{ "authentication": "Preverjanje pristnosti", "require-email-confirmation": "Zahtevaj potrditev po e-pošti", "email-confirm-interval": "Uporabnik morda ne bo mogel znova poslati potrditvenega e-poštnega sporočila, dokler", "email-confirm-email2": "minutes have elapsed", "allow-login-with": "Dovoli prijavo z", "allow-login-with.username-email": "Uporabniško ime ali e-poštni naslov", "allow-login-with.username": "Samo uporabniško ime", "allow-login-with.email": "Samo e-poštni naslov", "account-settings": "Nastavitve računa", "gdpr_enabled": "Enable GDPR consent collection", "gdpr_enabled_help": "When enabled, all new registrants will be required to explicitly give consent for data collection and usage under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Note: Enabling GDPR does not force pre-existing users to provide consent. To do so, you will need to install the GDPR plugin.", "disable-username-changes": "Onemogoči spreminjanje uporabniškega imena", "disable-email-changes": "Onemogoči spreminjanje e-poštnega naslova", "disable-password-changes": "Onemogoči spreminjanje gesla", "allow-account-deletion": "Dovoli brisanje računa", "hide-fullname": "Skrij polno ime pred uporabniki", "hide-email": "Skrij e-poštni naslov pred uporabniki", "show-fullname-as-displayname": "Prikaži uporabnikovo polno ime kot njegovo prikazno ime, če je na voljo", "themes": "Teme", "disable-user-skins": "Prepreči uporabnikom izbiro preobleke po meri", "account-protection": "Zaščita računa", "admin-relogin-duration": "Trajanje ponovne prijave skrbnika (v minutah)", "admin-relogin-duration-help": "After a set amount of time accessing the admin section will require re-login, set to 0 to disable", "login-attempts": "Število poskusov prijave na uro", "login-attempts-help": "If login attempts to a user's account exceeds this threshold, that account will be locked for a pre-configured amount of time", "lockout-duration": "Trajanje zaklepanja računa (v minutah)", "login-days": "Dnevi za zapomnitev sej za prijavo uporabnikov", "password-expiry-days": "Vsilite ponastavitev gesla po nastavljenem številu dni", "session-time": "Čas seje", "session-time-days": "Dni", "session-time-seconds": "Sekund", "session-time-help": "These values are used to govern how long a user stays logged in when they check "Remember Me" on login. Note that only one of these values will be used. If there is no seconds value we fall back to days. If there is no days value we default to 14 days.", "online-cutoff": "Minut po tem, ko je uporabnik neaktiven", "online-cutoff-help": "If user performs no actions for this duration, they are considered inactive and they do not receive realtime updates.", "registration": "Registracija uporabnika", "registration-type": "Vrsta registracije", "registration-approval-type": "Vrsta odobritve registracije", "registration-type.normal": "Običajno", "registration-type.admin-approval": "Admin Approval", "registration-type.admin-approval-ip": "Admin Approval for IPs", "registration-type.invite-only": "Samo povabilo", "registration-type.admin-invite-only": "Admin Invite Only", "registration-type.disabled": "No registration", "registration-type.help": "Normal - Users can register from the /register page.
\nInvite Only - Users can invite others from the users page.
\nAdmin Invite Only - Only administrators can invite others from users and admin/manage/users pages.
\nNo registration - No user registration.
", "registration-approval-type.help": "Normal - Users are registered immediately.
\nAdmin Approval - User registrations are placed in an approval queue for administrators.
\nAdmin Approval for IPs - Normal for new users, Admin Approval for IP addresses that already have an account.
", "registration-queue-auto-approve-time": "Automatic Approval Time", "registration-queue-auto-approve-time-help": "Ure do samodejne potrditve uporabnika. 0 da onemogočite.", "registration-queue-show-average-time": "Show users average time it takes to approve a new user", "registration.max-invites": "Največje število povabil na uporabnika", "max-invites": "Največje število povabil na uporabnika", "max-invites-help": "0 for no restriction. Admins get infinite invitations
Only applicable for \"Invite Only\"", "invite-expiration": "Invite expiration", "invite-expiration-help": "Število dni, v katerih poteče povabilo.", "min-username-length": "Najmanjša dolžina uporabniškega imena", "max-username-length": "Največja dolžina uporabniškega imena", "min-password-length": "Najmanjša dolžina gesla", "min-password-strength": "Najmanjša moč gesla", "max-about-me-length": "Največja dolžina O meni", "terms-of-use": "Forum Terms of Use (Leave blank to disable)", "user-search": "User Search", "user-search-results-per-page": "Number of results to display", "default-user-settings": "Default User Settings", "show-email": "Show email", "show-fullname": "Show fullname", "restrict-chat": "Only allow chat messages from users I follow", "outgoing-new-tab": "Open outgoing links in new tab", "topic-search": "Enable In-Topic Searching", "update-url-with-post-index": "Update url with post index while browsing topics", "digest-freq": "Subscribe to Digest", "digest-freq.off": "Off", "digest-freq.daily": "Dnevno", "digest-freq.weekly": "Tedensko", "digest-freq.biweekly": "Bi-Weekly", "digest-freq.monthly": "Mesečno", "email-chat-notifs": "Send an email if a new chat message arrives and I am not online", "email-post-notif": "Send an email when replies are made to topics I am subscribed to", "follow-created-topics": "Spremljanj teme, ki si jih ustvaril", "follow-replied-topics": "Spremljanj teme, na katere si odgovoril", "default-notification-settings": "Privzete nastavitve obveščanja", "categoryWatchState": "Default category watch state", "categoryWatchState.watching": "Spremljano", "categoryWatchState.notwatching": "Ni spremljano", "categoryWatchState.ignoring": "Prezrto" }