'use strict'; var async = require('async'); var db = require('./database'); var user = require('./user'); var Groups = require('./groups'); var plugins = require('./plugins'); var privileges = require('./privileges'); (function (Categories) { require('./categories/data')(Categories); require('./categories/create')(Categories); require('./categories/delete')(Categories); require('./categories/topics')(Categories); require('./categories/unread')(Categories); require('./categories/activeusers')(Categories); require('./categories/recentreplies')(Categories); require('./categories/update')(Categories); Categories.exists = function (cid, callback) { db.isSortedSetMember('categories:cid', cid, callback); }; Categories.getCategoryById = function (data, callback) { var category; async.waterfall([ function (next) { Categories.getCategories([data.cid], data.uid, next); }, function (categories, next) { if (!Array.isArray(categories) || !categories[0]) { return next(new Error('[[error:invalid-cid]]')); } category = categories[0]; async.parallel({ topics: function (next) { Categories.getCategoryTopics(data, next); }, topicCount: function (next) { if (Array.isArray(data.set)) { db.sortedSetIntersectCard(data.set, next); } else { next(null, category.topic_count); } }, isIgnored: function (next) { Categories.isIgnored([data.cid], data.uid, next); }, }, next); }, function (results, next) { category.topics = results.topics.topics; category.nextStart = results.topics.nextStart; category.isIgnored = results.isIgnored[0]; category.topic_count = results.topicCount; plugins.fireHook('filter:category.get', {category: category, uid: data.uid}, next); }, function (data, next) { next(null, data.category); }, ], callback); }; Categories.isIgnored = function (cids, uid, callback) { db.isSortedSetMembers('uid:' + uid + ':ignored:cids', cids, callback); }; Categories.getPageCount = function (cid, uid, callback) { async.parallel({ topicCount: async.apply(Categories.getCategoryField, cid, 'topic_count'), settings: async.apply(user.getSettings, uid), }, function (err, results) { if (err) { return callback(err); } if (!parseInt(results.topicCount, 10)) { return callback(null, 1); } callback(null, Math.ceil(parseInt(results.topicCount, 10) / results.settings.topicsPerPage)); }); }; Categories.getAllCategories = function (uid, callback) { db.getSortedSetRange('categories:cid', 0, -1, function (err, cids) { if (err || !Array.isArray(cids) || !cids.length) { return callback(err, []); } Categories.getCategories(cids, uid, callback); }); }; Categories.getCategoriesByPrivilege = function (set, uid, privilege, callback) { async.waterfall([ function (next) { db.getSortedSetRange(set, 0, -1, next); }, function (cids, next) { privileges.categories.filterCids(privilege, cids, uid, next); }, function (cids, next) { Categories.getCategories(cids, uid, next); }, ], callback); }; Categories.getModerators = function (cid, callback) { Groups.getMembers('cid:' + cid + ':privileges:mods', 0, -1, function (err, uids) { if (err || !Array.isArray(uids) || !uids.length) { return callback(err, []); } user.getUsersFields(uids, ['uid', 'username', 'userslug', 'picture'], callback); }); }; Categories.getCategories = function (cids, uid, callback) { if (!Array.isArray(cids)) { return callback(new Error('[[error:invalid-cid]]')); } if (!cids.length) { return callback(null, []); } async.parallel({ categories: function (next) { Categories.getCategoriesData(cids, next); }, children: function (next) { Categories.getChildren(cids, uid, next); }, parents: function (next) { Categories.getParents(cids, next); }, tagWhitelist: function (next) { Categories.getTagWhitelist(cids, next); }, hasRead: function (next) { Categories.hasReadCategories(cids, uid, next); }, }, function (err, results) { if (err) { return callback(err); } uid = parseInt(uid, 10); results.categories.forEach(function (category, i) { if (category) { category['unread-class'] = (parseInt(category.topic_count, 10) === 0 || (results.hasRead[i] && uid !== 0)) ? '' : 'unread'; category.children = results.children[i]; category.parent = results.parents[i] || undefined; category.tagWhitelist = results.tagWhitelist[i]; calculateTopicPostCount(category); } }); callback(null, results.categories); }); }; Categories.getTagWhitelist = function (cids, callback) { var keys = cids.map(function (cid) { return 'cid:' + cid + ':tag:whitelist'; }); db.getSortedSetsMembers(keys, callback); }; function calculateTopicPostCount(category) { if (!category) { return; } var postCount = parseInt(category.post_count, 10) || 0; var topicCount = parseInt(category.topic_count, 10) || 0; if (!Array.isArray(category.children) || !category.children.length) { category.totalPostCount = postCount; category.totalTopicCount = topicCount; return; } category.children.forEach(function (child) { calculateTopicPostCount(child); postCount += parseInt(child.totalPostCount, 10) || 0; topicCount += parseInt(child.totalTopicCount, 10) || 0; }); category.totalPostCount = postCount; category.totalTopicCount = topicCount; } Categories.getParents = function (cids, callback) { var categoriesData; var parentCids; async.waterfall([ function (next) { Categories.getCategoriesFields(cids, ['parentCid'], next); }, function (_categoriesData, next) { categoriesData = _categoriesData; parentCids = categoriesData.filter(function (category) { return category && category.hasOwnProperty('parentCid') && parseInt(category.parentCid, 10); }).map(function (category) { return parseInt(category.parentCid, 10); }); if (!parentCids.length) { return callback(null, cids.map(function () {return null;})); } Categories.getCategoriesData(parentCids, next); }, function (parentData, next) { parentData = categoriesData.map(function (category) { return parentData[parentCids.indexOf(parseInt(category.parentCid, 10))]; }); next(null, parentData); }, ], callback); }; Categories.getChildren = function (cids, uid, callback) { var categories = cids.map(function (cid) { return {cid: cid}; }); async.each(categories, function (category, next) { getChildrenRecursive(category, uid, next); }, function (err) { callback(err, categories.map(function (c) { return c && c.children; })); }); }; function getChildrenRecursive(category, uid, callback) { async.waterfall([ function (next) { db.getSortedSetRange('cid:' + category.cid + ':children', 0, -1, next); }, function (children, next) { privileges.categories.filterCids('find', children, uid, next); }, function (children, next) { children = children.filter(function (cid) { return parseInt(category.cid, 10) !== parseInt(cid, 10); }); if (!children.length) { category.children = []; return callback(); } Categories.getCategoriesData(children, next); }, function (childrenData, next) { childrenData = childrenData.filter(Boolean); category.children = childrenData; async.each(category.children, function (child, next) { getChildrenRecursive(child, uid, next); }, next); }, ], callback); } Categories.flattenCategories = function (allCategories, categoryData) { categoryData.forEach(function (category) { if (!category) { return; } if (!category.parent) { allCategories.push(category); } if (Array.isArray(category.children) && category.children.length) { Categories.flattenCategories(allCategories, category.children); } }); }; /** * Recursively build tree * * @param categories {array} flat list of categories * @param parentCid {number} start from 0 to build full tree */ Categories.getTree = function (categories, parentCid) { var tree = []; var i = 0; var len = categories.length; var category; for (i; i < len; i += 1) { category = categories[i]; if (!category.hasOwnProperty('parentCid') || category.parentCid === null) { category.parentCid = 0; } if (parseInt(category.parentCid, 10) === parseInt(parentCid, 10)) { tree.push(category); category.children = Categories.getTree(categories, category.cid); } } return tree; }; Categories.buildForSelect = function (uid, callback) { function recursive(category, categoriesData, level) { if (category.link) { return; } var bullet = level ? '• ' : ''; category.value = category.cid; category.text = level + bullet + category.name; categoriesData.push(category); category.children.forEach(function (child) { recursive(child, categoriesData, '    ' + level); }); } Categories.getCategoriesByPrivilege('cid:0:children', uid, 'read', function (err, categories) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var categoriesData = []; categories = categories.filter(function (category) { return category && !category.link && !parseInt(category.parentCid, 10); }); categories.forEach(function (category) { recursive(category, categoriesData, ''); }); callback(null, categoriesData); }); }; Categories.getIgnorers = function (cid, start, stop, callback) { db.getSortedSetRevRange('cid:' + cid + ':ignorers', start, stop, callback); }; Categories.filterIgnoringUids = function (cid, uids, callback) { async.waterfall([ function (next) { db.isSortedSetMembers('cid:' + cid + ':ignorers', uids, next); }, function (isIgnoring, next) { var readingUids = uids.filter(function (uid, index) { return uid && !isIgnoring[index]; }); next(null, readingUids); }, ], callback); }; }(exports));