"category": "Categoria",
"subcategories": "Sottocategorie",
"new_topic_button": "Nuova Discussione",
"guest-login-post": "Effettua il Log in per pubblicare",
"no_topics": "Non ci sono discussioni in questa categoria.
Perché non ne inizi una?",
"browsing": "visualizzando",
"no_replies": "Nessuno ha risposto",
"no_new_posts": "Nessun nuovo post.",
"watch": "Osserva",
"ignore": "Ignora",
"watching": "Seguito",
"not-watching": "Not Watching",
"ignoring": "Ignorato",
"watching.description": "Show topics in unread and recent",
"not-watching.description": "Do not show topics in unread, show in recent",
"ignoring.description": "Do not show topics in unread and recent",
"watching.message": "You are now watching updates from this category and all subcategories",
"notwatching.message": "You are not watching updates from this category and all subcategories",
"ignoring.message": "You are now ignoring updates from this category and all subcategories",
"watched-categories": "Categorie osservate"