'use strict'; var async = require('async'); var winston = require('winston'); var nconf = require('nconf'); var Benchpress = require('benchpressjs'); var nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); var wellKnownServices = require('nodemailer/lib/well-known/services'); var htmlToText = require('html-to-text'); var url = require('url'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var _ = require('lodash'); var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); var User = require('./user'); var Plugins = require('./plugins'); var meta = require('./meta'); var translator = require('./translator'); var pubsub = require('./pubsub'); var file = require('./file'); var Emailer = module.exports; Emailer.transports = { sendmail: nodemailer.createTransport({ sendmail: true, newline: 'unix', pool: true, rateLimit: meta.config['email:sendmail:rateLimit'], rateDelta: meta.config['email:sendmail:rateDelta'], }), smtp: undefined, }; var app; var viewsDir = nconf.get('views_dir'); Emailer.getTemplates = function (config, callback) { var emailsPath = path.join(viewsDir, 'emails'); async.waterfall([ function (next) { file.walk(emailsPath, next); }, function (emails, next) { // exclude .js files emails = emails.filter(function (email) { return !email.endsWith('.js'); }); async.map(emails, function (email, next) { var path = email.replace(emailsPath, '').substr(1).replace('.tpl', ''); async.waterfall([ function (next) { fs.readFile(email, 'utf8', next); }, function (original, next) { var isCustom = !!config['email:custom:' + path]; var text = config['email:custom:' + path] || original; next(null, { path: path, fullpath: email, text: text, original: original, isCustom: isCustom, }); }, ], next); }, next); }, ], callback); }; Emailer.listServices = function (callback) { var services = Object.keys(wellKnownServices); setImmediate(callback, null, services); }; Emailer._defaultPayload = {}; Emailer.setupFallbackTransport = function (config) { winston.verbose('[emailer] Setting up SMTP fallback transport'); // Enable Gmail transport if enabled in ACP if (parseInt(config['email:smtpTransport:enabled'], 10) === 1) { var smtpOptions = {}; if (config['email:smtpTransport:user'] || config['email:smtpTransport:pass']) { smtpOptions.auth = { user: config['email:smtpTransport:user'], pass: config['email:smtpTransport:pass'], }; } if (config['email:smtpTransport:service'] === 'nodebb-custom-smtp') { smtpOptions.port = config['email:smtpTransport:port']; smtpOptions.host = config['email:smtpTransport:host']; if (config['email:smtpTransport:security'] === 'NONE') { smtpOptions.secure = false; smtpOptions.requireTLS = false; smtpOptions.ignoreTLS = true; } else if (config['email:smtpTransport:security'] === 'STARTTLS') { smtpOptions.secure = false; smtpOptions.requireTLS = true; smtpOptions.ignoreTLS = false; } else { // meta.config['email:smtpTransport:security'] === 'ENCRYPTED' or undefined smtpOptions.secure = true; smtpOptions.requireTLS = true; smtpOptions.ignoreTLS = false; } } else { smtpOptions.service = String(config['email:smtpTransport:service']); } Emailer.transports.smtp = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpOptions); Emailer.fallbackTransport = Emailer.transports.smtp; } else { Emailer.fallbackTransport = Emailer.transports.sendmail; } }; var prevConfig = meta.config; function smtpSettingsChanged(config) { var settings = [ 'email:smtpTransport:enabled', 'email:smtpTransport:user', 'email:smtpTransport:pass', 'email:smtpTransport:service', 'email:smtpTransport:port', 'email:smtpTransport:host', 'email:smtpTransport:security', ]; return settings.some(function (key) { return config[key] !== prevConfig[key]; }); } Emailer.registerApp = function (expressApp) { app = expressApp; var logo = null; if (meta.config.hasOwnProperty('brand:emailLogo')) { logo = (!meta.config['brand:emailLogo'].startsWith('http') ? nconf.get('url') : '') + meta.config['brand:emailLogo']; } Emailer._defaultPayload = { url: nconf.get('url'), site_title: meta.config.title || 'NodeBB', logo: { src: logo, height: meta.config['brand:emailLogo:height'], width: meta.config['brand:emailLogo:width'], }, }; Emailer.setupFallbackTransport(meta.config); buildCustomTemplates(meta.config); // Update default payload if new logo is uploaded pubsub.on('config:update', function (config) { if (config) { if (config['brand:emailLogo']) { Emailer._defaultPayload.logo.src = config['brand:emailLogo']; } if (config['brand:emailLogo:height']) { Emailer._defaultPayload.logo.height = config['brand:emailLogo:height']; } if (config['brand:emailLogo:width']) { Emailer._defaultPayload.logo.width = config['brand:emailLogo:width']; } if (smtpSettingsChanged(config)) { Emailer.setupFallbackTransport(config); } buildCustomTemplates(config); prevConfig = config; } }); return Emailer; }; Emailer.send = function (template, uid, params, callback) { callback = callback || function () {}; if (!app) { winston.warn('[emailer] App not ready!'); return callback(); } // Combined passed-in payload with default values params = { ...Emailer._defaultPayload, ...params }; async.waterfall([ function (next) { async.parallel({ userData: async.apply(User.getUserFields, uid, ['email', 'username']), settings: async.apply(User.getSettings, uid), }, next); }, async function (results) { if (!results.userData || !results.userData.email) { winston.warn('uid : ' + uid + ' has no email, not sending.'); return; } params.uid = uid; params.username = results.userData.username; params.rtl = await translator.translate('[[language:dir]]', results.settings.userLang) === 'rtl'; Emailer.sendToEmail(template, results.userData.email, results.settings.userLang, params, function (err) { if (err) { winston.error(err); } }); }, ], function (err) { return callback(err); }); }; Emailer.sendToEmail = function (template, email, language, params, callback) { callback = callback || function () {}; var lang = language || meta.config.defaultLang || 'en-GB'; // Add some default email headers based on local configuration params.headers = { 'List-Id': '<' + [template, params.uid, getHostname()].join('.') + '>', 'List-Unsubscribe': '<' + [nconf.get('url'), 'uid', params.uid, 'settings'].join('/') + '>', ...params.headers }; // Digests and notifications can be one-click unsubbed let payload = { template: template, uid: params.uid, }; switch (template) { case 'digest': payload = jwt.sign(payload, nconf.get('secret'), { expiresIn: '30d', }); params.headers['List-Unsubscribe'] = '<' + [nconf.get('url'), 'email', 'unsubscribe', payload].join('/') + '>'; params.headers['List-Unsubscribe-Post'] = 'List-Unsubscribe=One-Click'; break; case 'notification': payload.type = params.notification.type; payload = jwt.sign(payload, nconf.get('secret'), { expiresIn: '30d', }); params.headers['List-Unsubscribe'] = '<' + [nconf.get('url'), 'email', 'unsubscribe', payload].join('/') + '>'; params.headers['List-Unsubscribe-Post'] = 'List-Unsubscribe=One-Click'; break; } async.waterfall([ function (next) { Plugins.fireHook('filter:email.params', { template: template, email: email, language: lang, params: params, }, next); }, function (result, next) { template = result.template; email = result.email; params = result.params; async.parallel({ html: function (next) { Emailer.renderAndTranslate(template, params, result.language, next); }, subject: function (next) { translator.translate(params.subject, result.language, function (translated) { next(null, translated); }); }, }, next); }, function (results, next) { var data = { _raw: params, to: email, from: meta.config['email:from'] || 'no-reply@' + getHostname(), from_name: meta.config['email:from_name'] || 'NodeBB', subject: '[' + meta.config.title + '] ' + _.unescape(results.subject), html: results.html, plaintext: htmlToText.fromString(results.html, { ignoreImage: true, }), template: template, uid: params.uid, pid: params.pid, fromUid: params.fromUid, headers: params.headers, rtl: params.rtl, }; Plugins.fireHook('filter:email.modify', data, next); }, function (data, next) { if (Plugins.hasListeners('filter:email.send')) { Plugins.fireHook('filter:email.send', data, next); } else { Emailer.sendViaFallback(data, next); } }, ], function (err) { if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') { callback(new Error('[[error:sendmail-not-found]]')); } else { callback(err); } }); }; Emailer.sendViaFallback = function (data, callback) { // Some minor alterations to the data to conform to nodemailer standard data.text = data.plaintext; delete data.plaintext; // NodeMailer uses a combined "from" data.from = data.from_name + '<' + data.from + '>'; delete data.from_name; winston.verbose('[emailer] Sending email to uid ' + data.uid + ' (' + data.to + ')'); Emailer.fallbackTransport.sendMail(data, function (err) { if (err) { winston.error(err); } callback(); }); }; function buildCustomTemplates(config) { async.waterfall([ function (next) { async.parallel({ templates: function (cb) { Emailer.getTemplates(config, cb); }, paths: function (cb) { file.walk(viewsDir, cb); }, }, next); }, function (result, next) { // If the new config contains any email override values, re-compile those templates var toBuild = Object .keys(config) .filter(prop => prop.startsWith('email:custom:')) .map(key => key.split(':')[2]); var templates = result.templates.filter(template => toBuild.includes(template.path)); var paths = _.fromPairs(result.paths.map(function (p) { var relative = path.relative(viewsDir, p).replace(/\\/g, '/'); return [relative, p]; })); async.each(templates, function (template, next) { async.waterfall([ function (next) { meta.templates.processImports(paths, template.path, template.text, next); }, function (source, next) { Benchpress.precompile(source, { minify: global.env !== 'development', }, next); }, function (compiled, next) { fs.writeFile(template.fullpath.replace(/\.tpl$/, '.js'), compiled, next); }, ], next); }, next); }, function (next) { Benchpress.flush(); next(); }, ], function (err) { if (err) { winston.error('[emailer] Failed to build custom email templates', err); return; } winston.verbose('[emailer] Built custom email templates'); }); } Emailer.renderAndTranslate = function (template, params, lang, callback) { app.render('emails/' + template, params, function (err, html) { if (err) { return callback(err); } translator.translate(html, lang, function (translated) { callback(null, translated); }); }); }; function getHostname() { var configUrl = nconf.get('url'); var parsed = url.parse(configUrl); return parsed.hostname; } require('./promisify')(Emailer, ['transports']);