	"lead": "Configura a tua lista negra de IPs aqui.",
	"description": "Occasionally, a user account ban is not enough of a deterrant. Other times, restricting access to the forum to a specific IP or a range of IPs is the best way to protect a forum. In these scenarios, you can add troublesome IP addresses or entire CIDR blocks to this blacklist, and they will be prevented from logging in to or registering a new account.",
	"active-rules": "Regras Ativas",
	"validate": "Validar Lista Negra",
	"apply": "Aplicar Lista Negra",
	"hints": "Dicas de Sintaxe",
	"hint-1": "Define a single IP addresses per line. You can add IP blocks as long as they follow the CIDR format (e.g. <code></code>).",
	"hint-2": "Podes adicionar comentários começando linhas com o símbolo <code>#</code>.",

	"validate.x-valid": "<strong>%1</strong> de <strong>%2</strong> regra(s) válidas.",
	"validate.x-invalid": "As seguintes <strong>%1</strong> regras são inválidas:",

	"alerts.applied-success": "Lista Negra Aplicada",

	"analytics.blacklist-hourly": "<strong>Figure 1</strong> &ndash; Blacklist hits per hour",
	"analytics.blacklist-daily": "<strong>Figure 2</strong> &ndash; Blacklist hits per day",
	"ip-banned": "IP banido"