasLanguageKey('some text with no language keys'), false); done(); }); it('should shallow merge two objects', function (done) { var a = {foo: 1, cat1: 'ginger'}; var b = {baz: 2, cat2: 'phoebe'}; var obj = utils.merge(a, b); assert.strictEqual(obj.foo, 1); assert.strictEqual(obj.baz, 2); assert.strictEqual(obj.cat1, 'ginger'); assert.strictEqual(obj.cat2, 'phoebe'); done(); }); it('should return the file extesion', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.fileExtension('/path/to/some/file.png'), 'png'); done(); }); it('should return file mime type', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.fileMimeType('/path/to/some/file.png'), 'image/png'); done(); }); it('should check if url is relative', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.isRelativeUrl('/topic/1/slug'), true); done(); }); it('should check if url is relative', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.isRelativeUrl('https://nodebb.org'), false); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable('1000'), '1.0k'); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable('1100000'), '1.1m'); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable('100'), '100'); done(); }); it('should make number human readable', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.makeNumberHumanReadable(null), null); done(); }); it('should add commas to numbers', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.addCommas('100'), '100'); done(); }); it('should add commas to numbers', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.addCommas('1000'), '1,000'); done(); }); it('should add commas to numbers', function (done) { assert.equal(utils.addCommas('1000000'), '1,000,000'); done(); }); it('escape html', function (done) { var escaped = utils.escapeHTML('&<>'); assert.equal(escaped, '&<>'); done(); }); it('should escape regex chars', function (done) { var escaped = utils.escapeRegexChars('some text {}'); assert.equal(escaped, 'some\\ text\\ \\{\\}'); done(); }); it('should get hours array', function (done) { var currentHour = new Date().getHours(); var hours = utils.getHoursArray(); var index = hours.length - 1; for (var i = currentHour, ii = currentHour - 24; i > ii; i -= 1) { var hour = i < 0 ? 24 + i : i; assert.equal(hours[index], hour + ':00'); index -= 1; } done(); }); it('should get days array', function (done) { var currentDay = new Date(Date.now()).getTime(); var days = utils.getDaysArray(); var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; var index = 0; for(var x = 29; x >= 0; x -= 1) { var tmpDate = new Date(currentDay - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * x)); assert.equal(months[tmpDate.getMonth()] + ' ' + tmpDate.getDate(), days[index]); index += 1; } done(); }); });