var socket, config, app = {}, API_URL = null; // todo: cleanup,etc (function() { $.ajax({ url: '/config.json?v=' + new Date().getTime(), success: function(data) { API_URL = data.api_url; config = data; socket = io.connect('http://' + config.socket.address + config.socket.port? ':' + config.socket.port : ''); socket.on('event:connect', function(data) { console.log('connected to nodebb socket: ', data); }); socket.on('event:alert', function(data) { app.alert(data); }); socket.on('event:consolelog', function(data) { console.log(data); }); }, async: false }); // use unique alert_id to have multiple alerts visible at a time, use the same alert_id to fade out the current instance // type : error, success, info, warning/notify // timeout default = permanent // location : notification_window (default) or content app.alert = function(params) { var div = document.createElement('div'), button = document.createElement('button'), strong = document.createElement('strong'), p = document.createElement('p'); var alert_id = 'alert_button_' + ((alert_id) ? alert_id : new Date().getTime()); jQuery('#'+alert_id).fadeOut(500, function() { this.remove(); }); p.innerHTML = params.message; strong.innerHTML = params.title; div.className = "alert toaster-alert " + ((params.type=='warning') ? '' : "alert-" + params.type); div.setAttribute('id', alert_id); div.appendChild(button); div.appendChild(strong); div.appendChild(p); button.className = 'close'; button.innerHTML = '×'; button.onclick = function(ev) { div.parentNode.removeChild(div); } if (params.location == null) params.location = 'notification_window'; jQuery('#'+params.location).prepend(jQuery(div).fadeIn('100')); if (params.timeout) { setTimeout(function() { jQuery(div).fadeOut(1000); }, params.timeout) } if (params.clickfn) { div.onclick = function() { params.clickfn(); jQuery(div).fadeOut(500); } } } var post_window = null, submit_post_btn = null, post_title = null, reply_title = null, post_content = null; app.open_post_window = function(post_mode, id, title) { submit_post_btn = submit_post_btn || document.getElementById('submit_post_btn'); post_title = post_title || document.getElementById('post_title'); reply_title = reply_title || document.getElementById('reply_title'); post_content = post_content || document.getElementById('post_content'); post_window = post_window || document.getElementById('post_window'); jQuery(post_window).slideToggle(250); if (post_mode == 'topic') { = "block"; = "none"; post_title.focus(); submit_post_btn.onclick = function() { app.post_topic(id); } } else { if (post_mode == 'reply') { reply_title.innerHTML = 'You are replying to "' + title + '"'; } else if (post_mode == 'quote') { reply_title.innerHTML = 'You are quoting "' + title + '"'; } = "none"; = "block"; post_content.focus(); submit_post_btn.onclick = function() { app.post_reply(id) } } }; app.post_reply = function(topic_id) { var content = document.getElementById('post_content').value; if (content.length < 5) { app.alert({ title: 'Reply Failure', message: 'You need to write more dude.', type: 'error', timeout: 2000 }); return; } socket.emit('api:posts.reply', { 'topic_id' : topic_id, 'content' : content }); jQuery(post_window).slideToggle(250); }; app.post_topic = function(category_id) { var title = document.getElementById('post_title').value, content = document.getElementById('post_content').value; if (title.length < 5 || content.length < 5) { app.alert({ title: 'Topic Post Failure', message: 'You need to write more dude.', type: 'error', timeout: 2000 }); return; } socket.emit('', { 'title' : title, 'content' : content, 'category_id' : category_id }); jQuery('#post_title, #post_content').val(''); jQuery(post_window).slideToggle(250); }; app.current_room = null; app.enter_room = function(room) { if (app.current_room === room) return; socket.emit('event:enter_room', { 'enter': room, 'leave': app.current_room }); app.current_room = room; }; jQuery('document').ready(function() { app.enter_room('global'); // On menu click, change "active" state var menuEl = document.querySelector('.nav'), liEls = menuEl.querySelectorAll('li'), logoutEl = document.getElementById('logout'), parentEl; menuEl.addEventListener('click', function(e) { parentEl =; if (parentEl.nodeName === 'LI') { for(var x=0,numLis=liEls.length;x