UserObj: properties: uid: type: number example: 1 username: type: string example: Dragon Fruit userslug: type: string example: dragon-fruit email: type: string example: 'email:confirmed': type: number example: 1 joindate: type: number example: 1585337827953 lastonline: type: number example: 1585337827953 picture: type: string example: '' fullname: type: string example: Mr. Dragon Fruit Jr. location: type: string example: 'Toronto, Canada' birthday: type: string description: A birthdate given in an ISO format parseable by the Date object example: 03/27/2020 website: type: string example: '' aboutme: type: string example: | This is a paragraph all about how my life got twist-turned upside-down and I'd like to take a minute and sit right here, to tell you all about how I because the administrator of NodeBB signature: type: string example: | This is an example signature It can span multiple lines. uploadedpicture: type: string example: /assets/profile/1-profileimg.png description: 'In almost all cases, defer to "picture" instead. Use this if you need to specifically reference the picture uploaded to the forum.' profileviews: type: number example: 1000 reputation: type: number example: 100 postcount: type: number example: 1000 topiccount: type: number example: 50 lastposttime: type: number example: 1585337827953 banned: type: number example: 0 'banned:expire': type: number example: 1585337827953 status: type: string example: online flags: type: number example: 0 followercount: type: number example: 2 followingcount: type: number example: 5 'cover:url': type: string example: /assets/profile/1-cover.png 'cover:position': type: string example: 50.0301% 19.2464% groupTitle: type: string example: '["administrators","Staff"]' groupTitleArray: type: array example: - administrators - Staff 'icon:text': type: string example: D 'icon:bgColor': type: string example: '#9c27b0' joindateISO: type: string example: '2020-03-27T20:30:36.590Z' lastonlineISO: type: string example: '2020-03-27T20:30:36.590Z' banned_until: type: number example: 0 banned_until_readable: type: string example: Not Banned