'use strict'; /* globals define, translator, templates */ define(function() { var module = {}; // use unique alert_id to have multiple alerts visible at a time, use the same alert_id to fade out the current instance // type : error, success, info, warning/notify // title = bolded title text // message = alert message content // timeout default = permanent // location : alert_window (default) or content module.alert = function (params) { var alert_id = 'alert_button_' + ((params.alert_id) ? params.alert_id : new Date().getTime()); var alert = $('#' + alert_id); var title = params.title || ''; function fadeOut() { alert.fadeOut(500, function () { $(this).remove(); }); } function startTimeout(timeout) { var timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { fadeOut(); }, timeout); alert.attr('timeoutId', timeoutId); } if (alert.length) { alert.find('strong').html(title); alert.find('p').html(params.message); alert.attr('class', 'alert alert-dismissable alert-' + params.type); clearTimeout(alert.attr('timeoutId')); startTimeout(params.timeout); alert.children().fadeOut('100'); translator.translate(templates.parse(alert.html(), {}), function(translatedHTML) { alert.children().fadeIn('100'); alert.html(translatedHTML); }); } else { alert = $('
'); alert.append($('')) .append($('' + title + '')); if (params.message) { alert.append($('' + params.message + '
')); } if (!params.location) { params.location = 'alert_window'; } translator.translate(templates.parse(alert.html(), {}), function(translatedHTML) { alert.html(translatedHTML); $('#' + params.location).prepend(alert.fadeIn('100')); if(typeof params.closefn === 'function') { alert.find('button').on('click', function() { params.closefn(); fadeOut(); return false; }); } }); if (params.timeout) { startTimeout(params.timeout); } if (typeof params.clickfn === 'function') { alert.on('click', function (e) { if(!$(e.target).is('.close')) { params.clickfn(); } fadeOut(); }); } } }; module.remove = function(id) { $('#alert_button_' + id).remove(); }; return module; });