'use strict'; /* globals define, app, socket, config, ajaxify, RELATIVE_PATH, utils */ define('forum/topic', [ 'forum/infinitescroll', 'forum/topic/threadTools', 'forum/topic/postTools', 'forum/topic/events', 'forum/topic/posts', 'navigator', 'sort', 'components' ], function(infinitescroll, threadTools, postTools, events, posts, navigator, sort, components) { var Topic = {}, currentUrl = ''; $(window).on('action:ajaxify.start', function(ev, data) { if (Topic.replaceURLTimeout) { clearTimeout(Topic.replaceURLTimeout); Topic.replaceURLTimeout = 0; } if (ajaxify.currentPage !== data.url) { navigator.disable(); components.get('navbar/title').find('span').text('').hide(); app.removeAlert('bookmark'); events.removeListeners(); $(window).off('keydown', onKeyDown); } if (!data.url.startsWith('topic/')) { require(['search'], function(search) { if (search.topicDOM.active) { search.topicDOM.end(); } }); } }); Topic.init = function() { var tid = ajaxify.data.tid; $(window).trigger('action:topic.loading'); app.enterRoom('topic_' + tid); posts.processPage(components.get('post')); postTools.init(tid); threadTools.init(tid); events.init(); sort.handleSort('topicPostSort', 'user.setTopicSort', 'topic/' + ajaxify.data.slug); enableInfiniteLoadingOrPagination(); addBlockQuoteHandler(); addParentHandler(); handleBookmark(tid); handleKeys(); navigator.init('[component="post/anchor"]', ajaxify.data.postcount, Topic.toTop, Topic.toBottom, Topic.navigatorCallback, Topic.calculateIndex); $(window).on('scroll', updateTopicTitle); handleTopicSearch(); $(window).trigger('action:topic.loaded'); }; function handleKeys() { if (!config.usePagination) { $(window).off('keydown', onKeyDown).on('keydown', onKeyDown); } } function onKeyDown(ev) { if (ev.target.nodeName === 'BODY') { if (ev.which === 36) { // home key Topic.toTop(); return false; } else if (ev.which === 35) { // end key Topic.toBottom(); return false; } } } function handleTopicSearch() { require(['search', 'mousetrap'], function(search, Mousetrap) { $('.topic-search') .on('click', '.prev', function() { search.topicDOM.prev(); }) .on('click', '.next', function() { search.topicDOM.next(); }); Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+f', function(e) { if (config.topicSearchEnabled) { // If in topic, open search window and populate, otherwise regular behaviour var match = ajaxify.currentPage.match(/^topic\/([\d]+)/), tid; if (match) { e.preventDefault(); tid = match[1]; $('#search-fields input').val('in:topic-' + tid + ' '); app.prepareSearch(); } } }); }); } Topic.toTop = function() { navigator.scrollTop(0); }; Topic.toBottom = function() { socket.emit('topics.postcount', ajaxify.data.tid, function(err, postCount) { if (config.topicPostSort !== 'oldest_to_newest') { postCount = 2; } navigator.scrollBottom(postCount - 1); }); }; function handleBookmark(tid) { // use the user's bookmark data if available, fallback to local if available var bookmark = ajaxify.data.bookmark || localStorage.getItem('topic:' + tid + ':bookmark'); var postIndex = getPostIndex(); if (postIndex && window.location.search.indexOf('page=') === -1) { if (components.get('post/anchor', postIndex).length) { return navigator.scrollToPostIndex(postIndex, true); } } else if (bookmark && (!config.usePagination || (config.usePagination && ajaxify.data.pagination.currentPage === 1)) && ajaxify.data.postcount > 5) { app.alert({ alert_id: 'bookmark', message: '[[topic:bookmark_instructions]]', timeout: 0, type: 'info', clickfn : function() { navigator.scrollToPost(parseInt(bookmark - 1, 10), true); }, closefn : function() { localStorage.removeItem('topic:' + tid + ':bookmark'); } }); setTimeout(function() { app.removeAlert('bookmark'); }, 10000); } } function getPostIndex() { var parts = window.location.pathname.split('/'); var lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1]; if (lastPart && utils.isNumber(lastPart)) { lastPart = Math.max(0, parseInt(lastPart, 10) - 1); } else { return 0; } if (lastPart > 0 && !components.get('post/anchor', lastPart).length) { return components.get('post/anchor').last().attr('name'); } return lastPart; } function addBlockQuoteHandler() { components.get('topic').on('click', 'blockquote .toggle', function() { var blockQuote = $(this).parent('blockquote'); var toggle = $(this); blockQuote.toggleClass('uncollapsed'); var collapsed = !blockQuote.hasClass('uncollapsed'); toggle.toggleClass('fa-angle-down', collapsed).toggleClass('fa-angle-up', !collapsed); }); } function addParentHandler() { components.get('topic').on('click', '[component="post/parent"]', function() { var toPid = $(this).attr('data-topid'); var toPost = $('[component="post"][data-pid="' + toPid + '"]'); if (toPost.length) { return navigator.scrollToPost(toPost.attr('data-index'), true); } socket.emit('posts.getPidIndex', {pid: toPid, tid: ajaxify.data.tid, topicPostSort: config.topicPostSort}, function(err, index) { if (err) { return app.alertError(err.message); } if (utils.isNumber(index)) { navigator.scrollToPost(index, true); } }); }); } function enableInfiniteLoadingOrPagination() { if (!config.usePagination) { infinitescroll.init($('[component="topic"]'), posts.loadMorePosts); } else { navigator.disable(); } } function updateTopicTitle() { var span = components.get('navbar/title').find('span'); if ($(window).scrollTop() > 50) { span.html(ajaxify.data.title).show(); } else { span.html('').hide(); } app.removeAlert('bookmark'); } Topic.calculateIndex = function(index, elementCount) { if (index !== 1 && config.topicPostSort !== 'oldest_to_newest') { return elementCount - index + 2; } return index; }; Topic.navigatorCallback = function(index, elementCount) { var path = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(window.location.pathname.slice(1)); if (!path.startsWith('topic')) { return 1; } if (!navigator.scrollActive) { var parts = ajaxify.removeRelativePath(window.location.pathname.slice(1)).split('/'); var topicId = parts[1], slug = parts[2]; var newUrl = 'topic/' + topicId + '/' + (slug ? slug : ''); if (index > 1) { newUrl += '/' + index; } if (newUrl !== currentUrl) { if (Topic.replaceURLTimeout) { clearTimeout(Topic.replaceURLTimeout); } Topic.replaceURLTimeout = setTimeout(function() { updateUserBookmark(index); Topic.replaceURLTimeout = 0; if (history.replaceState) { var search = (window.location.search ? window.location.search : ''); history.replaceState({ url: newUrl + search }, null, window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + RELATIVE_PATH + '/' + newUrl + search); } currentUrl = newUrl; }, 500); } } }; function updateUserBookmark(index) { var bookmarkKey = 'topic:' + ajaxify.data.tid + ':bookmark'; var currentBookmark = ajaxify.data.bookmark || localStorage.getItem(bookmarkKey); if (ajaxify.data.postcount > 5 && (!currentBookmark || parseInt(index, 10) > parseInt(currentBookmark, 10))) { if (app.user.uid) { socket.emit('topics.bookmark', { 'tid': ajaxify.data.tid, 'index': index }, function(err) { if (err) { return app.alertError(err.message); } ajaxify.data.bookmark = index; }); } else { localStorage.setItem(bookmarkKey, index); } } // removes the bookmark alert when we get to / past the bookmark if (!currentBookmark || parseInt(index, 10) >= parseInt(currentBookmark, 10)) { app.removeAlert('bookmark'); } } return Topic; });