'use strict'; const nconf = require('nconf'); const url = require('url'); const winston = require('winston'); const path = require('path'); const pkg = require('../package.json'); const { paths } = require('./constants'); function setupWinston() { if (!winston.format) { return; } var formats = []; if (nconf.get('log-colorize') !== 'false') { formats.push(winston.format.colorize()); } if (nconf.get('json-logging')) { formats.push(winston.format.timestamp()); formats.push(winston.format.json()); } else { const timestampFormat = winston.format((info) => { var dateString = new Date().toISOString() + ' [' + nconf.get('port') + '/' + global.process.pid + ']'; info.level = dateString + ' - ' + info.level; return info; }); formats.push(timestampFormat()); formats.push(winston.format.splat()); formats.push(winston.format.simple()); } winston.configure({ level: nconf.get('log-level') || (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'info' : 'verbose'), format: winston.format.combine.apply(null, formats), transports: [ new winston.transports.Console({ handleExceptions: true, }), ], }); } function loadConfig(configFile) { nconf.file({ file: configFile, }); nconf.defaults({ base_dir: paths.baseDir, themes_path: paths.nodeModules, upload_path: 'public/uploads', views_dir: path.join(paths.baseDir, 'build/public/templates'), version: pkg.version, isCluster: false, isPrimary: true, jobsDisabled: false, }); // Explicitly cast as Bool, loader.js passes in isCluster as string 'true'/'false' var castAsBool = ['isCluster', 'isPrimary', 'jobsDisabled']; nconf.stores.env.readOnly = false; castAsBool.forEach(function (prop) { var value = nconf.get(prop); if (value !== undefined) { nconf.set(prop, typeof value === 'boolean' ? value : String(value).toLowerCase() === 'true'); } }); nconf.stores.env.readOnly = true; nconf.set('runJobs', nconf.get('isPrimary') && !nconf.get('jobsDisabled')); // Ensure themes_path is a full filepath nconf.set('themes_path', path.resolve(paths.baseDir, nconf.get('themes_path'))); nconf.set('core_templates_path', path.join(paths.baseDir, 'src/views')); nconf.set('base_templates_path', path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), 'nodebb-theme-persona/templates')); nconf.set('upload_path', path.resolve(nconf.get('base_dir'), nconf.get('upload_path'))); nconf.set('upload_url', '/assets/uploads'); // nconf defaults, if not set in config if (!nconf.get('sessionKey')) { nconf.set('sessionKey', 'express.sid'); } if (nconf.get('url')) { nconf.set('url_parsed', url.parse(nconf.get('url'))); // Parse out the relative_url and other goodies from the configured URL const urlObject = url.parse(nconf.get('url')); const relativePath = urlObject.pathname !== '/' ? urlObject.pathname.replace(/\/+$/, '') : ''; nconf.set('base_url', urlObject.protocol + '//' + urlObject.host); nconf.set('secure', urlObject.protocol === 'https:'); nconf.set('use_port', !!urlObject.port); nconf.set('relative_path', relativePath); nconf.set('port', nconf.get('PORT') || nconf.get('port') || urlObject.port || (nconf.get('PORT_ENV_VAR') ? nconf.get(nconf.get('PORT_ENV_VAR')) : false) || 4567); // cookies don't provide isolation by port: http://stackoverflow.com/a/16328399/122353 const domain = nconf.get('cookieDomain') || urlObject.hostname; const origins = nconf.get('socket.io:origins') || `${urlObject.protocol}//${domain}:*`; nconf.set('socket.io:origins', origins); } } function versionCheck() { var version = process.version.slice(1); var range = pkg.engines.node; var semver = require('semver'); var compatible = semver.satisfies(version, range); if (!compatible) { winston.warn('Your version of Node.js is too outdated for NodeBB. Please update your version of Node.js.'); winston.warn('Recommended ' + range.green + ', '.reset + version.yellow + ' provided\n'.reset); } } exports.setupWinston = setupWinston; exports.loadConfig = loadConfig; exports.versionCheck = versionCheck;