'use strict'; const _ = require('lodash'); const db = require('../database'); const user = require('../user'); const posts = require('../posts'); const categories = require('../categories'); const plugins = require('../plugins'); const Events = module.exports; /** * Note: Plugins! * * You are able to define additional topic event types here. * Register to hook `filter:topicEvents.init` and append your custom type to the `types` object. * You can then log a custom topic event by calling `topics.events.log(tid, { type, uid });` * `uid` is optional; if you pass in a valid uid in the payload, * the user avatar/username will be rendered as part of the event text * */ Events._types = { pin: { icon: 'fa-thumb-tack', text: '[[topic:pinned-by]]', }, unpin: { icon: 'fa-thumb-tack', text: '[[topic:unpinned-by]]', }, lock: { icon: 'fa-lock', text: '[[topic:locked-by]]', }, unlock: { icon: 'fa-unlock', text: '[[topic:unlocked-by]]', }, delete: { icon: 'fa-trash', text: '[[topic:deleted-by]]', }, restore: { icon: 'fa-trash-o', text: '[[topic:restored-by]]', }, move: { icon: 'fa-arrow-circle-right', // text: '[[topic:moved-from-by]]', }, 'post-queue': { icon: 'fa-history', text: '[[topic:queued-by]]', href: '/post-queue', }, }; Events.init = async () => { // Allow plugins to define additional topic event types const { types } = await plugins.hooks.fire('filter:topicEvents.init', { types: Events._types }); Events._types = types; }; Events.get = async (tid, uid) => { const topics = require('.'); if (!await topics.exists(tid)) { throw new Error('[[error:no-topic]]'); } let eventIds = await db.getSortedSetRangeWithScores(`topic:${tid}:events`, 0, -1); const keys = eventIds.map(obj => `topicEvent:${obj.value}`); const timestamps = eventIds.map(obj => obj.score); eventIds = eventIds.map(obj => obj.value); let events = await db.getObjects(keys); events = await modifyEvent({ tid, uid, eventIds, timestamps, events }); return events; }; async function getUserInfo(uids) { uids = uids.filter((uid, idx) => !isNaN(parseInt(uid, 10)) && uids.indexOf(uid) === idx); const userData = await user.getUsersFields(uids, ['picture', 'username', 'userslug']); const userMap = userData.reduce((memo, cur) => memo.set(cur.uid, cur), new Map()); userMap.set('system', { system: true, }); return userMap; } async function getCategoryInfo(cids) { const uniqCids = _.uniq(cids); const catData = await categories.getCategoriesFields(uniqCids, ['name', 'slug', 'icon', 'color', 'bgColor']); return _.zipObject(uniqCids, catData); } async function modifyEvent({ tid, uid, eventIds, timestamps, events }) { // Add posts from post queue const isPrivileged = await user.isPrivileged(uid); if (isPrivileged) { const queuedPosts = await posts.getQueuedPosts({ tid }, { metadata: false }); Object.assign(events, queuedPosts.map(item => ({ type: 'post-queue', timestamp: item.data.timestamp || Date.now(), uid: item.data.uid, }))); queuedPosts.forEach((item) => { timestamps.push(item.data.timestamp || Date.now()); }); } const [users, fromCategories] = await Promise.all([ getUserInfo(events.map(event => event.uid).filter(Boolean)), getCategoryInfo(events.map(event => event.fromCid).filter(Boolean)), ]); // Remove events whose types no longer exist (e.g. plugin uninstalled) events = events.filter(event => Events._types.hasOwnProperty(event.type)); // Add user & metadata events.forEach((event, idx) => { event.id = parseInt(eventIds[idx], 10); event.timestamp = timestamps[idx]; event.timestampISO = new Date(timestamps[idx]).toISOString(); if (event.hasOwnProperty('uid')) { event.user = users.get(event.uid === 'system' ? 'system' : parseInt(event.uid, 10)); } if (event.hasOwnProperty('fromCid')) { event.fromCategory = fromCategories[event.fromCid]; event.text = `[[topic:moved-from-by, ${event.fromCategory.name}]]`; } Object.assign(event, Events._types[event.type]); }); // Sort events events.sort((a, b) => a.timestamp - b.timestamp); return events; } Events.log = async (tid, payload) => { const topics = require('.'); const { type } = payload; const now = Date.now(); if (!Events._types.hasOwnProperty(type)) { throw new Error(`[[error:topic-event-unrecognized, ${type}]]`); } else if (!await topics.exists(tid)) { throw new Error('[[error:no-topic]]'); } const eventId = await db.incrObjectField('global', 'nextTopicEventId'); await Promise.all([ db.setObject(`topicEvent:${eventId}`, payload), db.sortedSetAdd(`topic:${tid}:events`, now, eventId), ]); let events = await modifyEvent({ eventIds: [eventId], timestamps: [now], events: [payload], }); ({ events } = await plugins.hooks.fire('filter:topic.events.log', { events })); return events; }; Events.purge = async (tid, eventIds = []) => { if (eventIds.length) { const isTopicEvent = await db.isSortedSetMembers(`topic:${tid}:events`, eventIds); eventIds = eventIds.filter((id, index) => isTopicEvent[index]); await Promise.all([ db.sortedSetRemove(`topic:${tid}:events`, eventIds), db.deleteAll(eventIds.map(id => `topicEvent:${id}`)), ]); } else { const keys = [`topic:${tid}:events`]; const eventIds = await db.getSortedSetRange(keys[0], 0, -1); keys.push(...eventIds.map(id => `topicEvent:${id}`)); await db.deleteAll(keys); } };