{ "reputation": "Configuración de Reputación", "disable": "Desactivar Sistema de Reputación", "disable-down-voting": "Desactivar Votos Negativos", "votes-are-public": "Todos los Votos son Públicos", "thresholds": "Umbrales de Actividad", "min-rep-upvote": "Minimum reputation to upvote posts", "upvotes-per-day": "Upvotes per day (set to 0 for unlimited upvotes)", "upvotes-per-user-per-day": "Upvotes per user per day (set to 0 for unlimited upvotes)", "min-rep-downvote": "Reputación mínima para votar negativamente", "downvotes-per-day": "Downvotes per day (set to 0 for unlimited downvotes)", "downvotes-per-user-per-day": "Downvotes per user per day (set to 0 for unlimited downvotes)", "min-rep-chat": "Minimum reputation to send chat messages", "min-rep-post-links": "Minimum reputation to post links", "min-rep-flag": "Reputación negativa para denunciar", "min-rep-website": "Reputación mínima para añadir \"Sitio web\" al perfil del usuario.", "min-rep-aboutme": "Reputación mínima para añadir \"Sobre mi\" al perfil de usuario.", "min-rep-signature": "Reputación mínima para añadir \"Firma\" al perfil de usuario", "min-rep-profile-picture": "Reputación mínima para añadir \"Foto de Perfil\" al perfil de usuario.", "min-rep-cover-picture": "Reputación mínima para añadir \"Foto de Portada\" al perfil del usuario", "flags": "Flag Settings", "flags.limit-per-target": "Maximum number of times something can be flagged", "flags.limit-per-target-placeholder": "Default: 0", "flags.limit-per-target-help": "When a post or user is flagged multiple times, each additional flag is considered a "report" and added to the original flag. Set this option to a number other than zero to limit the number of reports an item can receive.", "flags.auto-flag-on-downvote-threshold": "Number of downvotes to auto flag posts (Set to 0 to disable, default: 0)", "flags.auto-resolve-on-ban": "Automatically resolve all of a user's tickets when they are banned", "flags.action-on-resolve": "Do the following when a flag is resolved", "flags.action-on-reject": "Do the following when a flag is rejected", "flags.action.nothing": "Do nothing", "flags.action.rescind": "Rescind the notification sent to moderators/administrators" }