{ "users": "Uživatelé", "edit": "Upravit", "make-admin": "Učinit správcem", "remove-admin": "Odebrat správce", "validate-email": "Ověřit e-mail", "send-validation-email": "Poslat ověřovací e-mail", "password-reset-email": "Poslat e-mail pro resetování hesla", "ban": "Zakázat uživatele", "temp-ban": "Dočasně zakázat uživatele", "unban": "Zrušit zákaz uživatele", "reset-lockout": "Reset Lockout", "reset-flags": "Obnovit označení", "delete": "Odstranit uživatele", "purge": "Odstranit uživatele a obsah", "download-csv": "Stáhnout jako CSV", "invite": "Pozvat", "new": "Nový uživatel", "pills.latest": "Poslední uživatelé", "pills.unvalidated": "Neověřeno", "pills.no-posts": "Žádné příspěvky", "pills.top-posters": "Nejvíce příspěvků", "pills.top-rep": "Nejvíce reputace", "pills.inactive": "Neaktivní", "pills.flagged": "Nejoznačovanější", "pills.banned": "Zakázán", "pills.search": "Hledat uživatele", "search.username": "Dle jména uživatele", "search.username-placeholder": "Zadejte hledané uživatelské jméno", "search.email": "Podle e-mailu", "search.email-placeholder": "Zadejte hledaný e-mail", "search.ip": "Podle IP adresy", "search.ip-placeholder": "Zadejte hledanou IP adresu", "search.not-found": "Uživatel nebyl nalezen.", "inactive.3-months": "3 měsíce", "inactive.6-months": "6 měsíců", "inactive.12-months": "12 měsíců", "users.uid": "uid", "users.username": "jméno", "users.email": "e-mail", "users.postcount": "postcount", "users.reputation": "reputation", "users.flags": "flags", "users.joined": "joined", "users.last-online": "last online", "users.banned": "banned", "create.username": "Uživatelské jméno", "create.email": "E-mail", "create.email-placeholder": "E-mail tohoto uživatele", "create.password": "Heslo", "create.password-confirm": "Potvrzení hesla", "temp-ban.length": "Trvání zákazu", "temp-ban.reason": "Důvod (volitelné)", "temp-ban.hours": "Hodiny", "temp-ban.days": "Dny", "temp-ban.explanation": "Enter the length of time for the ban. Note that a time of 0 will be a considered a permanent ban.", "alerts.confirm-ban": "Do you really want to ban this user permanently?", "alerts.confirm-ban-multi": "Do you really want to ban these users permanently?", "alerts.ban-success": "User(s) banned!", "alerts.button-ban-x": "Ban %1 user(s)", "alerts.unban-success": "User(s) unbanned!", "alerts.lockout-reset-success": "Lockout(s) reset!", "alerts.flag-reset-success": "Flags(s) reset!", "alerts.no-remove-yourself-admin": "You can't remove yourself as Administrator!", "alerts.make-admin-success": "User(s) are now administrators.", "alerts.confirm-remove-admin": "Do you really want to remove admins?", "alerts.remove-admin-success": "User(s) are no longer administrators.", "alerts.confirm-validate-email": "Do you want to validate email(s) of these user(s)?", "alerts.validate-email-success": "E-maily byly ověřeny", "alerts.password-reset-confirm": "Chcete poslat těmto uživatelům e-mail pro resetování hesla?", "alerts.confirm-delete": "Warning!
Do you really want to delete user(s)?
This action is not reversable! Only the user account will be deleted, their posts and topics will remain.", "alerts.delete-success": "User(s) Deleted!", "alerts.confirm-purge": "Warning!
Do you really want to delete user(s) and their content?
This action is not reversable! All user data and content will be erased!", "alerts.create": "Vytvořit uživatele", "alerts.button-create": "Vytvořit", "alerts.button-cancel": "Zrušit", "alerts.error-passwords-different": "Hesla musí souhlasit.", "alerts.error-x": "Chyba


", "alerts.create-success": "Uživatel byl vytvořen.", "alerts.prompt-email": "E-mail:", "alerts.email-sent-to": "E-mail s pozvánkou byl odeslán na %1", "alerts.x-users-found": "Počet nalezených uživatelů: %1 (hledání trvalo %2 ms)" }