"use strict"; var posts = require('../posts'), postTools = require('../postTools'), topics = require('../topics'), meta = require('../meta'), Messaging = require('../messaging'), user = require('../user'), notifications = require('../notifications'), plugins = require('../plugins'), async = require('async'), S = require('string'), winston = require('winston'), server = require('./'), SocketModules = {}; /* Posts Composer */ SocketModules.composer = { replyHash: {} }; SocketModules.composer.push = function(socket, pid, callback) { if (socket.uid || parseInt(meta.config.allowGuestPosting, 10)) { if (parseInt(pid, 10) > 0) { async.parallel([ function(next) { posts.getPostFields(pid, ['content'], next); }, function(next) { topics.getTopicDataByPid(pid, next); }, function(next) { posts.getPidIndex(pid, next); } ], function(err, results) { if(err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, { pid: pid, body: results[0].content, title: results[1].title, topic_thumb: results[1].thumb, index: results[2] }); }); } } else { callback(new Error('no-uid')); } }; SocketModules.composer.editCheck = function(socket, pid, callback) { posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid', function(err, tid) { if (err) { return callback(err); } postTools.isMain(pid, tid, function(err, isMain) { callback(err, { titleEditable: isMain }); }); }); }; SocketModules.composer.renderPreview = function(socket, content, callback) { plugins.fireHook('filter:post.parse', content, callback); }; SocketModules.composer.renderHelp = function(socket, data, callback) { plugins.fireHook('filter:composer.help', '', callback); }; SocketModules.composer.register = function(socket, data) { server.in('topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:topic.replyStart', data.uid); data.socket = socket; data.timer = setInterval(function() { // Ping the socket to see if the composer is still active socket.emit('event:composer.ping', data.uuid); }, 1000*10); // Every 10 seconds... SocketModules.composer.replyHash[data.uuid] = data; }; SocketModules.composer.pingInactive = function(socket, uuid) { var data = SocketModules.composer.replyHash[uuid]; if (SocketModules.composer.replyHash[uuid]) { server.in('topic_' + data.tid).emit('event:topic.replyStop', data.uid); clearInterval(data.timer); delete SocketModules.composer.replyHash[uuid]; } }; /* Chat */ SocketModules.chats = {}; SocketModules.chats.get = function(socket, data, callback) { if(!data) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } Messaging.getMessages(socket.uid, data.touid, callback); }; SocketModules.chats.send = function(socket, data) { if(!data) { return callback(new Error('invalid data')); } var touid = data.touid; if (touid === socket.uid || socket.uid === 0) { return; } var msg = S(data.message).stripTags().s; user.getMultipleUserFields([socket.uid, touid], ['username', 'userslug', 'picture'], function(err, usersData) { if(err) { return; } var username = usersData[0].username, toUsername = usersData[1].username, finalMessage = username + ' : ' + msg, notifText = 'New message from ' + username + ''; if (!module.parent.exports.isUserOnline(touid)) { notifications.create({ text: notifText, path: 'javascript:app.openChat('' + username + '', ' + socket.uid + ');', uniqueId: 'notification_' + socket.uid + '_' + touid, from: socket.uid }, function(nid) { notifications.push(nid, [touid], function(success) { }); }); } usersData[0].uid = socket.uid; usersData[1].uid = touid; Messaging.parse(msg, socket.uid, socket.uid, usersData[1], usersData[0], true, function(parsed) { Messaging.addMessage(socket.uid, touid, msg, function(err, message) { server.getUserSockets(touid).forEach(function(s) { s.emit('event:chats.receive', { fromuid: socket.uid, username: username, message: parsed, timestamp: Date.now() }); }); server.getUserSockets(socket.uid).forEach(function(s) { s.emit('event:chats.receive', { fromuid: touid, username: toUsername, message: parsed, timestamp: Date.now() }); }); }); }); }); }; SocketModules.chats.list = function(socket, data, callback) { Messaging.getRecentChats(socket.uid, callback); }; /* Notifications */ SocketModules.notifications = {}; SocketModules.notifications.mark_read = function(socket, nid) { notifications.mark_read(nid, socket.uid); }; SocketModules.notifications.mark_all_read = function(socket, data, callback) { notifications.mark_all_read(socket.uid, callback); }; module.exports = SocketModules;