"manage-categories": "Manage Categories",
"add-category": "Add category",
"jump-to": "Jump to...",
"settings": "Postavke kategorije",
"edit-category": "Edit Category",
"privileges": "Privilegije",
"back-to-categories": "Back to categories",
"name": "Ime kategorije",
"description": "Opis kategorije",
"bg-color": "Pozadniska boja",
"text-color": "Boja teksta",
"bg-image-size": "Veličina pozadinske slike",
"custom-class": "Obična klasa",
"num-recent-replies": "# nedavnih objava",
"ext-link": "Vanjska poveznica",
"subcategories-per-page": "Subcategories per page",
"is-section": "Treat this category as a section",
"post-queue": "Post queue",
"tag-whitelist": "Tag Whitelist",
"upload-image": "Učitaj sliku",
"upload": "Upload",
"delete-image": "Ukloni",
"category-image": "Slika kategorije",
"image-and-icon": "Image & Icon",
"parent-category": "Roditeljska kategorija",
"optional-parent-category": "(Opcionalno) Roditeljska kategorija",
"top-level": "Top Level",
"parent-category-none": "(Ništa)",
"copy-parent": "Copy Parent",
"copy-settings": "Kopiraj postavke iz ",
"optional-clone-settings": "(Opcionalno) Kloniraj postavke iz kategorije",
"clone-children": "Clone Children Categories And Settings",
"purge": "Odbaci kategoriju",
"enable": "Omogući",
"disable": "Onemogući",
"edit": "Uredi",
"analytics": "Analytics",
"view-category": "View category",
"set-order": "Zadaj poredak",
"set-order-help": "Setting the order of the category will move this category to that order and update the order of other categories as necessary. Minimum order is 1 which puts the category at the top.",
"select-category": "Odabri kategoriju",
"set-parent-category": "Postavi roditeljsku kategoriju ",
"privileges.description": "You can configure the access control privileges for portions of the site in this section. Privileges can be granted on a per-user or a per-group basis. Select the domain of effect from the dropdown below.",
"privileges.category-selector": "Configuring privileges for ",
"privileges.warning": "Note: Privilege settings take effect immediately. It is not necessary to save the category after adjusting these settings.",
"privileges.section-viewing": "Privilegije pogleda",
"privileges.section-posting": "Privilegije objave",
"privileges.section-moderation": "Dozvole moderiranja",
"privileges.section-other": "Other",
"privileges.section-user": "Korisnik",
"privileges.search-user": "Dodaj korisnika",
"privileges.no-users": "U ovoj kategoriji nema privilegije za korisnika.",
"privileges.section-group": "Grupa",
"privileges.group-private": "Ova grupa je privatna",
"privileges.inheritance-exception": "This group does not inherit privileges from registered-users group",
"privileges.banned-user-inheritance": "Banned users inherit privileges from banned-users group",
"privileges.search-group": "Dodaj grupu",
"privileges.copy-to-children": "Kopiraj u dijete",
"privileges.copy-from-category": "Kopiraj iz kategorije",
"privileges.copy-privileges-to-all-categories": "Copy to All Categories",
"privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-children": "Copy this group's privileges to the children of this category.",
"privileges.copy-group-privileges-to-all-categories": "Copy this group's privileges to all categories.",
"privileges.copy-group-privileges-from": "Copy this group's privileges from another category.",
"privileges.inherit": "If the registered-users
group is granted a specific privilege, all other groups receive an implicit privilege, even if they are not explicitly defined/checked. This implicit privilege is shown to you because all users are part of the registered-users
user group, and so, privileges for additional groups need not be explicitly granted.",
"privileges.copy-success": "Privileges copied!",
"analytics.back": "Povratak na listu kategorija",
"analytics.title": "Analitika za \"%1\" kategoriju",
"analytics.pageviews-hourly": "Figure 1 – Hourly page views for this category",
"analytics.pageviews-daily": "Oblik 2 – Pregledi po danu za ovu kategoriju",
"analytics.topics-daily": "Oblik 3 – Dnevne teme kreirane u ovoj kategoriji",
"analytics.posts-daily": "Oblik 4 – Dnevne objave u ovoj kategoriji",
"alert.created": "Kreirano",
"alert.create-success": "Kategorija uspješno kreirana!",
"alert.none-active": "Nemate aktivnih kategorija.",
"alert.create": "Napravi kategoriju",
"alert.confirm-purge": "
Do you really want to purge this category \"%1\"?
Purging a category will remove all topics and posts, and delete the category from the database. If you want to remove a category temporarily, you'll want to \"disable\" the category instead.
", "alert.purge-success": "Kategorija odbačena!", "alert.copy-success": "Postavke kopirane!", "alert.set-parent-category": "Postavi roditeljsku kategoriju", "alert.updated": "Promijenjene kategorije", "alert.updated-success": "ID kategorije %1 uspješno promijenjen", "alert.upload-image": "Učitaj sliku kategorije", "alert.find-user": "Pronađi korisnika", "alert.user-search": "Pretraži korisnika ovdje ...", "alert.find-group": "Pronađi grupu", "alert.group-search": "Pretraži grupu ovdje ...", "alert.not-enough-whitelisted-tags": "Whitelisted tags are less than minimum tags, you need to create more whitelisted tags!", "collapse-all": "Collapse All", "expand-all": "Expand All", "disable-on-create": "Disable on create", "no-matches": "No matches" }