var path = require('path'), fs = require('fs'), nconf = require('nconf'), express = require('express'), express_namespace = require('express-namespace'), WebServer = express(), server, winston = require('winston'), validator = require('validator'), async = require('async'), S = require('string'), qs = require('querystring'), pkg = require('../package.json'), utils = require('../public/src/utils'), db = require('./database'), user = require('./user'), categories = require('./categories'), CategoryTools = require('./categoryTools'), posts = require('./posts'), topics = require('./topics'), ThreadTools = require('./threadTools'), notifications = require('./notifications'), auth = require('./routes/authentication'), meta = require('./meta'), plugins = require('./plugins'), logger = require('./logger'), templates = require('./../public/src/templates'), translator = require('./../public/src/translator'), controllers = require('./controllers'), admin = require('./routes/admin'), userRoute = require('./routes/user'), apiRoute = require('./routes/api'), feedsRoute = require('./routes/feeds'), metaRoute = require('./routes/meta'); if(nconf.get('ssl')) { server = require('https').createServer({ key: fs.readFileSync(nconf.get('ssl').key), cert: fs.readFileSync(nconf.get('ssl').cert) }, WebServer); } else { server = require('http').createServer(WebServer); } module.exports.server = server; // Signals var shutdown = function(code) {'[app] Shutdown (SIGTERM/SIGINT) Initialised.'); db.close();'[app] Database connection closed.');'[app] Shutdown complete.'); process.exit(); }, restart = function() { if (process.send) {'[app] Restarting...'); process.send('nodebb:restart'); } else { winston.error('[app] Could not restart server. Shutting down.'); shutdown(); } }; process.on('SIGTERM', shutdown); process.on('SIGINT', shutdown); process.on('SIGHUP', restart); process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { winston.error('[app] Encountered Uncaught Exception: ' + err.message); console.log(err.stack); restart(); }); (function (app) { "use strict"; var clientScripts; plugins.ready(function() { // Minify client-side libraries meta.js.get(function (err, scripts) { clientScripts = (script) { script = { script: script }; return script; }); }); }); app.prepareAPI = function(req, res, next) { res.locals.isAPI = true; next(); }; app.authenticate = function(req, res, next) { if(!req.user) { if (res.locals.isAPI) { return res.json(403, 'not-allowed'); } else { return res.redirect('403'); } } else { next(); } }; app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings = function(req, res, next) { if(!req.user && !!parseInt(meta.config.privateUserInfo, 10)) { if (res.locals.isAPI) { return res.json(403, 'not-allowed'); } else { return res.redirect('403'); } } next(); }; app.buildHeader = function(req, res, next) { async.parallel([ function(next) { // temp, don't forget to set metaTags and linkTags to res.locals.header app.build_header({ req: req, res: res }, function(err, template) { res.locals.header = template; next(err); }); }, function(next) { app.render('footer', {}, function(err, template) { res.locals.footer = template; next(err); }); } ], function(err) { next(); }); }; /** * `options` object requires: req, res * accepts: metaTags, linkTags */ app.build_header = function (options, callback) { var custom_header = { 'navigation': [] }; plugins.fireHook('', custom_header, function(err, custom_header) { var defaultMetaTags = [{ name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no' }, { name: 'content-type', content: 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' }, { name: 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable', content: 'yes' }, { property: 'og:site_name', content: meta.config.title || 'NodeBB' }, { property: 'keywords', content: meta.config.keywords || '' }], defaultLinkTags = [{ rel: 'apple-touch-icon', href: '/apple-touch-icon' }], templateValues = { bootswatchCSS: meta.config['theme:src'], pluginCSS: { return { path: nconf.get('relative_path') + file.replace(/\\/g, '/') }; }), title: meta.config.title || '', description: meta.config.description || '', 'brand:logo': meta.config['brand:logo'] || '', 'brand:logo:display': meta.config['brand:logo']?'':'hide', csrf: options.res.locals.csrf_token, relative_path: nconf.get('relative_path'), clientScripts: clientScripts, navigation: custom_header.navigation, 'cache-buster': meta.config['cache-buster'] ? 'v=' + meta.config['cache-buster'] : '', allowRegistration: meta.config.allowRegistration === undefined || parseInt(meta.config.allowRegistration, 10) === 1, searchEnabled: plugins.hasListeners('filter:search.query') ? true : false }, escapeList = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', "'": ''', '"': '"' }; var uid = '0'; // Meta Tags /*templateValues.metaTags = defaultMetaTags.concat(options.metaTags || []).map(function(tag) { if(!tag || typeof tag.content !== 'string') { winston.warn('Invalid meta tag. ', tag); return tag; } tag.content = tag.content.replace(/[&<>'"]/g, function(tag) { return escapeList[tag] || tag; }); return tag; });*/ // Link Tags /*templateValues.linkTags = defaultLinkTags.concat(options.linkTags || []); templateValues.linkTags.push({ rel: "icon", type: "image/x-icon", href: nconf.get('relative_path') + '/favicon.ico' });*/ if(options.req.user && options.req.user.uid) { uid = options.req.user.uid; } // Custom CSS templateValues.useCustomCSS = false; if (meta.config.useCustomCSS === '1') { templateValues.useCustomCSS = true; templateValues.customCSS = meta.config.customCSS; } async.parallel([ function(next) { translator.get('pages:' + path.basename(options.req.url), function(translated) { /*var metaTitle = templateValues.metaTags.filter(function(tag) { return === 'title'; }); if (translated) { templateValues.browserTitle = translated; } else if (metaTitle.length > 0 && metaTitle[0].content) { templateValues.browserTitle = metaTitle[0].content; } else { templateValues.browserTitle = meta.config.browserTitle || 'NodeBB'; }*/ next(); }); }, function(next) { user.isAdministrator(uid, function(err, isAdmin) { templateValues.isAdmin = isAdmin || false; next(); }); } ], function() { /*translator.translate(templates.header.parse(templateValues), function(template) { callback(null, template); });*/ app.render('header', templateValues, function(err, template) { callback(null, template) }); }); }); }; // Cache static files on production if (global.env !== 'development') { app.enable('cache'); app.enable('minification'); // Configure cache-buster timestamp require('child_process').exec('git describe --tags', { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '../') }, function(err, stdOut) { if (!err) { meta.config['cache-buster'] = stdOut.trim(); //'[init] Cache buster value set to: ' + stdOut); } else { fs.stat(path.join(__dirname, '../package.json'), function(err, stats) { meta.config['cache-buster'] = new Date(stats.mtime).getTime(); }); } }); } // Middlewares app.configure(function() { app.engine('tpl', templates.__express); app.set('view engine', 'tpl'); app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, '../public/templates')); async.series([ function(next) { // Pre-router middlewares app.use(express.compress()); logger.init(app); // favicon & apple-touch-icon middleware app.use(express.favicon(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'public', meta.config['brand:favicon'] ? meta.config['brand:favicon'] : 'favicon.ico'))); app.use('/apple-touch-icon', function(req, res) { if (meta.config['brand:logo'] && validator.isURL(meta.config['brand:logo'])) { return res.redirect(meta.config['brand:logo']); } else { return res.sendfile(path.join(__dirname, '../public', meta.config['brand:logo'] || nconf.get('relative_path') + '/logo.png'), { maxAge: app.enabled('cache') ? 5184000000 : 0 }); } }); app.use(require('less-middleware')({ src: path.join(__dirname, '../', 'public'), prefix: nconf.get('relative_path'), yuicompress: app.enabled('minification') ? true : false })); app.use(express.bodyParser()); // Puts POST vars in request.body app.use(express.cookieParser()); // If you want to parse cookies (res.cookies) app.use(express.session({ store: db.sessionStore, secret: nconf.get('secret'), key: 'express.sid', cookie: { maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * parseInt(meta.configs.loginDays || 14, 10) } })); app.use(express.csrf()); if (nconf.get('port') != 80 && nconf.get('port') != 443 && nconf.get('use_port') === false) {'Enabling \'trust proxy\''); app.enable('trust proxy'); } if ((nconf.get('port') == 80 || nconf.get('port') == 443) && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {'Using ports 80 and 443 is not recommend; use a proxy instead. See'); } // Local vars, other assorted setup app.use(function (req, res, next) { res.locals.csrf_token = req.session._csrf; // Disable framing res.setHeader('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN'); // Log IP address db.sortedSetAdd('ip:recent', +new Date(), req.ip || 'Unknown'); next(); }); app.use(function(req, res, next) { // res.render post-processing middleware, modified from here: var render = res.render; res.render = function(template, options, fn) { var self = this, options = options || {}, req = this.req, app =, defaultFn = function(err, str){ if (err) { return; } self.send(str); }; if ('function' == typeof options) { fn = options, options = {}; } if ('function' != typeof fn) { fn = defaultFn; }, template, options, function(err, str) { if (res.locals.header) { str = res.locals.header + str; } if (res.locals.footer) { str = str + res.locals.footer; } if (str) { translator.translate(str, function(translated) { fn(err, translated); }); } else { fn(err, str); } }); }; next(); }); // Authentication Routes auth.initialize(app); next(); }, function(next) { async.parallel([ function(next) { db.getObjectFields('config', ['theme:type', 'theme:id', 'theme:staticDir', 'theme:templates'], function(err, themeData) { var themeId = (themeData['theme:id'] || 'nodebb-theme-vanilla'); // Detect if a theme has been selected, and handle appropriately if (!themeData['theme:type'] || themeData['theme:type'] === 'local') { // Local theme if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {'[themes] Using theme ' + themeId); } // Theme's static directory if (themeData['theme:staticDir']) { app.use('/css/assets', express.static(path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), themeData['theme:id'], themeData['theme:staticDir']), { maxAge: app.enabled('cache') ? 5184000000 : 0 })); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {'Static directory routed for theme: ' + themeData['theme:id']); } } if (themeData['theme:templates']) { app.use('/templates', express.static(path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), themeData['theme:id'], themeData['theme:templates']), { maxAge: app.enabled('cache') ? 5184000000 : 0 })); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {'Custom templates directory routed for theme: ' + themeData['theme:id']); } } next(); } else { // If not using a local theme (bootswatch, etc), drop back to vanilla if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {'[themes] Using theme ' + themeId); } app.use(require('less-middleware')({ src: path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'), '/nodebb-theme-vanilla'), dest: path.join(__dirname, '../public/css'), prefix: nconf.get('relative_path') + '/css', yuicompress: app.enabled('minification') ? true : false })); next(); } }); // Route paths to screenshots for installed themes meta.themes.get(function(err, themes) { var screenshotPath; async.each(themes, function(themeObj, next) { if (themeObj.screenshot) { screenshotPath = path.join(nconf.get('themes_path'),, themeObj.screenshot); (function(id, path) { fs.exists(path, function(exists) { if (exists) { app.get('/css/previews/' + id, function(req, res) { res.sendfile(path); }); } }); })(, screenshotPath); } else { next(false); } }); }); } ], next); }, function(next) { // Router & post-router middlewares app.use(app.router); // Static directory /public app.use(nconf.get('relative_path'), express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../', 'public'), { maxAge: app.enabled('cache') ? 5184000000 : 0 })); // 404 catch-all app.use(function (req, res, next) { var isLanguage = new RegExp('^' + nconf.get('relative_path') + '/language/[\\w]{2,}/.*.json'), isClientScript = new RegExp('^' + nconf.get('relative_path') + '\\/src\\/forum(\\/admin)?\\/[\\w]+\\.js'); res.status(404); if (isClientScript.test(req.url)) { // Handle missing client-side scripts res.type('text/javascript').send(200, ''); } else if (isLanguage.test(req.url)) { // Handle languages by sending an empty object res.json(200, {}); } else if (req.accepts('html')) { // respond with html page if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.warn('Route requested but not found: ' + req.url); } res.redirect(nconf.get('relative_path') + '/404'); } else if (req.accepts('json')) { // respond with json if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { winston.warn('Route requested but not found: ' + req.url); } res.json({ error: 'Not found' }); } else { // default to plain-text. send() res.type('txt').send('Not found'); } }); app.use(function (err, req, res, next) { // we may use properties of the error object // here and next(err) appropriately, or if // we possibly recovered from the error, simply next(). console.error(err.stack); var status = err.status || 500; res.status(status); res.json(status, { error: err.message }); }); next(); } ], function(err) { if (err) { winston.error('Errors were encountered while attempting to initialise NodeBB.'); process.exit(); } else { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {'Middlewares loaded.'); } } }); }); module.exports.init = function () { // translate all static templates served by webserver here. ex. footer, logout /*plugins.fireHook('', '', function(err, appendHTML) { var footer = templates.footer.parse({ footerHTML: appendHTML }); translator.translate(footer, function(parsedTemplate) { templates.footer = parsedTemplate; }); });*/ plugins.fireHook('action:app.load', app); /*translator.translate(templates.logout.toString(), function(parsedTemplate) { templates.logout = parsedTemplate; });*/ server.on("error", function(e){ if (e.code === 'EADDRINUSE') { winston.error('NodeBB address in use, exiting...'); process.exit(1); } else { throw e; } }); var port = nconf.get('PORT') || nconf.get('port');'NodeBB attempting to listen on: ' + ((nconf.get('bind_address') === "" || !nconf.get('bind_address')) ? '' : nconf.get('bind_address')) + ':' + port); server.listen(port, nconf.get('bind_address'), function(){'NodeBB Ready'); }); }; app.create_route = function (url, tpl) { // to remove var routerScript = ''; return routerScript; }; app.namespace(nconf.get('relative_path'), function () { auth.registerApp(app); metaRoute.createRoutes(app); admin.createRoutes(app); userRoute.createRoutes(app); apiRoute.createRoutes(app); feedsRoute.createRoutes(app); // Basic Routes (entirely client-side parsed, goal is to move the rest of the crap in this file into this one section) (function () { var routes = ['account'], loginRequired = ['notifications']; async.each(routes.concat(loginRequired), function(route, next) { app.get('/' + route, function (req, res) { if ((route === 'register' || route === 'login') && (req.user && req.user.uid > 0)) { user.getUserField(req.user.uid, 'userslug', function (err, userslug) { res.redirect('/user/' + userslug); }); return; } else if(route === 'register' && meta.config.allowRegistration !== undefined && parseInt(meta.config.allowRegistration, 10) === 0) { return res.redirect('/403'); } else if (loginRequired.indexOf(route) !== -1 && !req.user) { return res.redirect('/403'); } app.build_header({ req: req, res: res }, function (err, header) { res.send((isNaN(parseInt(route, 10)) ? 200 : parseInt(route, 10)), header + app.create_route(route) + templates.footer); }); }); }); }()); /* Main */ app.get('/', app.buildHeader, controllers.home); app.get('/api/home', app.prepareAPI, controllers.home); app.get('/login', app.buildHeader, controllers.login); app.get('/api/login', app.prepareAPI, controllers.login); app.get('/register', app.buildHeader, controllers.register); app.get('/api/register', app.prepareAPI, controllers.register); app.get('/confirm/:code', app.buildHeader, controllers.confirmEmail); app.get('/api/confirm/:code', app.prepareAPI, controllers.confirmEmail); app.get('/sitemap.xml', controllers.sitemap); app.get('/robots.txt', controllers.robots); app.get('/outgoing', app.buildHeader, controllers.outgoing); app.get('/api/outgoing', app.prepareAPI, controllers.outgoing); /* Static Pages */ app.get('/404', app.buildHeader, controllers.static['404']); app.get('/api/404', app.prepareAPI, controllers.static['404']); app.get('/403', app.buildHeader, controllers.static['403']); app.get('/api/403', app.prepareAPI, controllers.static['403']); app.get('/500', app.buildHeader, controllers.static['500']); app.get('/api/500', app.prepareAPI, controllers.static['500']); /* Topics */ app.get('/topic/:topic_id/:slug?', app.buildHeader, controllers.topics.get); app.get('/api/topic/:topic_id/:slug?', app.prepareAPI, controllers.topics.get); /* Categories */ app.get('/popular/:set?', app.buildHeader, controllers.categories.popular); app.get('/api/popular/:set?', app.prepareAPI, controllers.categories.popular); app.get('/recent/:term?', app.buildHeader, controllers.categories.recent); app.get('/api/recent/:term?', app.prepareAPI, controllers.categories.recent); app.get('/unread/', app.buildHeader, app.authenticate, controllers.categories.unread); app.get('/api/unread/', app.prepareAPI, app.authenticate, controllers.categories.unread); app.get('/unread/total', app.buildHeader, app.authenticate, controllers.categories.unreadTotal); app.get('/api/unread/total', app.prepareAPI, app.authenticate, controllers.categories.unreadTotal); app.get('/category/:category_id/:slug?', app.buildHeader, controllers.categories.get); app.get('/api/category/:category_id/:slug?', app.prepareAPI, controllers.categories.get); /* Accounts */ app.get'/user/:userslug', app.buildHeader, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.getAccount); app.get'/api/user/:userslug', app.prepareAPI, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings controllers.accounts.getAccount); app.get'/user/:userslug/following', app.buildHeader, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.getFollowing); app.get'/api/user/:userslug/following', app.prepareAPI, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings controllers.accounts.getFollowing); app.get'/user/:userslug/followers', app.buildHeader, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.getFollowers); app.get'/api/user/:userslug/followers', app.prepareAPI, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings controllers.accounts.getFollowers); app.get'/user/:userslug/favourites', app.buildHeader, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.getFavourites); app.get'/api/user/:userslug/favourites', app.prepareAPI, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings controllers.accounts.getFavourites); app.get'/user/:userslug/posts', app.buildHeader, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.getPosts); app.get'/api/user/:userslug/posts', app.prepareAPI, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings controllers.accounts.getPosts); app.get'/user/:userslug/edit', app.buildHeader, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.accountEdit); app.get'/api/user/:userslug/edit', app.prepareAPI, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings controllers.accounts.accountEdit); app.get'/user/:userslug/settings', app.buildHeader, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings, controllers.accounts.accountSettings); app.get'/api/user/:userslug/settings', app.prepareAPI, app.checkGlobalPrivacySettings controllers.accounts.accountSettings); app.get('/search/:term?', function (req, res) { if (!req.user && meta.config.allowGuestSearching !== '1') { return res.redirect('/403'); } if(!req.params.term) { req.params.term = ''; } app.build_header({ req: req, res: res }, function (err, header) { res.send(header + app.create_route('search/' + req.params.term, null, 'search') + templates.footer); }); }); // Other routes require('./routes/plugins')(app); // Debug routes if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { require('./routes/debug')(app); } var custom_routes = { 'routes': [], 'api': [], 'templates': [] }; app.get_custom_templates = function() { return { return tpl.template.split('.tpl')[0]; }); }; plugins.ready(function() { plugins.fireHook('filter:server.create_routes', custom_routes, function(err, custom_routes) { var routes = custom_routes.routes; for (var route in routes) { if (routes.hasOwnProperty(route)) { (function(route) { app[routes[route].method || 'get'](routes[route].route, function(req, res) { routes[route].options(req, res, function(options) { app.build_header({ req: options.req || req, res: options.res || res }, function (err, header) { res.send(header + options.content + templates.footer); }); }); }); }(route)); } } var apiRoutes = custom_routes.api; for (var route in apiRoutes) { if (apiRoutes.hasOwnProperty(route)) { (function(route) { app[apiRoutes[route].method || 'get']('/api' + apiRoutes[route].route, function(req, res) { apiRoutes[route].callback(req, res, function(data) { res.json(data); }); }); }(route)); } } var templateRoutes = custom_routes.templates; for (var route in templateRoutes) { if (templateRoutes.hasOwnProperty(route)) { (function(route) { app.get('/templates/' + templateRoutes[route].template, function(req, res) { res.send(templateRoutes[route].content); }); }(route)); } } }); }); }); }(WebServer));