Debian ====== The current Ubuntu guide is not completely compatible with Debian and there are some specificities and especially the NodeJS installation, and how to get latest Redis. Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NodeBB requires these software to be installed: * Node.js at least 0.10 and greater * Redis, version 2.6 or greater * cURL installed, just do ``sudo apt-get install curl`` in order to install it Node.js installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Debian 7 and Debian 6 and older doesn't have `nodejs` packages included by default, but there are some solutions to install Node.js on your Debian distribution. Wheezy Backport : ------------------ This solution is **ONLY for Debian 7**, simply run the following **as root** : .. code:: bash $ echo "deb wheezy-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list $ apt-get update To install Node.js + NPM, run this : .. code:: bash $ apt-get install nodejs-legacy $ curl --insecure | bash The following install a Node.js version who is greater than 0.8 (at 29 March 2014 : 0.10.21) Compiling from the source : ------------------ This solution is for Debian 6 (Squeeze) and greater, in order to install NodeJS, run this **as root** : .. code:: bash $ sudo apt-get install python g++ make checkinstall $ src=$(mktemp -d) && cd $src $ wget -N $ tar xzvf node-latest.tar.gz && cd node-v* $ ./configure $ fakeroot checkinstall -y --install=no --pkgversion $(echo $(pwd) | sed -n -re's/.+node-v(.+)$/\1/p') make -j$(($(nproc)+1)) install $ sudo dpkg -i node_* Get latest Software via DotDeb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dotdeb is a repository containing packages to turn your Debian boxes into powerful, stable and up-to-date LAMP servers. * Nginx, * PHP 5.4 and 5.3 (useful PHP extensions : APC, imagick, Pinba, xcache, Xdebug, XHpro..) * MySQL 5.5, * Percona toolkit, * Redis, * Zabbix, * Passenger… Dotdeb supports : * Debian 6.0 “Squeeze“ and 7 “Wheezy“ * both amd64 and i386 architectures Debian 7 (Wheezy) : ------------------ For the complete DotDeb repositories : .. code:: bash $ sudo echo 'deb wheezy all' >> /etc/apt/sources.list $ sudo echo 'deb-src wheezy all' >> /etc/apt/sources.list After this, add the following GPC keys : .. code:: bash $ wget $ sudo apt-key add dotdeb.gpg And update your package source : .. code:: bash $ sudo apt-get update Debian 6 (Squeeze) ------------------ For the complete DotDeb repositories : .. code:: bash $ sudo echo 'deb squeeze all' >> /etc/apt/sources.list $ sudo echo 'deb-src squeeze all' >> /etc/apt/sources.list After this, add the following GPC keys : .. code:: bash $ wget $ sudo apt-key add dotdeb.gpg And update your package source : .. code:: bash $ sudo apt-get update Installing NodeBB ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now, we have NodeJS installed and Redis ready to be installed, run this command for install the base software stack : .. code:: bash $ apt-get install redis-server imagemagick git Next clone this repository : .. code:: bash $ cd /path/to/nodebb/install/location $ git clone git:// nodebb Now we are going to install all dependencies for NodeBB via NPM : $ cd /path/to/nodebb/install/location/nodebb (or if you are on your install location directory run : cd nodebb) $ npm install Install NodeBB by running the app with `--setup` flag : .. code:: bash $ ./nodebb setup 1. `URL of this installation` is either your public ip address or your domain name pointing to that ip address. **Example:** ```` or ```` 2. ``Port number of your NodeBB`` is the port needed to access your site: **Note:** If you do not proxy your port with something like nginx then port 80 is recommended for production. 3. If you used the above steps to setup your redis-server then use the default redis settings. And after all.. let's run the NodeBB forum .. code:: bash $ ./nodebb start **Note:** If you NodeBB or your server crash, your NodeBB instance will not reboot (snap), this is why you should take a look at the other way to start your NodeBB instance with helper programs such as ``supervisor`` and ``forever``, just :doc:`take a look here <../../running/index>` it's simple as a click! Extras, tips and Advice ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You should secure your NodeBB installation, `take a look here <>`_. You should use Nginx (or similar) in order to reverse proxy your NodeBB installation on the port 80, :doc:`take a look here <../../configuring/proxies>`