(function (Feed) { var RDB = require('./redis.js'), posts = require('./posts.js'), topics = require('./topics.js'), categories = require('./categories'), fs = require('fs'), rss = require('rss'), winston = require('winston'), path = require('path'), nconf = require('nconf'), async = require('async'); Feed.defaults = { ttl: 60, basePath: path.join(__dirname, '../', 'feeds'), baseUrl: nconf.get('url') + 'feeds' }; Feed.saveFeed = function (location, feed, callback) { var savePath = path.join(__dirname, '../', location); fs.writeFile(savePath, feed.xml(), function (err) { if (err) return winston.err(err); if (callback) callback(err); }); } Feed.updateTopic = function (tid, callback) { topics.getTopicWithPosts(tid, 0, 0, -1, function (err, topicData) { if (err) { return callback(new Error('topic-invalid')); } var feed = new rss({ title: topicData.topic_name, description: topicData.posts[0].content, feed_url: Feed.defaults.baseUrl + '/topics/' + tid + '.rss', site_url: nconf.get('url') + 'topic/' + topicData.slug, image_url: topicData.posts[0].picture, author: topicData.posts[0].username, ttl: Feed.defaults.ttl }), topic_posts = topicData.posts.concat(topicData.posts), dateStamp; // Add pubDate if topic contains posts if (topicData.posts.length > 0) { feed.pubDate = new Date(parseInt(topicData.posts[0].timestamp, 10)).toUTCString(); } async.each(topic_posts, function(postData, next) { if (postData.deleted === '0') { dateStamp = new Date(parseInt(postData.edited === '0' ? postData.timestamp : postData.edited, 10)).toUTCString(); feed.item({ title: 'Reply to ' + topicData.topic_name + ' on ' + dateStamp, description: postData.content, url: nconf.get('url') + 'topic/' + topicData.slug + '#' + postData.pid, author: postData.username, date: dateStamp }); } next(); }, function() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[rss] Re-generated RSS Feed for tid ' + tid + '.'); } if (callback) { callback(); } }); }); }; Feed.updateCategory = function (cid, callback) { categories.getCategoryById(cid, 0, function (err, categoryData) { if (err) return callback(new Error('category-invalid')); var feed = new rss({ title: categoryData.category_name, description: categoryData.category_description, feed_url: Feed.defaults.baseUrl + '/categories/' + cid + '.rss', site_url: nconf.get('url') + 'category/' + categoryData.category_id, ttl: Feed.defaults.ttl }); // Add pubDate if category has topics if (categoryData.topics.length > 0) feed.pubDate = new Date(parseInt(categoryData.topics[0].lastposttime, 10)).toUTCString(); async.eachSeries(categoryData.topics, function(topicData, next) { feed.item({ title: topicData.title, url: nconf.get('url') + 'topic/' + topicData.slug, author: topicData.username, date: new Date(parseInt(topicData.lastposttime, 10)).toUTCString() }); next(); }, function() { Feed.saveFeed('feeds/categories/' + cid + '.rss', feed, function (err) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[rss] Re-generated RSS Feed for cid ' + cid + '.'); } if (callback) callback(); }); }); }); }; Feed.updateRecent = function(callback) { topics.getLatestTopics(0, 0, 19, undefined, function (err, recentData) { var feed = new rss({ title: 'Recently Active Topics', description: 'A list of topics that have been active within the past 24 hours', feed_url: Feed.defaults.baseUrl + '/recent.rss', site_url: nconf.get('url') + 'recent', ttl: Feed.defaults.ttl }); // Add pubDate if recent topics list contains topics if (recentData.topics.length > 0) { feed.pubDate = new Date(parseInt(recentData.topics[0].lastposttime, 10)).toUTCString(); } async.eachSeries(recentData.topics, function(topicData, next) { feed.item({ title: topicData.title, url: nconf.get('url') + 'topic/' + topicData.slug, author: topicData.username, date: new Date(parseInt(topicData.lastposttime, 10)).toUTCString() }); next(); }, function() { Feed.saveFeed('feeds/recent.rss', feed, function (err) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.info('[rss] Re-generated "recent posts" RSS Feed.'); } if (callback) callback(); }); }); }); }; }(exports));