{ "test-email.subject": "Test Email", "password-reset-requested": "Password Reset Requested!", "welcome-to": "Benvido a %1", "invite": "Invitación de %1", "greeting_no_name": "Ola", "greeting_with_name": "Ola %1", "email.verify-your-email.subject": "Please verify your email", "email.verify.text1": "You've requested that we change or confirm your email address", "email.verify.text2": "For security purposes, we only change or confirm the email address on file once its ownership has been confirmed via email. If you did not request this, no action is required on your part.", "email.verify.text3": "Once you confirm this email address, we will replace your current email address with this one (%1).", "welcome.text1": "Grazas por rexistrarte %1!", "welcome.text2": "Para activar a túa conta, precisamos que a verifiques co enderezo de correo electrónico co que te rexistraches.", "welcome.text3": "Un administrador aceptou a túa solicitude de rexistro. Agora pódeste conectar co teu nome de usuario e contrasinal.", "welcome.cta": "Fai clic aquí para confirmar o teu enderezo de correo electrónico", "invitation.text1": "%1 convidoute a unirte %2", "invitation.text2": "Your invitation will expire in %1 days.", "invitation.cta": "Click here to create your account.", "reset.text1": "Recibimos unha petición para reiniciar o teu contrasinal, posibelmente porque o esqueciche. Se non é o caso, ignora este correo.", "reset.text2": "Para continuar co reincio do contrasinal, por favor pica no seguinte ligazón:", "reset.cta": "Pica aquí para reiniciar o teu contrasinal", "reset.notify.subject": "Contrasinal cambiado", "reset.notify.text1": "Estámosche a notificar que nun %1, o seu contrasinal foi cambiado correctamente.", "reset.notify.text2": "Se ti non autorizache isto, por favor notifica inmediatamente a un administrador.", "digest.unread-rooms": "Unread rooms", "digest.room-name-unreadcount": "%1 (%2 unread)", "digest.latest_topics": "Últimos temas de %1", "digest.top-topics": "Top topics from %1", "digest.popular-topics": "Popular topics from %1", "digest.cta": "Pica aquí para ir %1", "digest.unsub.info": "Envióuseche o seguinte resumo polas túas opcións de subscrición.", "digest.day": "día", "digest.week": "semana", "digest.month": "mes", "digest.subject": "Resumo de %1", "digest.title.day": "Your Daily Digest", "digest.title.week": "Your Weekly Digest", "digest.title.month": "Your Monthly Digest", "notif.chat.subject": "Nova charla recibida de %1", "notif.chat.cta": "Pica aquí para continuar a conversación", "notif.chat.unsub.info": "Esta notificación de charla foiche enviada polas túas opcións de subscrición.", "notif.post.unsub.info": "Esta notificación de mensaxe foiche enviada polas túas opcións de subscrición.", "notif.post.unsub.one-click": "Alternatively, unsubscribe from future emails like this, by clicking", "notif.cta": "To the forum", "notif.cta-new-reply": "View Post", "notif.cta-new-chat": "View Chat", "notif.test.short": "Testing Notifications", "notif.test.long": "This is a test of the notifications email. Send help!", "test.text1": "Esta é unha mensaxe de proba para verificar que o envío de correo está configurado correctamente para o seu NodeBB.", "unsub.cta": "Pica aquí para cambiar os axustes", "unsubscribe": "unsubscribe", "unsub.success": "You will no longer receive emails from the %1 mailing list", "unsub.failure.title": "Unable to unsubscribe", "unsub.failure.message": "Unfortunately, we were not able to unsubscribe you from the mailing list, as there was an issue with the link. However, you can alter your email preferences by going to your user settings.

(error: %1)", "banned.subject": "You have been banned from %1", "banned.text1": "The user %1 has been banned from %2.", "banned.text2": "This ban will last until %1.", "banned.text3": "This is the reason why you have been banned:", "closing": "Grazas!" }